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Anselmo Genealogy and Anselmo Family History Information

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  • Anna Anthonis Anselmo (1583 - 1630)
  • Fortunato Anselmo (1883 - 1965)
    Fortunato Anselmo (October 1, 1883 – July 15, 1965) was the Vice Consul of Italy of Salt Lake City from the 1920s to the beginning of World War II and again from 1950 to 1965. Well respected for his ...
  • Giovanni Anselmo (1934 - 2023)
    Giovanni Anselmo (Borgofranco d'Ivrea, 5 agosto 1934 – Torino, 18 dicembre 2023) è stato un artista italiano, attivo in seno al movimento artistico dell'Arte povera.
  • Ilaria Cucchi
    Ilaria Cucchi (Roma, 22 giugno 1974) è un'attivista e politica italiana, senatrice nella XIX legislatura.
  • Mary Anselmo
    Mary Anselmo is an American billionaire businesswoman. She is the widow of Rene Anselmo, the founder of PanAmSat, the first privately held satellite communications company in the United States.

About the Anselmo surname

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Anselm. Derived from the Germanic elements ans "god" and helm "helmet, protection". This name was brought to England in the late 11th century by Saint Anselm, who was born in northern Italy. He was archbishop of Canterbury and a Doctor of the Church.