Solano County was one of the original counties of California, created in 1850 at the time of statehood. At the request of General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, the county was named for Chief Solano of the Suisun people, a Native American tribe of the region and Vallejo's close ally. Chief Solano at one time led the tribes between the Petaluma River and the Sacramento River. The chief was also cal...
Ruru Lawn Cemetery opened in 1941 and although approaching capacity it is still open for casket and ash burials.Ballantyne’s Fire Memorial is part of the Ruru Lawn Cemetery. Ballantyne Memorial Rose Garden Ballantyne’s department store in Colombo Street was the scene of one of New Zealand's most disastrous fires late in the afternoon of 18 November 1947. A total of 41 people died and damage was...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Mackinac County, Michigan.= Official Website =Formerly known as Michilimackinac County, in 1818 it was one of the first counties of the Michigan Territory, as it had long been a center of French and British colonial fur trading, a Catholic church and Protestant mission, and associated settlement.The county's name is believed to be sho...
This project is for those who were born, lived, and died in Middlesex County, Connecticut. Middlesex County was formed from parts of Hartford and New London counties. Adjacent counties Hartford County (north) New London County (east) New Haven County (west) Suffolk County, New York (south) Cities, Towns and Communities: Centerbrook - Chester - Clinton - Cobalt - Cromwell - Deep River - ...
Wikipedia =Millikin University is an American co-educational, comprehensive, private, four-year university with traditional undergraduate programs in arts and sciences, business, fine arts, and professional studies, as well as non-traditional, adult degree-completion programs (PACE) and graduate programs in business administration and nursing. Millikin's campus is in Decatur, Illinois and serve...
Popis poginulih Splićana u NOB-u za vrijeme 2 svjetskog rata Izvor : Doprinos Hrvata Splićana antifašizmu, Popis poginulih u borbi na Sutjesci, 15. svibnja - 16. lipnja 1943. Kazalo : prezime, u zagradama - ime oca, ime osobe, godina rođenja, nacionalnost, uzrok smrti, godina smrti, mjesto smrti (NN ili Nn) = znači ime oca Nikola
This project is for those who were born, lived or died in Windham County, Connecticut. The area that is now Windham County became of interest to the English around 1635, but went unsettled for over fifty years due to its lack of access to the shore. John Winthrop the Younger took a strong interest to this land, purchased land from the Narragansetts, and was given permission by the court of Co...
This is an umbrella project for Jewish Communities in Germany. Geni profiles should be added to the appropriate sub-projects of each of the Jewish Communities.== THIS IS A LIST OF TOWNS. PROFILES SHOULD NOT BE INLCUDED IN THIS PROJECT AND SHOULD BE ADDED TO THE APPROPRIATE SUB PROJECT. *Please join the project (using the Actions menu) and link all related projects to this page. You should also ...
Trein-beschieting ∙ 5 aug 1944 ∙ Hoogeveen Op 5 augustus 1944 vielen Amerikaanse jachtvliegtuigen van de United States Army Air Forces bij Stuifzand de trein van Zwolle naar Groningen aan. De trein was gevuld met mensen die op familiebezoek gingen, Duitse soldaten, vakantiegangers en werkenden. Er vielen 44 doden en 141 gewonden onder vriend en vijand. Normaal werd vaak alleen de locomotief ver...
A Brief History of New Sweden (1638 to 1655)==The 17th century saw Sweden as an European "Great Power" and one of the major military and political combatants on the continent during the Thirty Years' War. By mid-century, the kingdom included part of Norway, all of Finland and stretched into Russia. Sweden's control of portions of modern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany made the Ba...
A project collecting profiles and information about inmates of the gestapo prison Small fortress in Theresienstadt (Terezín) during the WWII.
July 1-3, 1863 This project is devoted to all soldiers of every rank who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg, and to the families of those soldiers. This project is less about the conflict than it is about the people who engaged in it. That said, many historians call this battle the turning point of the Civil War. After two years of fighting, the war was practically at a standstill. In May o...
Seanchaí (shan-a-key) were traditional Irish storytellers and the custodians of history for centuries in Ireland. They could recite ancient lore and tales of wisdom whenever it was needed and could be considered as something of the Google of ancient times.The English translation and definition of seanchaí is, in fact, a custodian of tradition and while storytelling has largely been replaced in ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in McCurtain County, Oklahoma.= Official Website =It was formed at statehood from part of the earlier Choctaw Nation in Indian Territory. The name honors an influential Choctaw family that lived in the area. Green McCurtain was the last chief when Oklahoma became a state in 1907. Adjacent Counties * Le Flore County * Polk County, Ark. * ...
This project is used to relate all units from South Carolina who served in the Confederate Army.
Eesti veemoto : sportlased, paadi-, mootori- ja vindiehitajad, treenerid, kohtunikud, ajakirjanikud, ajaloolased ja üldse veemotoga seotud tegelased.**Veemoto Eestis 1954 – 2003". Koostanud Vahur Joala . Varrak. Tallinn 2003. 352 lk + CD** Eesti NSV 1. esivõistlused veemotospordis. Tartu, 3–4. august 1957 * Eesti NSV 21. meistrivõistlused veemotospordis. Tallinn, 5–7. august 1977
The Canadian Portal ~ Portail du Canada The Canadian portal is a place to meet other researchers, share information and take part in discussions and find everything available on Geni related to Canada. In addition to the above this portal will also function as a research tool with the links and sources provided on this portal page. This project should not have profiles added to it. All profile...
Hällefors socken i Västmanland ingick i Grythytte och Hällefors bergslag, uppgick 1950 i Hällefors köping och området ingår sedan 1971 i Hällefors kommun i Örebro län och motsvarar från 2016 Hällefors distrikt.Socknens areal är 456,07 kvadratkilometer, varav 406,33 land. År 2000 fanns här 5 890 invånare. Tätorten och kyrkbyn Hällefors med sockenkyrkan Hällefors kyrka ligger i socknen. Administr...
This cemetery is located on 306 South Avenue F, Shiner, Lavaca County, Texas. Find a Grave
This cemetery is commonly known as Ganado Cemetery, however, there is a second cemetery in the same city with a very similar name. If you are looking for an African American person, you are more likely to be looking for Ganado Community Cemetery. The caretaker is extremely helpful, and will look-up names, and give you the block, plot and grave locations. 361-771-3321. Make sure to thank them f...
Immigrants from northeastern Moravia (current Czech Republic) settled in the area presently known as Moravia, Texas. Moravia was founded by Jakub Hollub and his son-in-law Ignac (J.E.) Jalufka when they established a store in 1881. They named the community after their homeland of Moravia. A town quickly grew with a blacksmith shop, a gin, a school, store and more. SPJST Lodge No. 23 Nova Morava...
This cemetery, located in Fayette County, Texas, is located in the High Hill. community, north of Schulenburg - (north of I-10). It's also known as Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Cemetery . Find a Grave
The county was founded in 1848 and is named for Captain Ewen Cameron, a soldier during the Texas Revolution and in the ill-fated Mier Expedition. During the later 19th century and through World War II, Fort Brown was a US Army outpost here, stimulating the development of the city of Brownsville. Cemeteries Cemeteries of Texas Links Wikipedia