Riksdagsmän Följande förteckning över svenska tidens riksdagar är inte komplett, utan är avsedd att uppdateras med tiden under arbetets gång, utan är avsedd att uppdateras med tiden under arbetets gång,vartefter som nya profiler tillfogas till projektet. Stavning av person- och ortnamn samt uppgifter om bondeståndets riksdagsmän nedan baserar sig tillsvidare på Ludvig Mårtenssons ovannämnda ver...
This project seems to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Dalovice (Dallwitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
The purpose of this project is to collect all of the Geni profiles of those Canadians who were captured as German POWs.
Maetud Venemaal - Samaara kubermang. Samaara krais
Pinsk (Belarusian: Пі́нск; Russian: Пи́нск is a city located in Brest Region of Belarus, in the Polesia region, at the confluence of the Pina River and the Pripyat River. The region was known as the Marsh of Pinsk and is southwest of Minsk. The population is 138,415.
This Project is dedicated to Rediscovering the long lost Chinoy Line
Founded by the Toronto Press Club (now known as the Toronto Press and Media Club) in 1965, the Hall of Fame is an iconic tribute to excellence in journalism in Canada and a program of national significance.It now honours more than 100 men and women who have made significant contributions to journalism in this country.Nominations for induction into the Hall of Fame can be submitted to the Press ...
Rozpoczynam dzisiaj projekt Rodzina Zaremba, aby zebrać w jednym miejscu wszystkie informacje o rodzinie. Zapraszam do współpracy całą swoją znaną mi, i nie znaną rodzinę. Chętnie również będę gościł wszystkie osoby chętne do współpracy i posiadające informacje przydatne przy badaniach. Zapraszam również wszystkie osoby zainteresowane tym projektem. Uprzejmie proszę o dzielenie się uwagami w ks...
The purpose of this project is to keep track of all of the profiles of displaced persons or Holocaust Survivors who were residents of one of the following camps, which were located in Salzburg , Austria, Riedenburg, Camp Herzl (Franz-Josefs-Kaserne), Camp Mülln, Bet Bialik, Bet Trumpeldor, and New Palestine.