Radomyśl Wielki, Poland also known as Gross Radomysl, Radimishil, Radimishli Gadol, Radomishl Vyelki, Radomishl, Radomishel, Radomishla, Radomishle, Radomishli Rabati. Gesher Galicia-Radomyśl Wielki
《舊唐書》卷65 [ 長孫無忌,字輔機,河南洛陽人...] [%E8%B2%9E%E8%A7%80]十七年(643),令圖畫無忌等二十四人於凌煙閣,詔曰: 自古皇王,褒崇勳德,既勒銘於鐘鼎,又圖形於丹青。是以甘露良佐,麟閣著其美;建武功臣,雲台紀其跡。 司徒、趙國公無忌 Zhangsun Wuji 長孫無忌 故司空、揚州都督、河間元王孝恭 Li Xiaogong 李孝恭 故司空、萊國成公如晦 Du Ruhui 杜如晦 故司空、相州都督、太子太師、鄭國文貞公征 Wei Zheng 魏徵 司空、梁國公玄齡 Fang Xuanling 房玄齡 開府儀同三司、尚書右僕射、申國公士廉 Gao Shilian 高士廉 開府儀同三司、鄂國公敬德 Yuchi Gong 尉遲恭 特進、衛國公靖 Li Jing 李靖 ...
Home and Away is an Australian television soap opera. It was created by Alan Bateman and has been produced in Sydney, New South Wales since July 1987. It commenced broadcast on the Seven Network from 17 January 1988. It is the second-longest-running Australian drama and has endured worldwide success, becoming one of the most popular Australian soap operas to screen internationally and the most ...