According to a tradition Báthory family of hungarian and polish kings descends from gothic
Baltha clan both of these names meaning approaximately 'brave'. Indeed, Andreas ( Wanda-Rewa ) de Bathur living until about 1496 of italian counting that began in 1349 b.c. ,may well be identical with Ming-Yuan-Di ( Mingi-Wandi ) king of Wei dynasty ,
until 147 that corresponds to 423 of parthian aera, in parts of China . He was the son of Daowudi Toba-Guai and likely brother of Thaiwudi that is of Theoderik of
wesi-goths ruling until 451 of Seleykid aera equal to 139,maybe identical with Stephan Bathory, brother of Andreas .
Daowudi himself ,king until about 410 that is 134 or "1483",is identical with Alarik as the first David , king of Hiero-Solyma in Roraima and of the whole of the Earth was by swedes in his time called
Alrik ,ruling until about 1082 b.c..
Wei dynasty itself may have been founded by and named of E'aya-Wa king of Am-Medawa-Na in
about XIV.century b.c. ,ancestor of medo-wei tribe related to abshua that is to shwab. Later came toba alias kom and guai-kuru nation likely from Uruguay ,partly ancestors of today's uigurs,and they were also called tabgach ( for tob'-gotsh ) .
It is possible or even very likely Baltha family was related to more kings of Pannonia bearing Bato or Batho name or title,what another tradition claims . Guth-Keled might have meant west-goth in a time when today's West was yet East before the birth of Hus.
Jews and christians read 'Ewi and Midyan .
See Csoba,Kominka,Permyakov,Bethlen,Romanov,Steppinger,Feld,Markmann,Horpatzky,Zaks,Szepesy, Hunyady,Tausig,Eriksson,Szecsődy,Sokac,Cherkasov,Abaházi,Schwab,Österreicher,Matyó,Csobánka, Tamudo,Itzkovits,Zoltán,Dósa,Bondy and more !
Balázs Déri