There are already 10 users and 1,030 genealogy profiles with the Beeckman surname on Geni. Explore Beeckman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Children of Susannah Jans and Marten Beekman:
Hendrick m. Annetje Quackenbush, dau. of Pieter Quackenbush & Martje -?-.
Annetje's birth date is based on the birth of her last child in 1697.
The 169...
Biography Eva Vinhagen Beekman, by Stefan Bielinski. New York State Museum
Eva Vinhagen was born about 1670. She was the daughter of Albany businessman Jan Dirckse and his wife, Maria Vanderpoel Vinha...
Children of Susannah Jans and Marten Beekman:
1. Hendrick m. Annetje Quackenbush, dau. of Pieter Quackenbush & Martje -?-.
Hendrick was born about 1645, the son of Albany pioneers Martin...
Henricus Martinus Beeckman
Rotterdam, Netherlands, Marriage Index, 1811-1935
Birth: Circa 1865 - Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland
Marriage: Oct 16 1890 - Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland
Wife: Anna Be...
Beroep: Secretaris van Asperen, drossaard (1762-1785), Oppergasthuismeester (1766) en dijkgraaf der stad en baronnie van Asperen (vermeld op 07-03-1784, bron: Notarieel Archief Utrect, Notaris P. van L...
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