PROGETTO SU LIZZANO Biagi Carpani Pozzi Fioresi Castelli Bernardini Farneti Franci Lenzi Marcacci PORRETTA TERME - Gambetta, Montolivo
======= NOTICE: ======= The isolation of the biblical tree is practically complete. Everything as far as Zerubbabel is back in one piece. Still remaining is to clean up some of his grandchildren. Also possibly reconnecting various lines to the tree, after verifying them, and making sure they have no connections to modern times. Details can be found in the dedicated project: Biblical Tree - Iso...
Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Kiikalassa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta -projektiin. ===Kiikalan paikkakuntaprojekti===* Kiikala suomeksi Kiikala ruotsiksi Kiikala in English ähipaikkakuntien projekteja=== Varsinais-Suomi Perustettu 22.8.2016 projektipohjia. Paikkakuntiin voi liittyä, L...
Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Hiittisissä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta -projektiin. ===Hiittisten paikkakuntaprojekti===Ruotsinkielinen nimi HitisVanhat nimet Hiitti, Kirkesunds skär* Hiittinen suomeksi Hitis på svenska Hiittinen -Hitis in English ähipaikkakuntien projekteja=== Varsin...
A project focused on Italian economy, present and past. Everyone can join this project
RECANATI Leopardi, Messi Angelo 14 AUG 2023
THE UNBROKEN CHAIN Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of Illustrious Jewish Families from the 15th - 21th Century. Dr. Neil Rosenstein's magnum opus The Unbroken Chain was first published as a single volume in 1976. An expanded two-volume second edition of "The Unbroken Chain" was published in 1990. The author announced in December 2012 that he was in the process of earnestly editing and prep...
Krasny Val (before 1930's - Molostvovka) human settlement in Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . For parent project, see here . Wikipedia DISCLAIMER: If you are going to add profiles into this project, please add them into the parent project as well.
Projekti aloitettiin 24.9.2017 Sammatti on Uudenmaan maakunnassa sijaitseva Suomen entinen kunta. Sammatti yhdistyi vuoden 2009 alussa Lohjan kaupunkiin Sammatti Hiskissä - Sammatti Wikipedia - Sammatin kylät (Hiskin mukaan) Haarijärvi (Haarjärvi), Kaukola, Kiikala, Leikkilä, Lohilampi, Luskala, Myllykylä, Niemenkylä, Sammatti Historia Sammatista tunnetaan kahdeksan esihi...
The objective of this project is to identify all the profiles that are locked, either permanently or temporarily while pending arrangements for them to be unlocked. The Project Merge Issues turns this job so much easy. All curators are invited to participate. Feel free to improve this description. Explanation of Locked Profiles Geni allows the curators to create Master Profiles (MPs). Any PR...
This project highlights famous/notable people who use their middle names instead of their first names.* middle names= Used with permission from the Geni Blog . While the concept of a "middle name" has been around since the Middle Ages, it was not until 1835 that the phrase "middle name" first appeared in the Harvard University periodical Harvadiana . The three-name structure commonly found toda...
Московский Государственный Университет имени М. В. Ломоносова ( МГУ ) - это один из самых известных университетов России. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Москва Education Portal
The is part of the larger Biblical-Tree project. This "project" is a place to save links to biblical profiles that are presently NOT attached to the main tree, until they are resolved. i.e. just ignore it.
Settlement of the county began in 1727, when Adam Miller (Mueller) staked out a claim on the south fork of the Shenandoah River, near the line that now divides Rockingham County from Page County. On a trip through eastern Virginia, the German-born Miller had heard reports about a lush valley to the west which had been discovered by Governor Alexander Spotswood's legendary Knights of the Golden ...
Costigliole d'Asti - Sismondo INCISA SCAPACCINO - Albenga MONCALVO - Testa-Fochi PORTACOMARO - Arri Agliano Terme, Albugnano, Antignano, Aramengo, Asti, Azzano d'Asti, Baldichieri d'Asti, Belveglio, Berzano di San Pietro, Bruno, Bubbio, Buttigliera d'Asti, Calamandrana, Calliano, Calosso, Camerano Casasco, Canelli, Cantarana, Capriglio, Casorzo, Cassinasco, Castagnole delle Lanze, Casta...
Tradução: Este é um projeto de portal do país, que se destina a ser um recurso para usuários de um determinado país. Ele pode conter conselhos sobre a melhor forma de usar o Geni em seu país, como convenções de nomenclatura de perfis, instruções de tradução, onde encontrar recursos de genealogia e muito mais. Você pode participar do projeto para contribuir ou segui-lo se desejar receber apenas ...
Projektin toimintaperiaatteista===Jos sinulla on juuria Mouhijärvellä, olet muusta syystä kiinnostunut paikkakunnan sukuhistoriasta tai vain hallinnoit mouhijärveläisten Geni-profiileja, liity projektimme jäseneksi valitsemalla Geniin kirjautuneena tällä sivulla Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Projektin jäsenenä saat liitettyä hallinnassasi olevat profiilit suoraan projektiin. Kun perustat Geniin...
Novelists, Poets, Scientists, Composers, Singers, TV presenters, Actors, "TV celebs"
Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Lauhala Maanmittaushallituksen uudistusarkisto Honkajoki Maanmittaushallitus, Suomen taloudellinen kartta vuodelta 1941, Isojoki, Honkajoki Turun ja Porin lääninhallituksen kartat ja piirustukset: ...
Damavand Akhavan Family Ebriani Family Eshaghian & Morovati Families Farasat Family Ghayam Family Morovati Family Omrani Family Rofeim Family
Ceriano Laghetto, Cogliate ALBIATE - Dinastia Caprotti CESANO MADERNO - Zardoni CONCOREZZO - Villa Pernice, CORNATE D'ADDA - Angelo Airoldi (Brasile) DESIO - Rivolta SEVESO - Perdon Agrate Brianza, Aicurzio, , Arcore, Barlassina, Bellusco, Bernareggio, Besana in Brianza, Biassono, Bovisio-Masciago, Briosco, Brugherio, Burago di Molgora, Busnago, Camparada, Caponago, Carate Brianza,...