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  • Abigail Ashby (1636 - 1682)
    Abigail Hutchinson* Birth: Dec 25 1636 - Salem, Essex, Mass* Death: Unknown* Parents: Richard Hutchinson, Mr., Alice Hutchinson* Husband: John Lambert, Anthony AshbyChildren include: # Thomas LAMBERT(1...
  • Ann Manigault (1705 - 1782)
    Anne Ashby (daughter of John Ashby and Constantia Broughton) was born 10 November 1705 in Charleston, South Carolina, and died 24 April 1782 in Charleston, South Carolina. She married Gabriel Manigault...
  • Ann Farrow (1745 - c.1815)
    Ann Ashby (Farrow) (10 JAN 1745 - 6 OCT 1807)
  • Anne Ashby (c.1755 - 1785)
  • Anne Eaton [Free Settler "Hyderabad" 1848] (c.1836 - 1909)
    Ann EATON was born c1836 Southgate, Middlesex, London (daughter of George EATON and Eliza HARRIS)Ann emmigrated to Australia with her parents and siblings, arriving in Sydney Cove in February 1848 on "...

About the Ashby surname


Apparently from an unidentified source:

English: habitational name from any of the numerous places in northern and eastern England called Ashby, from Old Norse askr ‘ash’ or the Old Norse personal name Aski + býr ‘farm’.

other versions of this surname