Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Croatian Soldiers in American CIvil War 1861-1865

    by Adam S. Eterovich== the American Civil War, many Croatians served as individuals and in organized Croatian companies. They fought for the South.Their service was not unusual or accidental, as they were a part of the South in numbers since the 1760's. They were in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. A Dalmatian, Juan Matulich, was selling guns and whiskey to the Indians in the 1760's; anothe...

  • 15.Tal.K (jatkosota)

    15. Talouskomppania (jatkosota)=Sotasampo: 15. talouskomppania (Jatkosota)

  • New Hampshire Revolutionary War Association Test Signatories

    A project to document as many profiles of individuals on Geni who took the Association Test in New Hampshire during the American Revolution. Contributors are welcome who can add their lists by town or add a profile to the project. State motto "Live Free or Die".WE, the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and F...

  • Kylä Vuontele, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Vuontele, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle = Suojärven Vuonteleen kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Vuonteleen kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tietyn lähdedok...

  • Шәҗәрә

    Перевод сайта на татарский язык.=Дорогие друзья, очень хочется внести свой вклад по созданию татарских сайтов. Но увы, по татарским владею на уровне устного бытового. Тем не менее сколько то со словарем перевел. Может поддержите начинаниеКадерле дуслар, бик әйтәсе килә өлеш кертә булдыру буенча татар сайтларының. Тик ни аяныч, татар владею дәрәҗәсендә устного көнкүреш. Шуңа да карамастан, күпме...

  • Elias Lian Vigmostad

    [ Elias Eiriksen Lian Vigmostad ødt: July 3, 1828 Lian, Vigmostad, Vest-Agder, Norway Død: 1905 (77) Vigmostad "Der ude", Vigmostad, Vest-Agder, Norway * Han var en driftig mann i bygden med mange jern i ilden.* Elias var skolelærer fra 1847 til 1872, en tid på 26 år.* Elias Eirikson var ein av dei siste bygdedoktorane i Vigmostad. Han dreiv ikkje med å stansa blod, men han opna helst årene på ...

  • Rhodesian Treks - Cover page

    Thomas Moodie Trek 1892 ==From Bethlehem, 5th May 1892 to Water Fall, 3rd January 1893.Rhodes believed it was essential to his plans of occupying Manicaland by establishing a European settlement. He obtained the services of George Benjamin Dunbar Moodie to recruit farmers from the Orange Free State, with the offer of a 3 000 morgen farm in Gazaland to every man and boy who could trek to the Eas...

  • Farnham Workhouse, Surrey, England

    The Poor are farmed in a Workhouse, built in 1791, on a good plan and stands in an excellent situation about half a mile from the town. The old Workhouse stood in the town and is said to have been a most wretched one. The contractor is allowed the use of the house and furniture, and the earnings of the Poor, and receives £1,000 a year for which he is bound to maintain the Poor of every descript...

  • Kylä Vegarus, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Tarinat

    Kylä Vegarus, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle Kirjoittakaa tarinoita lisää!= Tarinoita karjalaksi == Tarinoita suomeksi =

  • Native American Tribes- State of Missouri- Caddo

    Within historic times no Caddoan tribe is known to have lived within the limits of the present State of Missouri, but occupancy by Caddo is indicated by certain archeological remains in the extreme southwestern sectionSee Texas

  • Biskupi chełmińscy / Bishops of Chełmno / Bischöfe von Kulm

    List of all bishops of Chełmno (Poland):=1245–1263 Heidenryk1264–1274 Fryderyk von Hausen1275–1291 Werner1292–1301 Henryk1303–1311 Herman1319–1323 Mikołaj Afri1323–1349 Otton1349–1359 Jakub1359–1363 Jan Schadland1363–1385 Wikbold Dobilstein 1385–1390 Reinhard von Sayn 1390–1398 Mikołaj Schieffenburg 1398–1402 Jan Kropidło 1402–1416 Arnold Stapil1416–1457 Jan Marienau1457–1479 Wincenty Kiełbasa1...

