Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • ~~~~~fugitives~~~~~

    FBI's wanted fugitives:1. Thomas James Holden 2. Morley Vernon King poster 2. Morley Vernon King 3. William Raymond Nesbit 4. Henry Randolph Mitchell 5. Omar August Pinson 6. Lee Emory Downs 7. Orba Elmer Jackson 8. Glen Roy Wright 9. Henry Harland Shelton10. Morris Guralnick 11. William Francis Sutton 12. Stephen William Davenport 13. Henry Clay Tollett 14. Frederick J. Tenuto 15. Thomas Kling...

  • Wimbledon Manor & Old Rectory, Surrey, England

    Wimbledon Manor & Old Rectory, Surrey, England= Wimbledon manor house ; the residence of the lord of the manor, was an English country house at Wimbledon, Surrey, now part of Greater London. The manor house having exploded, burnt and several times demolished. The first known manor house, The Old Rectory, built around 1500 and which is now a private home; still stands despite very nearly falling...

  • British Army - Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) (Berkshire and Wiltshire)

    ===== Badges above from left - 62nd (Wiltshire) Regiment of Foot, c1874, Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) and Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) (Berkshire and Wiltshire) (Courtesy of British Military Badges ) Wiltshire Regiment (Duke of Edinburgh's) (Berkshire and Wiltshire)

  • Buccalo & Magnocavalle Clan

    To discuss the arrival and early years of the Buccalo and Magnocavalle arrival, and trying to make connections to parts of the early family that have been lost.Uploaded photos of Rosa's Funeral. Hope to make connections with the other Buccolo's.@William Buccalo @Dominic Buccalo

  • Glander Family

    Jack Henry Glander Looking for more information on his father (Edward Glander) and mother (Nonie Elizabeth Glander) and brother, Vincent HartleyBrothers: Willard (Bill) Glander - deceased lived in Bellingham, WA area Edward (Bud) Glander - deceased living in Portland, OR area Eugene Coles - livings in Mehama ORHenry Glander and Nonie Elizabeth Dingman Hartley Glander Coles Paul (Nonie was born ...

  • Passagers du Saint Louis de Dieppe 1667

    Détails particuliers de cette traversée Details of this voyage =* Armateur : La Compagnie des Indes (Rouen)* Nature des passagers : 100 engagés, plus 90 filles du Roi dont une partie de Dieppe, environ 25 et le reste de la Rochelle. A bord du navire il y a également 15 chevaux, dont 1 sera mort en mer. Il semblerai également qu' à l' arrivée à Québec, il y ai à bord 24 engagés et 16 filles mala...

  • het Bossche Gilde van Goudsmeden - since 2010

    -under construction-laatste wijziging: 2011-05-10-10:15-= het Bossche Gilde van Goudsmeden =since 2010=LEDEN=* Ad NOUWENS 19-- Meester goudsmid * Alexander v.d.HOVEN 19-- Meestergoudsmid* Anton SCHRAUWEN 195- Meestergoudsmid * Chris SOMMER 19-- Meestergoudsmid* Diana LEMMENS 19-- Meestergoudsmid* Frans VEURINK 19-- Meestergoudsmid* [ Harold van BEEK] 19-- Meestergoudsmid* [ Ina de la MOTTE] 1...

  • Beckett Hall, Berkshire (now Oxfordshire), England

    Beckett Hall Berkshire (now Oxfordshire)= Image Right - Barnacle Lodge , built as an entrance lodge to Beckett Hall in the 1830s.>===== Image by Motacilla - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wiki Commons Beckett Hall (or Beckett House) is a country house at Shrivenham in the English county of Oxfordshire (formerly in Berkshire). The present house dates from 1831.===History===This ancient historical manor...

  • Landelijk Digitaal Krantenarchief

    Zoeken naar personen m.b.v. landelijke, regionale en lokale kranten is een handig gereedschap door bijvoorbeeld op zoek te gaan naar geboorte, huwelijk of overlijdens advertenties. Ook artikelen kunnen aanknopingspunten bevatten voor nader onderzoek. Hieronder bevind zich de meest actuele verzamellijst van alle digitale krantenarchieven in Nederland. d.d. 01-08-2017 Sommige archieven blijken o...


    Temporary Test Project - Please do not alter.=Themes=* Film... * Museums... * Painters...

  • TEST-THEME : Film

    Temporary Test Project - Please do not alter.=Film=* Woman in Gold (2015) Link to IMDb... * Michiel de Ruyter (2015) Link to IMDb...

