I would like to use this group to help all MacGregors discover their connections past and present.
This project aims to connect the Baggenstos family originating from Gersau SZ, Switzerland
The family KaplanOriginated from Shaulen, Lithuania. Jankel son of Haikel (Haim) Kaplan was born in ca 1831. He was 58 years as he appears in the 1889 list of Jews who settled down in Libau. The list shows him as coming to Libau in 1871 with his wife Haja, aged 57, so born in ca 1832.
This project is to explore the connections between all people who are associated with St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Сюда вносятся люди, характер родства которых не установлен.
Looking for parents (specifically mother/maternal line) of Florence (Boddy) Scott, daughter of John Boddy and Mary Ann (Harper) Boddy. Mary Ann was the daughter of Willam Harper and his wife Mary (last name not confirmed but likely Baxter).
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Rožďalovice (Rozdalowitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
This project is for those families who lived along the border counties of Tennessee and Virginia.