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  • 1st wife of John Ashton (b. - bef.1670)
    References *Fitzhugh, Norman S. “Captain John Ashton of Westmoreland County, Virginia, and Some of His Descendants.” The William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 2, 1934, pp. 151–155. JSTOR,
  • Agnes Ashton (c.1500 - aft.1558)
    Agnes Mainwaring (living 17 Jun 1558), dau. of Charles Mainwaring of Croxton, King's Atty. for co. Chester & Katherine, dau. of Robert Dokenfield of Dukinfield, co. Chester.Marriagem. James Ashton of C...
  • Alan C. Ashton
    C. Ashton (born 1942) is the co-founder of WordPerfect Corporation and a former professor at Brigham Young University. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, he is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latt...
  • Alice Williams (1564 - 1634)
    In her will she left £10 yearly, for twenty years, to her son, Roger, "now beyond the seas;" or, in case of his death, to his wife and daughter. She provided for the distribution of bread to the poor o...
  • Alice Ashton (c.1583 - 1643)
    Not the daughter of Roger Honeychurch Alice (—) Ashton John Anderson Brayton, “The Wrong James and Alice (—) Ashton, Alas!” The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (160[2006]:60): “The...

About the Ashton surname

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