Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Jewish Community of Armenia

    The Jewish community of Armenia dates back almost 2,000 years. Many historians date the arrival of the first Jewish settlement in Armenia back to the destruction of the First Temple. During the conquest of King Tigranes II the Great, Tigranes brought with him 10,000 Jewish captives to Armenia when he retreated from Palestine, because of the Roman attack on Armenia (69 B.C.E.). By 360-370 C.E., ...

  • Voyages of Discovery and Colonization

    Concept Project: Follow the Exporers and the Story of the Colonies NEW - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONList the Explorers / Ages / Oceans List the locationsAs a high level Portal for the Voages of Discovery, the Golden age and VOC projects.======1241-1438 : Medieval travel* Marco POLO * 1419-1507 : Atlantic Ocean** Portuguese exploration - Prince Henry** Spanish Explorarion: Columbus & the 'WEST Indies'***...

  • Ancestors of Johan-Eric Erling Holmström, Stockholm, Sweden

    This project is dedicated to trace the relatives and ancestors of Johan-Eric Holmström. His mother's name Märta Erling comes from Möklinta, Sweden. His ancestry at the father's side is the well-known Johan Wilhelm Holmström who founded Barnängen Tekniska Fabrik in Stockholm during the half of the 19th century. My interest is to find the ancestors of Johan Wilhelm Holmström and his wife Emma Han...

  • Crissmans

    Origin and Spelling of the Name=Most of the Crissman/Chrisman/Crisman/Cressman family trees in the U.S. came from the town of Pfungstadt, Germany [ ]. The Cressman family association maintains that the most faithful german spelling of the name is "Crößsmann", still used by many of the residents of Pfungstadt today.In writing the German, it is common to write "ö" as "oe", dropping the umlaut. Al...

  • Devon - Genealogical Resources

    Devon Genealogical Resources === Image Right - Exeter RO: Great Moor House ===== Image Geograph © Copyright Martin Bodman and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence . The purpose of this project is to outline the regional resources available for research in Devon, both geographical/physical and online. >>>>>>>> HELP is always welcome - Please get involved!!

  • Родът Дуло

    Именник на прабългарските владетели ."Именникът..." представлява пояснителен списък на ранните български владетели, някои от които вероятно имат обобщаващ, легендарен характер. Открит е от руския славист А. Попов в 1861 г. като текст, изкуствено вмъкнат в книгата „Елински и римски летописец“, между първата част — Четвърта книга на царете, и третата — Хрониката на Георги Амартол, без да бъде отд...

  • WHO were Sam BICKOFF's 2 Sisters?

    Who were Sam BICKOFF's 2 Sisters?There were two Sisters. I believe they were both married: one lived in Brooklyn, NY; and the other lived in California.UPDATE: Bella RASKIN (BICKOFF) & Sarah STETZER

  • Senjens Nikkelverk, Berg, Troms, Norge

    Firmaet Vivian & Sons, ved Henry Hussey Vivian i Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom startet 1872 opp Senjens Nikkelverk i Hamn på Senja i Troms, Norge. Driften varte til 1886 da det ble nedlagt. En del arbeidsfolk fra Alten Copper Mines i Kåfjord i Finnmark ble ansatt hos dette nikkelverket. I denne forbindelse med ansatte arbeidsfolk fra kopperverket i Kåfjord i Alta er dette prosjektet laget. Pro...

  • Auret Family of South Africa

    This project is designed to collect Research Information, Discussions, Queries etc on the Auret family of South Africa. Please also come and join us on our [Insert link & Surname here Facebook Page].=Core profiles=* *=Overview of Family History / Progenitor Details= If you have it; add it here, otherwise delete this section until you've got enough to put into it. = Queries & Discussion =>===To ...

  • Saint-Jérôme (Laurentides), Québec, Canada

    Aperçu Overview =Saint-Jérôme sur la ( carte map )=Toponymie Toponymy =Au début du XIXe siècle, l'endroit répondait à l'appellation Dumontville , en l'honneur de Nicolas-Eustache ou Nicolas Lambert Dumont (1767-1835), seigneur des Mille-Îles, qui fait don de l'emplacement sur lequel l'église sera construite. Saint-Jérôme , la patron saint de la paroisse. L'appellation se voudrait un hommage à J...

  • I Tysk krigsfangenskap Polen 2. verdenskrig

    Norske krigsfanger i tysk krigsfangenskap i Polen under 2. verdenskrig:Jeg har startet ett forskningsprosjekt med tema; påvirkningene menneskene (offiserer og polititjenestemenn) ble utsatt for følte og opplevde under sitt krigsfangenskap og veien tilbake til familien og livet etter krigen. Håper det er noen som er villige til å bidra med informasjon, historier anekdoter, fotografier og annet s...

  • 1820 Settlers - Biggar's Party

    Biggar's Party ==1820 SettlersMain reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence The aim of this project is to link profiles on Geni to the names in the list, and to expand notes about individuals - mostly on the Profile page in the "About Me" field, or here if no profile exists.==Getting Involved Feel free to follow, request to collaborateTo join t...

