Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • The Dutch of Canvey Island, Essex

    A Decree in the Court of Chancery dated 17th February 1623 shows an Agreement between Sir Henry APPLETON , Julius SLUDDER (a Dutchman who already owned land on Canvey Island), John, William and Mary BLACKMORE, Abigail BAKER, Thomas BINCKERS and his wife (all landowners) and Joas CROPPENBURG - to reclaim Canvey Island from the encroachment of the sea.The project was to be financed by Joas CROPPE...

  • 1918 lnfluenza Pandemic - Yugoslavia: Survivors

    1918 Influenza Pandemic - Yugoslavia: Survivors

  • geringer family

    the geringer family came from Zalescikia, austria. links:

  • I-BY548 (Y-DNA)

    YFull, June 1, 2021. 20 id's.

  • Familie Blanck aus Peine

    Philipp Itzig Blanck (* 12. April 1771 in Peine; † 24. März 1841 in Braunschweig[7 ),auch Blank]Quellen: Hans Heinrich Ebeling: Die Juden in Braunschweig: Rechts-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte von den Anfängen der Jüdischen Gemeinde bis zur Emanzipation (1282–1848). S. 329.Reinhard Bein: Sie lebten in Braunschweig. Biografische Notizen zu den in Braunschweig bestatteten Juden (1797 bis 198...

  • Coast Family

    David Coast is my father aged 87. He was a Naval Commander during WWII. Initially serving in submarines and later in Frigates. He was posted to Australia to assist the preparation of the Australian navy for their Korean War committment.He is married to Audrey Coast aged 85 and I am the youngest of their three children.Peter Coast aged 60 is the eldest son and he and his son Patrick Coast are th...

  • Kaino / Gaino

    Project for uncovering all possible decendants and parents of Lars Andersen Kaino and Anders Andersen Kaino.//Prosjekt for å utforske alle etterkommere og forfedre til Lars og Anders Kaino.

  • People born in Estonia and who fled here during World War II In part Z name may be misspelled by the Swedish authorities And birth date may be after the new calendar

    Norvell, Lüdia Julia Evelina 18890623-1405 Ribon, Maria 18920211-002 von Zur Mühlen, Dagmar Marie 18810315-930 von Zur-Mühlen, Dorothea Elisabeth 19070815-930 von Zur-Mühlen, Lydia Elisabeth 19030116-9348 von Zur-Mühlen, Olav 19130830-0498 Zaba, Norbert 19070713-0555 Zacharias Edin, Monica Lovisa Ulrica 19380901-0865 Zadoroznoi, Lucia 19060401-2443 Zadorznoi, Rudolf Peter Richard 19421107-2618 ...

  • 't Geslacht WENDELS

    't Geslacht WENDELSMet veel zilversmeden uit SCHOONHOVEN - Zuid-Holland - Nederland

  • Jewish Families of Tiznit, Morocco

    This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moroccan town of Tiznit in region of Souss-MassaWikipedia [ ] David & Leah Cohen Emigrated from Tiznit (Tiznet) to Canada in 1968 Canadian Jewish Archives Interior, Dorval Airport, (r-l) David Cohen of Tiznit, Morocco, arriving with Simy (daughter) and Leah (wife) to Canada. Met by Jeanette Golstein (daughter) and...

  • Hurowitz from Belarus Project

    Tracing back lineage of Hurowitz family to town of Smolyany in Vitebsk province, Belarus.Ancestor was Rabbi Zorach Gurewitz, b. 1860, son of Menachem Mendel Halevy Gurewitz / Horowitz.

  • Mount Olive Cemetery,Nardin, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA

    Mount Olive Cemetery, Nardin, Kay County, Oklahoma, USA: Find a Grave

  • Mount Carmel Cemetery,Perry, Noble County, Oklahoma, USA

    Mount Carmel Cemetery, Perry, Noble County, Oklahoma, USA: Find a Grave

  • People buried in Nunhead Cemetery

    Nunhead Cemetery Image right - Gates, Nunhead Cemetery , Linden Grove, by James Bunning, 1844. ===== Image Geograph © Copyright Stephen Richards and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence . Nunhead Cemetery was consecrated in 1840. It is one of the "Magificent Seven" great Victorian cemeteries established in a ring around the outskirts of London. The cemetery is located in the Nunhe...

