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Apter Genealogy and Apter Family History Information

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  • R' Elijah (Eliezer Hirschel) Apter (b. - 1737)
    Elijah (Eliezer Hirschel) Apter, died 1737.He was the son of R' Zvi Hirsch, He married his first cousin, daughter of Samuel Katzenellenbogen and Reina.Samuel was Parnas of the Posen communityElijah was...
  • Henryk Apter (1905 - 1955)
    . 3 Feb 1905 #65d. after 1939
  • Jozef Henryk Apter (1903 - 1955)
    . 26/10/1903 #702
  • William Stanley Apter
    William Stanley Apter (born October 22, 1945)[1] is an American journalist and photographer specializing in professional wrestling. He was an editorial staff member and photographer for several magaz...
  • R' Zvi Hirsch Apter, Parnas of Kalisz community (b. - 1704)
    R' Zvi Hirsch (Hirschel) Apter, Parnas (President) of the Kalisz community, died about 1704.=Source of Above=The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (1990) Volume 1, Chapter 11, page 26, G 8.2According to...

About the Apter surname

אפטר שם משפחה יהודי אשכנזי. אחד הפירושים לשם משפחה זה: יוצאי העיר אפטא Opatow, הקרויה ביידיש: אפט[%D7%94] Apte, ובגרמנית: אבט Abt

Apter yDNA Haplogroups: E-BY36681 []; I-A1965 []; J-M267 [].