Talvisodassa toiminut kiväärikomppania 9./JR 21 (aikaisemmin 9./JR 30) oli osa Polónin pataljoonaa, III/JR 21 (aikaisemmin III/JR 30). Polónin pataljoona puolestaan kuului eversti Kempin jalkaväkirykmentti 21:een (aikaisemmin JR 30). Rykmentin perustaminen alkoi pääosin Keuruun alueelta 7.10.1939. Polónin pataljoona ja koko eversti Kempin rykmentti taisteli talvisodan alusta loppuun Taipaleenjo...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Bechyne in Behemia, Czech Republic.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Zlonice (Zlonitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
British and Anglo-Americans in Colonial and Antebellum New Orleans and Louisiana
Personalities mentioned in Elizabeth Ripley's book "Social Life in Old New Orleans"
I belong to this haplo-group.
Haplogroup Q sublcade Q-FT374125 Y-DNA project welcome to all interested in studying this haplogroup and it's surrounding branches in more depth.
Haplogroup Q sublcade Q-FT374125 Y-DNA project welcome to all interested in studying this haplogroup and it's surrounding branches in more depth.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Weimar (Thüringen), Germany. JewishGen-Weimar (Thüringen)