This is to test if I can link all the surnames together to trace the ancestoral relationships present on Geni database
La gran familia Palmitera oriunda de Los Palmitos - Sucre sin importar en que sitio del mundo residan o hayan vivido.
See how far we can go.
Widow of Dr Graham Nigel Stearnes, mother of Claire Stearnes and Jennifer Stearnes
I started this project to clean up the tree around my 10th great grandfather Joseph Austin . If anyone is knowledgeable in this area, please help!
Alle slekter med røtter i Skrova, Vågan kommune, Nordland.
Tracing the Ahlberg family both back in time and also how it has developed up to now.
Vienas iš mano protėvių pavarde Požėla gyveno 18 a. šiaurinėje Lietuvoje, galbūt Linkuvos, ar Pašvitinio parapijos, kur ši pavardė buvo gan dažna.
Southern Germany, Bavaria & Northern Switzerland..
Projekt genealogiczny rodziny Kręcisz
Släkten Gester. Det skulle vara kul om så många som möjligt vill bidra med fakta!
This project is to trace the villianallur family from its earliest roots