Lakota Freedom Veterans Cemetery is located in Kyle, South Dakota. Find a Grave
Jacob Fornecker , married to Mary Ann Fornecker , daughter of Andrew Miller (MULLER?)
Всё о Стафеевых
Batt Joannis Batt married to Maria Bisser. Joannis Batt born 1716 in in Minversheim. ( source ) Burg Joannis Georgius Burg married to Maria Herzogin . Anna Maria Burg Birth: February 16, 1705 in Minversheim, Joannes Antonius Burg born 1708 in Minversheim. Fuchs Georg Fuchs married to Catharina Scherer? Andrea Fuchs married 4 February 1797 to ? ( source ) Christian Fuchs
This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the village of Skupeč (Skups) in the Czech Republic.
Семейное древо немецко-балтийского рода Конради (Конрад, Конрадт).
Austrian Film Director
História da Chegada desses Cera (s) ao Brasil, em . Existem registros de chegada da família, chegaram em -- de de pelo porto de Santos.
Need to update new births ...etc
Jean Albert Raymond Koehl, born on July 1, 1926 in Froideconche, Haute-Saône, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France). Death on April 7, 2006 in Caen.
Raymond Albert Benjamin Koehl, born on March 19, 1932 in Colmar. Death on October 11, 1994 in Colmar. source
Local de encontro, troca de histórias e causos curiosos que gostaríamos de contar sobre nossos parentes.
Anna Maria Fuchs born 1720 in Huttendorf, Alsace. Dead: 16 januari 1772 (in Mertzwiller?). Married to Anton Rombach born 3 April 1721 in Mertzwiller. Dead: 03 April 1760.