  • Apoxyomenos / Apoksimeon

    Purpose of this project is to list all those connected with Croatian Apoksimeon, starting with finding, restauration and analysis.* Found by: Rene Wouters* Archaeologists who worked on it: Smiljan Gluščević * Restoration: Antonio Šerbetić Apoxyomenos (the "Scraper") is one of the conventional subjects of ancient Greek votive sculpture; it represents an athlete, caught in the familiar act of scr...

  • Niagara Movement

    Niagara Movement was a black civil rights organization founded in 1905 by a group led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter. It was named for the "mighty current" of change the group wanted to effect and Niagara Falls, the Canadian side of which was where the first meeting took place in July 1905.[1] The Niagara Movement was a call for opposition to racial segregation and disenfranchis...

  • Familija Majstorović - Poreklo I Istorija

    Hteo bih da pokrenem jedan projekat u vezi porodice Majstorović,da sakupim sve Majstoroviće na jedno mesto...:) Ako ste Majstorović,pišite odakle ste i istoriju vaše porodice pa da napravimo jednu celinu... Pozdrav

  • Wolfe Family originating in Northern Europe

    Variations of the Wolfe name include Wolf,Wolff, Wolfe, Woolf, Woolfe, Woulf, Wulff, Woof, Wooff, etc."This is a famous Anglo-Irish surname of Norman-French origins! Almost all nameholders have some connection with the conquest of England in 1066 by William of Normandy, the name being taken to Ireland in 1170 following Strongbows invasion. What is less certain is why the name was given in the f...

  • 1820 Settlers - Morgan's Party

    Morgan's Party ==1820 SettlersMain Reference - The Settler Handbook by MD Nash See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence and Morgan's Party Settler Returns The aim of this project is to link profiles on Geni to the names in the list, and to expand notes about individuals - mostly on the Profile page in the "About Me" field, or here if no profile exists.==Getting Involved Feel free to fo...

  • "Time and Truth" (Barque) - Colonists to South Australia in 1854

    The barque Time and Truth , 576 tons, Captain J. Dodds, from Plymouth 11th January 1854, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 6th May 1854Passengers:* Tim Fitzpatrick from Ireland aged 26* Dale William Hobart , wife Jane Underhill Elliot and son William.Sources:* The Ships Passenger List Related Projects:* Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal * Died at sea - South Australia This ...

  • Dorset - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

    Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards of Dorset Image right South side of North Chapel in Dorchester Cemetery ===== Image Geograph © Copyright Jaggery and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence]. The aim of this project is to gather together information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed...

  • Martin og Larsine Bjerregaard

    Martin Pedersen var en højt værdsat borger i byen Hurup. Hans hustru døde som 44årig, som følge af hendes sygdom, depression, som der ikke dengang fandtes nogen behandling for. Men hvad mere ved vi? Hvor meget mere kan vi finde ud af?På dette projekt, kan vi i hvert fald samle vores foreløbige overvejelser, førend vi uploader dem på Geni. Vi kan "lufte" tanker, overvejelser og hypoteser her.

  • 1903 Springboks vs British Lions (incoming)

    In 1903 the British Isles lost a series for the first time in South Africa.===Springboks - Home squad===*John Winchester Anderson*Sydney Ashley*Joseph Barry*Johannes Augustus Botha*Charles Barker Brown*Harold William Carolin*George Crampton*Clement Currie* Sydney Clarence De Melker *Frederick James Dobbin*Hugh Herbert Ferris*Alexander Frew*Egbert Albert Hornsby Gibbs*Barry Heatlie Heatlie*Thoma...

  • Kylä Kaitajärvi, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Suvut

    Kylä Kaitajärvi, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle Kirjoittakaa sukunne esittely tänne!= Kaitajärveläisiä sukuja === Kaitajärven Retkansellän Harakkojen suku == Paavo Harakka Julkaistu Oma Suojärvi-lehdessä ja Karjalan Heimo-lehdessä 2006 Retkanselkä (kartoissa Retukanselkä) sijaitsee Suojärven koillisosassa Jehkilän-Kaitajärven maantien varrella. Tie kylään lähti Valeinkylän viimeisten talojenkoh...

54351-54375 of 72226 projects