Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Marsh Family descendents from Devon brothers Henry Edward &John Legg Marsh

    Henry Edward ( b.. 1839 Bishop's Tawton) and his brother John Legg (b. 1841 South Molton , Devon UK) both emigrated after 1851 UK Census & their father's death. Henry Edward went to the Cape while John Legg went to Mauritius where he became Professor of English at Curapipe University. He married a french woman and produced 3 children. On the early death of their parents, the three children emig...

  • de'Roos van …SCHOONHOVEN misschien?

    -under redactie-=de'Roos van .... Schoonhoven ?Hebt u vrouwelijke profielnamen met de naam SCHOONHOVEN? Niet onwaarschijnlijk dat die bruid oorspronkelijk ook uit dit historische stadje aan de rivier de LEK in Zuid-Holland, Nederland afkomstig is. Veel Hugenoten strandden, op hun vlucht uit het Zuiden naar..... ja, waarschijnlijk Amsterdam of een ander 'bolwerk' waar het protestantisme in die d...

  • Deddens Family

    This is my mom's father's family. They came from germany around 1854 to Louisville KY & then some of them moved to St Louis Mo.

  • Family of Aintoinette Gaine- help!!!

    Papa Only Papa - esque tu peux me aide a faire plus de personne sur l'abre de mamie yo-yo?- repond.

  • The Lawley family - the Lupitt based Perrys, Clapps, Flays, Hounsells, Warrens and Daveys

    This project focuses on those people in the Lawley tree who did not bear the name of Lawley. To clarify, this little project focuses on those people who are my generation's Great Grandparents, with the exception of Thomas Lawley. Interestingly, these people were all based in the Luppitt area of Devon. I have a pretty comprehensive series of trees now. The next task is to understand more of the ...

  • Ciutadans honrats

    Els ciutadans honrats foren una mena d'aristocràcia urbana que es va desenvolupar a la Corona d'Aragó durant la baixa edat mitjana a l'empar del propi creixement polític de les grans ciutats.A partir del segle XI, en paral·lel al creixement de les grans ciutats, s'havia anat constituint una mena de patriciat burgès que, amb l'increment de llibertat municipal donat per la reialesa, va monopolitz...

  • The RKH Ahlers family of South Africa

    Robert Karl Heinrich Ahlers and Sophie Marie Regine Wurth are the progenitors of this small family in South Africa. In December 2013 the Ahlers-family had been in South Africa for 100 years.This project aims to collect information about the Ahlers(-Schlüter) ancestors (in Germany) and all the descendants and related family in South Africa. It also aims to "keep the family together" by providing...

  • South African Stamouers/Progenitors - Political and Religious exiles

    Under construction. Link Political and Religious exiles who fled to the Cape of Good hope.

  • KMDA KOLKATA METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (KMDA) ==Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), is the statutory planning and development authority for the Kolkata Metropolitan Area (KMA) under provisions of the West Bengal Town and Country (Planning & Development) Act, 1979. It is today the prime agency for planning, promoting and developing the KMA. Besides the pla...

  • Roseville Mennonite Cemetery - Dumfries North Township, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada

    Roseville Mennonite Cemetery Also known as: Detweiller Mennonite Cemetery 'Cemetery Address: 3445 Roseville Road, Roseville Concession 11, Lot 37, Dumfries North Township GPS: 43.338495,-80.490743 Denomination: Mennonite Maintained by: Detweiler Meetinghouse Inc.==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • Leicestershire - Genealogical Resources

    Leicestershire Genealogical Resources Image Right - Leicestershire Record Office , Wigston ===== Image Geograph © Copyright Dylan Moore and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence.The purpose of this project is to outline the regional resources available for research in Leicestershire, both geographical/physical and online.

  • Kylä Leppäniemi, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Leppäniemi, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle = Suojärven Leppäniemen kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Leppäniemen kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tietyn lähd...

  • The Children's Friend Society - Ships to South Africa - Lord William Bentinck

    The Children's Friend Society Ships=See Main Project Page - The Children's Friend Society ===To participate in any project===- you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext, Unicode and images which gives a great deal of assistance. See the discussion Project Help: How to add Text to a...


    Til alle etterkommere av Norges første Midling.... koble dere på dette prosjektet slik at våre etterkommere kan se et fullstendig familietre med tid og stunder ;) ...Den dokumenterte historien til den 1. norske Midlingen:Wilhelm Christian blir født av Inger Catrine Petter Andreasdatter LIND i Trondheim.. der hennes far Peder Andreas Lind og Juliana Knutsdatter (gift i 1782) solgte konditorvarer...

