Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Krey in Norway and descendants of Jochum Christian Krey

    This project is to gather the Krey-profiles that are descendants of Jochum Christian Krey and assist in creating one tree.First documentation of Jochum is for his confirmation at age 17 in Sortland, Hadsel, Norway in 1784. Kildeinformasjon: Nordland fylke, Sortland i Hadsel, Ministerialbok nr. 895A01 (1730-1794), Kronologisk liste 1784, side 109. Permanent sidelenke: we'll one day find out wher...

  • Islands of the Lower Hunter River, New South Wales

    This project is to group together profiles of those people associated with the Islands of the Lower Hunter River in New South Wales, Australia . At the time of the first European survey, in 1801, up to 20 separate islands were identified in the Hunter River Estuary. For the purposes of this project as it relates to population, the area is defined as: * Ash Island * Dempsey Island * Goat Island ...

  • 21st Virginia Infantry - Company E (CSA), US Civil War Project

    Company E =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit.

  • Kylä Naistenjärvi, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Kyläkartta

    Kylä Naistenjärvi, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle Tällä sivulla on esitetty Suojärven Naistenjärven (mukaanlukien Torasjoen saha) kyläkartta (1) Karjalan karttojen zoomattavana versiona sekä (2) asukasluetteloilla varustettuna jaoteltuna osiin.= 1. Suojärven Naistenjärven kyläkartta zoomattavana versiona* =* Naistenjärvi - aseman seutu * Torasjoen saha >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *

  • Flemish immigration in Wallonia

    From around 1850, Flemish workers arrived in Wallonia to find better living conditions thanks to the development of the coal and iron industries.We will try to gather here profiles of people that came to Wallonia, married and created there new family branches.To be developed.

  • Jewish Families from Göppingen (Baden-Württemberg), Germany

    Please use the joint Jebenhausen-Göppingen Project for Jewish families from the town of Göppingen (Baden-Württemberg), Germany also known as Goeppingen. JewishGen-Göppingen (Baden-Württemberg) Die Geschichte der Juden in Jebenhausen un Göppingen

  • Bjälboättens oäkta gren

    Bjälboättens oäkta gren tidigare kallad Folkungaättens oäkta gren är benämningar på en svensk högfrälsesläkt som härstammade från Bjälboätten via Birger jarls utomäktenskapliga son Gregers Birgersson (död 15 januari 1276). Ätten är utgrenad ur Bjälboätten.Vapen: en tre gånger styckad (senare ibland ginstyckad) sköld Gregers Birgersson, Bjälboätten oä Folkunge (naturlig son till Jarl Birger Magn...

  • 13th Virginia Infantry - Company F (CSA), US Civil War Project

    Company F=The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • nomina synonyma

    under construction : we zijn nog aan 't werk : even geduld a.u.b. ==ACHTER-NAMEN~SiR-NAMES~* A: * B: * Bronck~Bronx --- * C: D: *E:---L:* M: Minuit~Minnewit ---* N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: * U: Uilenreef ~Ulenreef ~ Uylenreef ~ Ulenreef ~ Oelenreef ~ Uilenreef Vrielink ~ * V: Verroen~Veroen~Veron~ ---* W: X: Y: Z:==VOORNAMEN~=

  • Historic Buildings of Devon, England

    Historic Buildings of Devon ==EnglandThe object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Devon, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up. Image right - Compton Castle, Devon ===== ...

  • IAJGS Conference 2014 - Salt Lake City

    Please Note : The "IAJGS International Conference 2014 - Salt Lake City" Project is a volunteer initiative of the hundreds of avid genealogists participating in the development of the Jewish Genealogy Portal at It is not officially related to the IAJGS or the Conference, which speak for themselves on the web pages whose links are provided below. Now that we have the disclaimer out of ...

  • Casabranquenses

    Esse projeto visa reunir os pertis de pessoas nascidas na cidade de Casa Branca (SP) ou comprovadamente ligadas a ela. O vilarejo se originou ao redor de uma casa branca que era utilizada pelos bandeirantes como pousada, no século XVII. Era acessado pelo antigo caminho de Goyaz ou "estrada dos Goiazes", a qual ligava São Paulo às antigas minas de ouro de Goiás. Foi elevada a Freguesia de Nossa ...

  • Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, Canada

    Aperçu Overview =Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue ( carte map )=Toponymie Toponymy =* Le nom de « Bellevue » vient de ce que la paroisse comprend dans son territoire le fief de Bellevue. ==Indiquez les lieux dans Geni How to Input Locations in Geni ==> Standard Location Names for Québec, Canada * ... 1676 et avant :** Place Name = ** City = (future Bout-de-l'Isle)** County = [laissez vide keep blank ]**...

  • Digitization Efforts

    As technology advances and interests in preserving history expand, more and more digitization efforts are being undertaken all over the World. This Project seeks to keep track of these efforts to inform users and give them easy access to some of the newest digitized record collections.=Location===North America=====United States===* Fulton History Newspaper Project * Reclaim the Records Missouri...

  • Hittite kings

    Hattic*Pamba ca. early 22nd century BC (short) King of Hatti*Pithana ca. 17th century BC (short) King of Kussara, conqueror of Neša*Piyusti ca. 17th century BC (short) King of Hatti, defeated by Anitta*Anitta ca. 17th century BC (short) King of Kussara, destroyer of Hattusa*(Tudhaliya) Great-grandfather of Hattusili I*(PU-Sarruma) Son of Tudhaliya Old Kingdom *Labarna I ca. 1600–1586 BC (shor...

  • New Hope Baptist Church, Orange, Virginia, USA

    Official Church Web Site =The project is to document profiles of past members. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Yakovleva

    Yakovleva Генеология / geneology Происхождение фамилии Яковлев / English form of the surname Yakovlev ( Яковлева / English form of the surname Yakovleva) Фамилия Яковлев происходит от крестильного мужского имени Яков, которое является светским аналогом церковного имени Иаков. Это имя переводится с древнееврейского как «второй по рождению» Генеалогия : Дворянство Яковлевы — несколько не связанны...

  • Bürgermeister ‧ EU:DE ‧ Nordrhein-Westfalen

    Bürgermeister ‧ EU:DE ‧ Nordrhein-Westfalen* wiki-de - wiki-en - ===⁐==Regierungsbezirk --> Kreise - Städteregionen & kreisfreie Städte :===ARNSBERG* • Bochum • Dortmund • Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis • Hagen • Hamm • Herne • Hoch-sauerland-kreis • Märkischer Kreis • Olpe • Siegen-Wittgen-stein • Soest • Unna • ===Detmold* ◦ Bielefeld ◦ Gütersloh ◦ Herford ◦ Höxter ◦ Lippe ◦ Minden-Lübbecke ◦ Paderborn ◦ ...

  • Die Groot Trek / The Great Trek - Attack on Mosega

    Mosega is Sacked===At Blesberg, the trek wagons continued to pour in, including one hundred wagons under Gert Maritz, not a farmer but an accomplished administrator and artisan. On 7th December 1836, a meeting was held that elected Potgieter as military commander of the trek and Maritz - now a rival to Potgieter - as administrative head.On January 2nd 1837, a small commando of 107 men set out f...

  • 7th Virginia Infantry (CSA), US Civil War Project

    7th Virginia Infantry=== Summary and Engagements ==This is an umbrella project for all of the companies of the 7th Virginia Infantry. See the Related Projects for details. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Timiskaming District, Ontario, Canada - Cemeteries

    Links to Timiskaming District Cemeteries=Cemeteries are listed under their historical township location (current municipality)* Kirkland Lake Cemetery =Under Construction=The plan is to create new projects gradually, but if a specific cemetery is of interest, send a message to Kimberly Louise Fraser to request.

  • Landmarks Immigration History in the United States

    Landmarks in Immigration History=* *1795 Naturalization Act restricts citizenship to "free white persons" who reside in the United States for five years and renounce their allegiance to their former country. * *1798 The Alien and Sedition Acts permit the President to deport any foreigner deemed to be dangerous. A revised Naturalization Act imposes a 14-year residency requirement for prospecti...

  • Kylä Koivikko, Terijoki / Kivennapa

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Terijoen Koivikon kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Terijoki erotettiin Kivennavasta itsenäiseksi kunnaksi 1911.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 30.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes

53076-53100 of 72242 projects