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Aviz Genealogy and Aviz Family History Information

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  • Duarte de Aviz, archbishop of Braga (1529 - 1543)
    By Isabel Moniz Duarte , Archbishop of Braga (1529 - 11 November 1543) Natural son. Duarte di Portogallo † (6 febbraio 1542 - 11 novembre 1543 deceduto) please inexperienced new users ...
  • Dom Gonçalo Afonso D'Aviz Trastâmara Fernandes (c.1475 - 1539)
    D.Gonçalo Afonso de Aviz, nobre português da Casa Espanhola dos de Trastâmara Es casà, en segones núpcies, el 30 de maig de 1475 amb la seva neboda Joana la Beltraneja, filla d'Enric IV de Castella i...
  • Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 - 1460)
    (click on link for complete English version or see below)Henry the Navigator (Portuguese pronunciation: ẽˈʁik(ɨ); Portuguese: Henrique o Navegador Porto, 4 March 1394 – 13 November 1460) was an infante...
  • Isabella of Portugal (1503 - 1539)
    Isabella of Portugal ( 24 October 1503 – 1 May 1539) was the daughter of Manuel I of Portugal and Maria of Aragon. She was Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain, Germany, Italy, Naples and Sicily and D...
  • John III "The Pious" king of Portugal (1502 - 1557)
    John III (Portuguese: João III; 7 June 1502 – 11 June 1557), nicknamed The Pious (Portuguese: o Piedoso), was the King of Portugal and the Algarves from 1521 until his death in 1557. He was the son...

About the Aviz surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Aviz surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Aviz surname.

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