Штурбин Family Project
Francis Fiust was born in POLAND, mothers maiden name- Kopchinska in Bobrowniki. Are there any distant relatives that would have information for the family tree?
Thelliyil is the one of the prominent family in vechoochira. if you a part of this family or a welsher please join with us...
To share with other interested parties the 3 main branches of the Cltterbuck's that came to New Zealand in the 1800's Interested parties contact me on email ianclutterbuck@gmail.com
Navneændring : Familien Agentoft Rasmussen fik ændret familienavn d. 28. Feb 1945 til Agentoft. Da der var to Assurandører med efternavnet Rasmussen i Ribe. Elkan Agentoft Rasmussen fik derfor ofte post der var adresseret til den anden Assurandør Rasmussen.
Navneændring : Familien Agentoft Rasmussen fik ændret familienavn d. 28. Feb 1945 til Agentoft. Da der var to Assurandører med efternavnet Rasmussen i Ribe. Elkan Agentoft Rasmussen fik derfor ofte post der var adresseret til den anden Assurandør Rasmussen.
Der er 4 personer der hedder Als-Juliussen p.t. og vi er alle i familie med hinanden :-D
Il ritorno a Ponte A Egola dei Bertini dagli anni 20 al dopoguerra.
Наполнение и доработка информации по семье Сайковых и связанных семьях. Особенно интересует временная глубина проработки информации.
Mele Narippatta Mana is based out of Karamlmanna in Palakkad district. This project is to document the family tree of this family
One or both of these two ships may have brought our ancestors to Guyana from India....
Mumbai chapter working for tribal education.
indugu durga prasad
Documented history of the Pires/Janela families
This is a collaborative effort between the cousins of Tony & Dell Oatman to document the Oatman family.
To connect to relatives and build the family history of Batlags'.