Simon STEVIN-prijzen‧ 1998-heden ‧ Nederland UNDER CONSTRUCTION ====== Simon STEVIN ‧ c.1548-1620 ‧ natuurkundige‧wiskundige‧ingenieur ====Simon Stevin • MEESTER* 2016 : ** prof.dr. Suzanne J.M.H. HULSCHER ‧ 19xx ‧ water engineering & management: watersystems ‧ Universiteit Twente ‧ ** prof.dr.ir. Maarten STEINBUCH ‧ 1960 ‧ -wat-&-waar-zoeken-we-nog-op- ‧ * 2015 : ** prof.dr. Wiro NIESS...
The Commissionaires Long Service Medal is a Canadian service medal for members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires. The medal honours 12 years of exemplary service by members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires . A Clasp is awarded for each additional period of 5 years service up to a maximum of 3 clasps. The medal is accompanied by a certificate. There is no Post Nominal entitlement ...
Etter å ha hoppet av sjømannslivet levde Hans Andersen vekselvis som omstreifer og fange hele sitt voksne liv..Hans levevei besto i å bedra kvinner. Han ble berømt og fikk tilnavnet "Borgenstjerna" I følge ham selv skal han ha vært forlovet 477 ganger. Uttalelsen stammer ikke fra hans siste dager, og vi vet at han fortsatte i samme stil i mange år. Han sjarmerte altså en ualminnelig lang r...
The Hertzler-Hartzler Family History =Silas HertzlerPrinted by Economy Print. Concern, 1952 - Reference - 773 pagesFamily history of the descendants of Jacob Hertzler (1703-1786) Introduction - The family history is arranged by numbered families, with cross-references between families. Total families 8757. This project is for the numbered profiles (families): 7001-7500. Other numbered profiles...
Mempelawa waris ke laman web.
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from Žirovnice (Serowitz), Bohemia, in the Czech Republic.
1st Colorado Cavalry was formed in November 1862 by Territorial Governor John Evans, composed mostly of members of the 1st Colorado Infantry and of C and D Companies of the 2nd Colorado Infantry. It was formed both to protect Colorado against incursions from the Confederate forces and to fight the Native Americans who already inhabited the area.Command of this unit was given Colonel John Chivin...