  • Family Phone Call

    Hello Everyone It's Time For Us to Get to know one another Again or for the first time So please update your profiles on this site it will make it easier for everyone to keep in touch This Project is for everyone in the family to call someone in the family no not an email a CALL - It's so much nicer to hear the persons voice from the other end of the phone it is sad to say that there are family...

  • Reigersdaal: Huguenot Ship to the Cape

    The Reigersdaal Arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on 22 August 1700*Ship’s type: Pinas * Construction: Built in 1691 for the Chamber of Amsterdam at the VOC ship yard in Amsterdam.* Term: In use by the VOC from 1691 until it was sold in Batavia in 1709.* Length: 145 feet* Breadth: 36,25 feet* Depth: 15 feet* Loading capacity: 818 tons* Crew: 222-300 men* Flag: Chamber of Delft =Voyage to the Cap...

  • Léon Alfred Bertrand Moussu Family

    Léon Alfred Bertrand - Moussu aus Rueil - Malmaison, Wäscher,auch Tagelöhner, verheiratet am 1. August 1889 in Montesson, 78360 Yvelines Il - de - France mit Adèle Moussu, geb. am 21. Mai 1867. Tochter: Victorine Bertrand 09. Mai 1897 in Rueil - Malmaison, Dans la rue Haute 54. Gest. Februar 1990. File Number: 160313, Page 245, File Number 2234443, digital Folder Number 4331463, Image Number 00...

  • GOA'S WORST FERRY DISASTER 3 December 1901

    GOA'S WORST FERRY DISASTER by Fr. Nascimento MascarenhasOn Friday the 13th of January 2012, the Costa Concordia cruise ship hit a rock and partially capsized off the coast of Italy. Of the 4252 passengers and crew aboard, 17 died and 16 are still unaccounted for as of yesterday, 30th January. Our hearts and prayers go out to all the families of the victims and those still missing in the Costa C...

  • Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference 2016

    This project identifies the speakers at the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference 2016 , which will be held August 31 -September 3, 2016 in Springfield, Illinois. Names in bold are connected to the World Family Tree.* Jan Meisels Allen* Jan Alpert* Lisa A. Alzo * Jen Baldwin* Carol Baxter* Tina Beaird* Sheila Benedict* Jeanne Larzalere Bloom * Tony Burroughs* Rorey Cathcart * John Phi...

  • Saint Andrew's Cemetery - North Easthope Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada

    Saint Andrew's Cemetery is located in Perth East. Cemetery Address: Perth Rd 107 & Line 37 Concession 2, Lot 21, North Easthope Township GPS: 43.387593,-80.837608 Denomination: Presbyterian Maintained by: St. Andrew's Cemetery Board==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • 4

    Don't remove this projectthis is ideal for testing, becouse standing before othersHenn

  • Melville Family of Guatemala

    This project is to research and find out more about the Melville and other related families, originating in Jamaica, West Indies.My maternal grandfather, Lucille Rutty ."My Melville relatives came from Jamaica and settled in Guatemala, but first went to Panama and Costa Rica."--Evelyn Arguedas ( Re: Panama byway of Jamaica ).== Notables ==== Links ==* The Modern-Day Maroons: A Genealogy site of...

  • The Hertzler-Hartzler Family History, Silas Hertzler, 1952: 5501-6000

    The Hertzler-Hartzler Family History =Silas HertzlerPrinted by Economy Print. Concern, 1952 - Reference - 773 pagesFamily history of the descendants of Jacob Hertzler (1703-1786) Introduction - The family history is arranged by numbered families, with cross-references between families. Total families 8757. This project is for the numbered profiles (families): 5501-6000. Other numbered profiles...


    TO anyone who might know and think they knew the person please help me connect and add them thank you!

  • Obitelj Trumbić

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI TRUMBIĆ (Trbić, Tarnbić, Tarbić, Trambić, Terbić, Trumbich) Ovo je projekt o povijesti, podrjetlu i rodoslovlju splitske obitelji prezimena Trumbić - precima i obiteljskim srodnicima Dr. Ante Trumbića i ostalih članova ove obitelji Trumbić. Podrjetlo obitelji Trumbić: Obitellj Trumbić je porijeklom iz Poljica (Trnbusi-Gornja Poljica) koja se u Split doselila za vrijeme Kand...

53601-53625 of 72236 projects