There are already 41 users and 4,032 genealogy profiles with the Beekman surname on Geni. Explore Beekman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Aimée Beekman (aastani 1953 Aimée Malla, passis Aime; Tallinna Püha Vaimu koguduse ristimisraamatus Aimeé,sündinud 20. aprillil 1933 Tallinnas) on eesti kirjanik.
Lõpetas 1956. aastal Üleliidulise Kin...
Children of Susannah Jans and Marten Beekman:
Hendrick m. Annetje Quackenbush, dau. of Pieter Quackenbush & Martje -?-.
Annetje's birth date is based on the birth of her last child in 1697.
The 169...
Wilhelmus Beekman and Catharine De Boogh his wife had children:
I. Maria Beekman, baptized June 26, 1650; married May 5, 1672, Nicholas William Stuyvesant, bom in 1648; died in 1695; son of Governor P...
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