  • Sainte-Rose, Québec, Canada

    Sources=* Sainte-Rose (cité), PADREM * Sainte-Rose (Laval), Wikipédia

  • Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada - Cemeteries

    Links to Renfrew County Cemeteries=Cemeteries are listed under their historical township location (current municipality)===Admaston===* Rosebank Cemetery ===Alice & Fraser Township======Bagot======Blythfield======Bromley===* St Michael's Roman Catholic Cemetery (Douglas)===Horton===* Thompsonville Cemetery (Renfrew)===McNab===* Goshen Cemetery * Malloch Road Cemetery

  • Hyman Family Collection

    =Hyman Family Collection= Profiles, family history documents and images collected by the descendants of Sam Oscar & Mottel Heiman of Brody in Galicia (present day Ukraine). Their children emigrated to New Orleans, Louisiana in the early 1900's. ===Emigrated to America=== Sam Oscar Heiman & Mottel ‘Myrtle’ Heiman had the following children:* i. Abraham Heiman . He married Clara Heiman ii. Joseph...

  • Sigma Gamma Rho

    Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. (ΣΓΡ) was founded on November 12, 1922, at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana by seven young educators. It was incorporated within the state of Indiana in December 1922 and became a national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to the Alpha chapter.The sorority is a non-profit whose aim is to enhance the quality of life with...

  • Jews of Afghanistan

    The Afghan Jewish Community is nearly 1,500 years old, and records of a Jewish population in Afghanistan go back to the 7th century.* Pashtun descent from Lost Tribes of Israel - Wikipedia* Josh Gad the American actor from the Book of Mormons, voice of Olaf in Frozen is the son of an Afghan Jewish immigrant father.In 2011, so-called Afghan Geniza, an 11th-century collection of manuscript fragme...

  • Eesti Rahvusmõtte Auhinna laureaadid

    Rahvusmõtte auhind on Tartu Ülikooli poolt alates 2004. aastast välja antav auhind, millega tunnustatakse inimest, kelle looming on silmapaistvalt edendanud Eesti rahvuslikku ja riiklikku eneseteadvust. õtte auhinna saaja kuulutatakse traditsiooniliselt välja Tartu Ülikooli aastapäevaaktusel 1. detsembril. Laureaat on saanud auhinnaks Ilmamaa kirjastuse sarja Eesti mõttelugu 50 köidet ning kuns...

  • Pikaohje: Lokalisointi eli päivämäärän muutos

    Suomi ja Karjala - Ohjeet -pääsivulle - klikkaa tästä! Tärkeää! Kun tallennat ensimmäistä kertaa päivämäärän, tarkista että se näkyy oikein järjestyksessä pv/kk/vvv, ellei, käy vaihtamassa asetuksissasi päivämäärän muoto. Huomioi, että asetuksen muuttaminen myöhemmin ei korjaa päivämäärämuotoa aiemmin tallentamissasi profiileissa, jos olet tallentanut ne järjestyksessä pv kk vvv vaikka asetukse...

  • Boteler (le Boteler) - Oversley and Wemme and related Boteler families

    Origin of le Boteler - Pincerna is the Latin equivalent. "BUTLER is an occupational name, but it used to have a slightly different meaning. In large medieval households the Butler was the person in charge of the wine. Since many powerful nobles lived in fear of being poisoned, this was a position of considerable trust. There used to be many variations in spelling, such as Bot...

  • Delta Zeta

    Delta Zeta (ΔΖ) is an international college sorority founded on October 24, 1902, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.Delta Zeta has 170 collegiate chapters in the United States and Canada and over 200 alumnae chapters in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. As of 2013, there are over 244,400 college and alumnae members, making them the third largest sorority in the nation (after ...

  • AJ Jacobs reunion trees in progress

    Requests= Request: Brendan Swemmer Jacob Glen Cuyler is my second cousin four times removed's husband. He was the founder of the town Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and the Judge in the Slagtersnek Rebellion of 1815. His father was Abraham Cornelius Cuyler , the progenitor of the name in South Africa and the last mayor of colonial Albany, USA. having lost everything as a...

  • Bisham Abbey & Manor, Berkshire, England

    Bisham Abbey & Manor, Berkshire, England=Sir Henry Vansittart Neale,KCB was one time resident of "'Bisham Abbey"'. The nucleus of the house formed the preceptory of the 13th Century Knights Templars. In 1337 the monastic buildings of the house of Austin Canons were founded by William de Montacute Earl of Salisbury but were later demolished before the site and manor were granted to Sir Philip Ho...

51876-51900 of 72252 projects