Tammelinus-suku on Tammelassa kirkkoherrana olleen Isak Tammelinuksen jälkeläisten projekti. Isaacus Tammelinus - valokuvissa oma allekirjoitus Tammelan kirkonkirjoista. Isak Tammelinus omisti 1687-1693 Häiviän talon Tammelassa ja projektin profiilikuvassa on vielä olemassa oleva talon porraskivi, mihin on kaiverrettu hänen nimensä. Isak testamenttasi Häiviän tyttärilleen Liisalle ja Marial...
This is part of the larger Biblical-Tree project. Verses 1- 1 Chronicles 2 . The translation used here is related to the KJV, with minor changes. These are the sons of Israel : Reuben , Simeon , Levi , and Judah , Issachar , and Zebulun ;
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Rochester, Minnesota. Rochester is the county seat of Olmsted County on the Zumbro River. Official Website The area developed as a stagecoach stop between Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Dubuque, Iowa near the Zumbro River. The community was founded by George Head and his wife Henrietta who built log cabin Head's Tavern in 1854 and name...
Projekti aloitettu 6.7.2022. -Kehitteillä Tähän projektiin kerätään Kihniön Kihniönkylän Korhosen talonhaltijoita ja asukkaita . Kihniön talonhaltijaluettelot Kihniönkylä Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Kylät Talonhaltijat...
University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is a four-year state university located in Omaha, Nebraska. Founded in 1908 as Omaha University, the institution became the public Municipal University of Omaha in 1931. It assumed its current name in 1968 following a merger into the University of Nebraska. The institution has a strong tradition of serving commuter students from within Omaha, but in recent yea...
Paanukirkon rakentaminen lähti käyntiin Kärsämäen seurakunnan ja kunnan sekä Oulun yliopiston arkkitehtuurin osaston yhteistyönä. Rakentaminen kaikkine vaiheineen kesti vuoden 1999 keväästä heinäkuuhun 2004 saakka, jolloin kirkko vihittiin käyttöönsä. Kärsämäen paanukirkko on rakennettu Pyhäjoen rannalle samoille tienoille, jonne oli pystytetty kirkko jo vuonna 1765. Anssi Lassilan suunnittele...
Projekti aloitettu 8.10.2024 Rannankylä kylän asukkaiden projekti. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin.
Este projeto engloba: * Telejornalismo, Webjornalismo (Jornalismo Digital), Jornalismo Impresso, Assessoria de Imprensa, Assessoria de Comunicação, Assessoria Empresarial Repórteres Repórteres fotográficos Radiojornalismo Jornalista é o profissional formado em Jornalismo. É a pessoa responsável pela apuração, investigação e apresentação de notícias, reportagens, entrevist...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Hancock County was formed from Brooke County in 1848, some 15 years before West Virginia became a state. Both counties were once part of Ohio County, Virginia, which had been formed from the District of West August...
Return to USA Portal Return to Afro-Americans throughout the Americas / Black History - Master Project UNDER CONSTRUCTION USA Black Heritage Portal USA Black Heritage Including the colonies prior to the Revolutionary war through 1863 Anything after 1865 should be listed and presented under the USA Portal. Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) marks the day when federal troo...
The Crimean War (October 1853 – February 1856) Image Right - Russo-French skirmish during the Crimean War 2em>===== By Anonymous plate - Public Domain, Wiki Commons The object of this project is to assemble Geni Profiles of people who were involved in the Crimean wars and share stories about them. The Crimean War was a conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Em...
Please add profiles of people associated with the literary magazine, The Harvard Lampoon . The Harvard Lampoon is an undergraduate humor publication founded in 1876 by seven undergraduates at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Lampoon is housed a few blocks from Harvard Square in a mock-Flemish castle, the Harvard Lampoon Building. It has been ranked by the magazine Comp...
Mountaineering is one of the finest outdoor pursuits one can take part in. It can also be the most dangerous. Hazards include rock falls, avalanches, weather, falls and illness. Despite these dangers, people have been climbing mountains for thousands of years. Mountains draw climbers who have a love of nature and possess an adventurous spirit. Being in the mountains, you experience the raw beau...
It would be helpful if anyone adding profiles to this project could please also add them to the alphabetical list below: A B C Sir John Cheyney, MP Roger Cheyne, MP D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Sir Richard Strangeways, of West Harlsey T U V W John Watkins X Z References Category:15th-century English politicians Category:15th...
