Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Лютеранская колония на реке Омь в Сибири (Омьколония) Россия.

    К середине 19 века в связи с перенаселением и нехваткой плодородной земли и леса в первой лютеранской колонии в Сибири - Рыжково ( Тобольской губернии Омского округа Пановской волости ) было принято решение о создании новой колонии в 120 верстах от Омска на берегу реки Омь . Это следует из переписки пасторов Ф. Мейира и Э. Иогансена с генерал - губернатором Западной Сибири Густавом Гасфордом (Г...

  • Monmouth County, New Jersey

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Official Website In 1609, the English navigator, Henry Hudson, and his crew aboard the Dutch vessel Half Moon spotted land in what is now Monmouth County, most likely off Sandy Hook; however, some historical accounts credit this landing to present-day Keansburg. Among the first European settlers and majo...

  • Social Media Stars

    Stars with Large Followings on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, and other online social mediums

  • Venemaal Novgorodi oblastis Krestsõ linnas ja selle lähedal elanud eestlased

    Venemaal, Novgorodi oblastis Krestsõ rajooni, Krestsõ alevis ja selle ümbruse külades (Bugri/Kamzovo,Limani, Holmi, Edasi, Kuznetsovo, Voshodi, Jabloni, Zarõ jne.) elanud eestlased perenimedega- Sell/Sel, Sibul/Sibbul, Vint/Wint, King, Kaats, Hein, Pruus/Pruss, Puksing, Puskar, Plaado/Plado, Kivimeister, Kingisepp, Kõiv/Kõiw, Poemets, Piirman, Piirimaa, Vätson, Kircbaum, Allas, Raudvasar/Raudva...

  • Jewish Families from Rousinov (Neu Raußnitz/Neu Rausnitz), Moravia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Rousinov (Neu Raußnitz/Neu Rausnitz) in the Czech Republic. ROUSÍNOV The Jewish settlement in Rousínov is assumed to date back to the mid-15th century, although the first documented record is from as late as 1554. By the mid-19th century, the Jewish population reached 1,200, one half of the the...

  • Caroline County, Maryland

    This is a sub project of Maryland counties, cities and towns Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Caroline County, Maryland. Official Website Caroline County was created in 1774 from parts of Dorchester and Queen Anne's counties. The county derives its name from Lady Caroline Eden, wife of Maryland's last colonial governor, Robert Eden. The National Park Service is d...

  • Atlit Detainee Camp in Israel

    This camp was established by the British Mandate for Palestine at the end of the 1930s. It was located 20 km from Haifa, Israel. The purpose of the camp was to stop Jewish refugees from entering Mandatory Palestine. Many of the detainees from Europe during the 1930s and 1940s were from Nazi controlled countries. By the late 1940s they were Holocaust survivors. The British government in 1939 lim...

  • Patria Disaster : Jewish Refugees 1940

    The Patria disaster occurred on the 25 November 1940 on the shores of Palestine next to Haifa. Killing 267 people and badly injuring 172 Jewish refugees from the Nazis of occupied Europe. Most of them came from Czechoslovakia. At the time of the sinking, Patria (French-built ocean liner) was carrying about 1,800 Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe, most from Czechoslovakia. Upon apporac...

  • University of Northern Colorado

    Wikipedia The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) is a public baccalaureate and graduate research university with approximately 12,000 students and six colleges. Founded in 1889, the university’s main campus is located in Greeley, Colorado, about an hour north of Denver, with extended campus locations in Loveland, Denver, and Colorado Springs. Established as the State Normal School of Colo...

  • Kylä Koirala, Muolaa

    Koirala sijaitsee Muolaan itäosassa aivan kirkonkylän Kirkkorannan pohjoispuolella, jonne oli matkaa noin kaksi kilometriä. Koiralan naapurikyliä olivat lännessä Paakeli, pohjoisessa Ala-Kuusaa ja Peippola, idässä Kannila sekä etelässä Turulila ja Kyyrölä. Vuonna 1936 Koiralan pinta-ala oli 8,85 neliökilometriä, josta oli peltoa 258,02 hehtaaria, niittyä 13,01 hehtaaria ja metsää 612,69 hehtaar...

  • University of Wyoming

    From the Wikipedia article on the University of Wyoming . The University of Wyoming is a land-grant university located in Laramie, Wyoming, situated on Wyoming's high Laramie Plains, at an elevation of 7,220 feet (2194 m), between the Laramie and Snowy Range mountains. It is known as UW (often pronounced "U-Dub") to people close to the university. The university was founded in March 1886, four...