  • Per Hellervik's slektsnotater

    Dette prosjektet har som mål å samle flest mulig av Per Hellervik sine slektsnotater. Vi ønsker også å bruke notatene hans som dokumentasjon.Dette dokumentet ligger som vedlegg.1. 1736 var Storforshei matrikulert og lagt for ½ bismerpund 12 mark fiskes landskyld. Da var det opplyst at den første rydningsmann het Jens Østensen. I midlertid var det i følge manntallet av 1710 en husmann på Storfor...

  • Clarendon House, London, England

    Clarendon House, London, England= Clarendon House was a town mansion which stood on Piccadilly in London, England, from the 1660s to the 1680s. It was built for the powerful politician Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon, and was the grandest private London residence of its era.===History===After the restoration of the English monarchy in 1660, new houses began to spring up in the West End to ac...

  • Maharaj Family

    Where did the Maharaj's in South Africa originate?=Jump Back to:=* WELKOM CUZZINS: Geni SA Projects' Main Site Index & Help Page =See Also Related Geni Project Pages:=* Index of Other SA Surname Projects * SA Progenitors on Geni

  • Native American descendant connections to the Hudson River NY/NJ area

    SUB PROJECT TO: The Ramapo Mountain People, New Netherland to present# Please add Profiles. Restrict to those whom you consider to be linked by blood and/or marriage to Native Americans# This is a research project: Please do not be hesitant.==Discussion==As the GENi World Family Tree grows, we are beginning to find connections between families of African heritage, Native Americans, and others w...

  • Kvasznicska

    Gevonden in Békés:Ferencz Kvasnicska x Rebeka Bajer Kinderen: V Julianna Kvasnyicska, gedoopt 7 september 1872 te Békés M Ferencz Kvasznicska, gedoopt 4 september 1873 te Békés Deze Ferencz is waarschijnlijk de vader van mijn opa János Kwasniska. M Károly Kvasnicska, gedoopt 12 maart 1876 te Békés V Juliánna Kvasnicska, gedoopt 14 oktober 1877 te Békés V Mária Kvasnicska, gedoopt 30 juni 1880 t...

  • Bishops Waltham, Hampshire, England

    Bishops Waltham, Hampshire, England= The palace of Bishop's Waltham was originally built by Henry de Blois bishop of Winchester during the twelfth century, and was shortly afterwards the scene of two important councils: in 1182 when the barons met Henry II and granted him supplies for the second crusade; and in 1194 when Richard I held a council here preparatory to his last expedition to France...

  • Land Grant -Grantees oF Narragansett No.7-GORHAM,MAINE

    Gorham was born out of the Narragansett War, one of the 7 townships granted by the General Court of Massachusetts to 840 people who either fought or were descendants of fighters (or closely allied to them) who fought. The Narragansett War is called King Philip's War. Mr. McLellan's book says, "that a proclamation was made to the army in the name of the government, before they began their march ...

  • Teresa mackenzie

    I would like to merge my family with your Lanum family! My mother Lila LaVern was the daughter if William Lanum and his first wife Belle Davis. Her step mother was Edith and half brother was William from Rathdrum, Idaho

  • Historic Cemeteries, Front Royal, Virginia

    This project is to document historic cemeteries in the Town of Front Royal, Virginia. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Fisherman Memorial Decendants

    This is a link to the song written about the February Gale of 1862. The Fifteen Ships of George's Bank.

  • Amsterdam Moeskoker Family

    There are 3 Moeskoker families in Holland in the early 1600s. They are recorded in the archives of Amsterdam, Enkhuizen and Drenthe.This project is to serve as a base for researching the Amsterdam branch.NOTE: There is no evidence so far of a link between the families other than sharing the same name.One male from generation 2 of the Drenthe Moeskoker family lives and dies in Amsterdam, his mar...

  • Northington Grange, Hampshire, England

    Northington Grange, Hampshire, England=Six hides at NORTHINGTON were named in the almost certainly spurious charter of Edward the Elder to the New Minster.In the Domesday Survey it is difficult to distinguish Northington from the other lands of the abbey in Micheldever Hundred. It may, perhaps, have been identical with the six hides held by Alsi and his father before him. In the fourteenth cent...

  • Mottisfont Abbey, Hampshire, England

    Mottisfont Abbey, Hampshire, England= Mottisfont Abbey is a historical priory and country estate in Hampshire, England. Sheltered in the valley of the River Test, the property is now operated by the National Trust. About 200,000 people visit each year. The site includes the historic house museum, regular changing art exhibitions, gardens (including a walled rose garden) and a river walk. ===His...

57826-57850 of 74756 projects