  • The Stone House, Lyons Brook

    Daniel McKenzie willed the Mill Brook Farm to John McKenzie in 1815.By 1831, John McKenzie and his brother Charles McKenzie were operating the Sawmill Brook Quarry. John commissioned stonemasons Robert Hogg and his son John Hogg to build the Stone House on the Mill Brook Farm property.After John passed away, his widow Mary lived at the Stone House with her fellow widowed mother Jean Fraser. Jea...

  • My Ancestors Surname Meaning

    FEURSTEIN = firestone/Piedra de fuego/Pedernal El Código Soundex para Daitch Mokotoff apellido FEUERSTEIN es 794360 FEUER = fire/fuego El Código Soundex para Daitch Mokotoff apellido FEUER es 790000 KATZ =El Código Soundex para Daitch Mokotoff apellido KATZ es 540000 . LIEBMAN = Loving you/dear man El Código Soundex para Daitch Mokotoff apellido Liebman es 876600 LIEB = dear/querido El Código S...

  • Governors of Victoria

    List of Lieutenant-Governors of Victoria ==# Captain Charles La Trobe ( wikipedia entry) # Captain Sir Charles Hotham KCB RN ( wikipedia entry) == List of Governors of Victoria ==# Captain Sir Charles Hotham KCB RN ( wikipedia entry) # Sir Henry Barkly GCMG KCB FRS FRGS ( wikipedia entry)

  • HEKELAAR ❧ family ‧ genealogy


  • Kai Otson

    Kai Otson was proposed by Heino Lainurm as his grandmother. However, * Based on Mihkli church records, Heino's grandmother was Kai Lüllman. * This raises the issue of error in Heino's memory as the douments offer a hard proof. * Now the question is: Who was Kai Otson that Heino remembers? Lembit Maimets.

  • FSU Visit - Proposed - Summer 2011

    Phil Chapkovsky Nuptials & family # Boris Kapilevich - Minsk - need address# Rita Kapilevich - Lithuania - need address# Arkady Danichev - Moscow# Logoysk-Pleschenitsy Pilgrimage# Find Asya's address in St Petersburg

  • Hertfordshire - Main Page

    Hertfordshire - Main Page == Historic County of England . ===Related Projects>===== Hertfordshire Famous People >===== Hertfordshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Hertfordshire >===== Historic Buildings of Hertfordshire >===== Hertfordshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards >===== People Connected to Hertfordshire

  • County Durham - Main Page

    County Durham ==Historic County of England===== Image right - New flag of County Durham, created in 2013 by Martin23230 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wiki Commons This is the Umbrella Project Page for County Durham, England.===Related Projects===== People Connected to County-Durham ===== County Durham Famous People ===== County Durham Genealogical Resources ===== Historical County Durham ===== His...

  • Kingdom of Travancore and the Travancore Royal Family

    The Kingdom of Travancore ( /ˈtrævəŋkɔər/; Malayalam: തിരുവിതാംകൂര്‍, tiruvitāṁkūr ? [t%CC%AAi%C9%BEu%CA%8Bit%CC%AAa%CB%90%C9%B1ku%CB%90r]%29 was a former Hindu feudal kingdom (till 1858) and Indian princely state that had been ruled by the Travancore Royal Family from the capital at Padmanabhapuram or Thiruvananthapuram. The Kingdom of Travancore at its zenith comprised most of modern day sout...

  • 62nd Regiment, Virginia Mounted Infantry (CSA)

    The 62nd Regiment Mounted Infantry completed its organization in September, 1862. The unit was composed of infantry and cavalry until December when the cavalry companies united with other companies to form the 18th Regiment Virginia Partisan Rangers, and at times the 62nd Partisan Rangers, the 62nd Infantry, and Imboden's Partisan Rangers. The command was mounted during the latter part of 1863 ...

  • Hamburg to Cape Town - Passengers of the 'Victoria' 1859

    The Victoria departed from Hamburg on 1 October 1859 under Captain C.P. Thönissen==Final destination: Cape Town== The vessel belonged to J.C.Godefroy & Company, HamburgMerchants & Shippers ==A voyage in 1859 usually took about 3 months from Hamburg to Cape Town. Unless they had bad weather or an accident, they would have arrived in late December 1859 or early January 1860.==Above information su...

  • Clan Anstruther

    Clan Anstruther == Scottish Clan ☀☀☀ Officially registered clan, with Clan Chief, registered with the Lord Lyon Court.* Crest: Two arms in armour holding a pole-axe with both hands gauntleted Proper* Badge * Gaelic Name: Ànstruthair* Motto: Periissem ni periissem (I would have perished had I not persisted)* Plant Badge Sprig of Olive* Origin of Tartan: * Name Variations: * Lands * Seat: Anst...

  • Jurgens Johannes


54226-54250 of 72227 projects