Ashkenaz was the name of the area which is today Germany and north France. The jews which their origin was that area and migrated to Arab countries or Spain, are called Ashkenazi. the name of the origin remained for hundreds of years. In Germany they were all Ashkenazim therefore they didn't call each other Ashkenazi.
Balázs Déri's opinion :
Saba, king of Kush from about 2073 b.c. may be identical with Sabádios (Saba'a-Di) ancestor of some thrakians called by greeks sometimes Dionysos and in cases Aidés or Hadés,and by latins just shortly Dis or Plutón. He is the forefather of Saba-Inga family ruling all over America and especially in its Southern part after the division of the country about 1043 b.c. after the depart of king A-She-Lam-Maha called by writers in byblical hebrew traditional language Awa-Ha-Yad-Daha corresponding to Aidés ( Awid or Awayad ) and to Hadés.
He was succeeded there first by S'paretda and then by As-Kentdo. His son ruling in Khaldaia of Babylónia might have been Mar-Dokent of the yüts who was then followed by Már-Dák and Sisi-Mar-Dák who are therefore likely to be identical with A-Pa-Rat-Sa,ancestor of Spárta,Ak-Had-Tsher-a-yan-Na - Hadés the one of whom Thrakia and Thrinakia (Tsherayannaak ) later called Sikelia got its name - and his and grandson respectively Awar-Reg-Ham-Ma'ala and Ar-Ram-Ma and his son A-Mar-Gad-She or A-Mar-Get-Sa.
Dáks in Transsylvania and elsewhere descend from geta nation in Thrákia,just like agathyrs (a-gad-she-ures ) tribe ruled in Dákia at a time.
Another branch of Saba-Inga family released Azheragha's tribes generally called zhé nation among them the rulers of Troia in ancient Thrakia alias Trudheim where some of skandinavian aesir came from namely Askanios son of Zeus and Aineiás and Brutos and all later kings of Roma and much of Europe including Brittania where finally some people may have come from through Germania into Eastern Europe to form part of "yütdish" ashkanazi "jewry" : Askana-Ze .
Jews and chritians pronounce Shlomoh,Yehudah,Zerakh,Perets,Khetsron,Yerakhme'el,RamMaats.
See Tevan, Deutsch, Maramuresan, Sugatagi, Urs, Kalotaszegi, Szegedi, Szögedi, Bagratuni, Zsidó, Magyar, Csernák, Bruder, Indig, Brodnik, German, Trokán, Kohn, Madrid, Sidó, Dömölky, Schweiger, Levkovits, Davidovits, Gyönki, Szanki, Diamant !