  • Unmarried Women, Maiden Ladies, Old Maids

    For those women who are unmarried, uncoupled and childless and chose or are perhaps forced to do so from circumstance to remain single in the world. The profile of the woman does not have to be famous though to fit this project - just independent. Many lead remarkable lives, raise the children of others, or live in the ordinary. All deserve to be remembered. Please do NOT include the fo...

  • Holy Apostles Church Cemetery, Oneida, Wisconsin

    Holy Apostles Church Cemetery resides in the town of Hobart in Oneida, Brown, Wisconsin. Also known as Holy Apostles Episcopal Church Cemetery, the church and cemetery are located on the Oneida Reservation. The earliest, recorded burials date from 1819. The cemetery is still active and interments are indigenous peoples and their families. Find a Grave The Oneida are apart of the Haudenosa...

  • Outagamie County, Wisconsin

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Outagamie County, Wisconsin. Official Website Outagamie County was created in 1851 and organized in 1852. "Outagamie," a French transliteration of the Anishinaabe term for the Meskwaki (Fox) Indians, meant "dwellers of other shore" or "dwellers on the other side of the stream," referring to their historic habitation along the St. La...

  • Talbot County, Maryland

    This is a sub project of Maryland counties, cities and towns Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Talbot County, Maryland. Official Website The county was named for Lady Grace Talbot, the wife of Sir Robert Talbot, an Anglo-Irish statesman, and the sister of Lord Baltimore. The founding date of Talbot County is not known. It existed by February 12, 1661, when a writ ...

  • Zeevaartschool ‧ 18xx-193x ‧ Vlieland

    Zeevaartschool ‧ 18xx-na 1930? ‧ Vlieland . . . . . bronnen-informatie-documentatie ...aanvulling welkom! . . ACTORES directie 1884-1887 : Pieter BOSSEN ‧ 1859-1950 ‧ later dir.te Delfzijl 1887-1890 : Eduard August STEINMETZ ‧ 1860-1932 ‧ gepens. 2e luit. 1890-1891 : Antonius Arnoldus SWEEP ‧ Breda25 jan 1852-x ‧ gepens. luitenant ter zee 2e klasse 1891 : Marie Jacobus GI...

  • Dropsy or Edema

    This project is for people who died of dropsy/edema.== Dropsy: An old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water. Dropsy or oedema, as it is known in the United Kingdom, is commonly seen with inflammation of an artery or major organ such as the kidneys, liver, and heart. The Medical Dictionary defines Dropsy (Edema) as: “an abnormal accumulation of serous flui...

  • Hovsta socken, Närke

    Hovsta socken i Närke ingick i Örebro härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Örebro kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Hovsta distrikt.Socknens areal är 27,85 kvadratkilometer land. År 2000 fanns här 5 694 invånare. Tätorten och stadsdelen Hovsta ligger inom denna socken. I Lillån i norra delen av tätorten Örebro ligger Hovsta kyrka.Administrativ historik Hovsta socken har medeltida ursprung.Vid kommunreformen ...

  • Crow Wing County, Minnesota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Crow Wing County, Minnesota. Official Website This area was long occupied by the Ojibwe people, known as Chippewa in the United States. In addition, numerous Dakota people lived in central and southern Minnesota before European settlement. European Americans established a trading post by 1837 in this area, on the east side of the Mi...

  • Locality Asikkala, village Joenniemi

    Projekti on aloitettu 26.5.2020. Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi Asikkala, Joenniemen kylä -projektiin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin ) Kun lisäät kylässä asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot ovat oikeassa kohdassa , mikä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua (ks. ohje: paikkatiedon tallennus profiiliin ). Tärkeää...

  • „Soomepoisid“

    Eesmärk koguda projekti Eesti meestest Soomepoisid * Igati oodatud on kõikide kihelkondade meeste nimede lisamine siia projekti* Vikipeedia: Soomepoisid * Soomepoisid on Teises maailmasõjas Soome poolel vabatahtlikena võidelnud eestlased. Esimesed soomepoisid olid 1939. ja 1940. aastal Eestist Soome põgenenud mehed, kes soovisid anda oma panuse hõimunaabrite võitlusele pealetungiva punaväe vast...

6801-6825 of 74878 projects