15th Cavalry Regiment, New York, American Civil War (Union): New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center 15th Cavalry Regiment Left the State in detachments: September 1863 to January 1864 Consolidated with 6th regiment of cavalry and designated 2nd provisional regiment of cavalry, June 17, 1865 THE FOLLOWING IS TAKEN FROM NEW YORK IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION, 3RD ED. FREDE...
This is a subproject related to the Greater Germanic Immigrants to Brazil Project This subproject aims to organize genealogical data on Germanic immigrants who came to Brazil and settled in the São Pedro de Alcântara Colony, in the state of Santa Catarina. The immigrants already identified are on the profile list of this subproject, BRIEF HISTORY Those who consult the few historical sources...
Wikipedia Мы родом из Башкирии! Форум Уральской генеалогии Bashkortostan ftdna | результат Bashqort Tribes and Clans | результат ===The Republic of Bashkortostan===Russian: Респу́блика Башкортоста́н, tr. Respublika Bashkortostan; Bashkir: Башҡортостан Республикаһы), also called Bashkiria] (Russian: Башки́рия, tr. Bashkiriya, is a federal subject of Russia. It is located between the Volga River ...
The Republic of Tatarstan (Russian: Респу́блика Татарста́н, romanized: Respúblika Tatarstán; Tatar: Татарстан Республикасы), or simply Tatarstan (Russian: Татарста́н, Tatar: Татарстан), is a federal subject (a republic) of the Russian Federation, located in the Volga Federal District. Its capital is the city of Kazan .The republic borders Kirov, Ulyanovsk, Samara, and Orenburg Oblasts, the Mari...
Tässä ovat Big Y-700 testin lähimmät muinaiset yhteydet. Skämsta 517 Skämsta 517 was a man who lived between 1000 - 1100 CE during the Viking Age and was found in the region now known as Skämsta, Uppsala, Sweden. He was associated with the Viking Sweden cultural group.Skämsta, Uppland, Sweden (Prepared by Caroline Ahlström Arcini, National Historical Museums, Lund) Two Dwarfs: Upplandsmuse...
Danish Americans ( Dansk-amerikanere ) comprise Americans 1) with ancestral roots from Denmark or 2) Danish people who emigrated to and reside in the United States. The Danish American population numbers about 1,500,000, with about 30,000 using the Danish language at home.Danes first began setting in the present United States in the mid-1600s. The earliest documented Danish immigrants to the ne...
engenheiro é um profissional de engenharia, preocupado com a aplicação do conhecimento científico, matemático e da criatividade para desenvolver soluções para problemas técnicos. Engenheiros projetam materiais, estruturas e sistemas, considerando as limitações impostas pela praticidade, regulamentação, segurança e custo. É uma pessoa com formação técnico-científica que o torna capaz de resolver...
Suomeen ja lähialueelle perustetut paikkakuntaprojektit Tämä on entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden kylien kokooma- eli listausprojekti. Tähän projektiin ei liitetä henkilöprofiileja vaan pyydetään liittämään ne kuhunkin erilliseen kyläprojektiin. Entisen Satakunnan ja lähialueiden Kylät Talonhaltijat ja asukkaat Honkajoen kylät Antila I Honko I Katko I Lauhala I Paasto I
Projekti aloitettu 25.9.2024. Projekti Parkanon Alaskylän Vilppu Niileksenpoika Naskalin mahdollisille todennetuille esipolville, jalkeläisille ja suvusta kiinnostuneille. Tiedoissa on vielä paljon löydettävää ja täydennettävää niin henkilöiden kuin lähteiden osalta. Liitettäessä henkilöprofiileja projektiin on hyvä tarkistaa, kohdasta toiminnot > raportti esivanhemmista tai jälkeläisistä ...
Projekti aloitettu 25.9.2024. Projekti Parkanon Alaskylän Vilppu Niileksenpoika Naskalin mahdollisille todennetuille esipolville, jalkeläisille ja suvusta kiinnostuneille. Tiedoissa on vielä paljon löydettävää ja täydennettävää niin henkilöiden kuin lähteiden osalta. Liitettäessä henkilöprofiileja projektiin on hyvä tarkistaa, kohdasta toiminnot > raportti esivanhemmista tai jälkeläisistä ...