Wikipedia San José State University (commonly referred to as San Jose State or SJSU) is a comprehensive public university located in San Jose, California, United States. It is the founding school of the 23 campus California State University (CSU) system and holds the distinction of being the oldest public institution of higher education on the West Coast of the United States. Alumni
פרוייקט זמני שישמש לתעד הורים\סבים\אחים של נופלים, בזמן המתנה לאיחוד פרופילים.
The Order of the Crown of Romania is a chivalric order set up on 14 March 1881 by King Carol I of Romania to commemorate the establishment of the Kingdom of Romania. It was awarded as a state order until the end of the Romanian monarchy in 1947. It was revived on 30 December 2011 as a dynastic order.
The Order of Military Merit (Bulgarian: Орден за Военна Заслуга) is a Bulgarian order during the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Republic of Bulgaria. It is the third highest order in the Republic of Bulgaria along with the Order of Civil Merit and the Order of the Madara Rider.
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Vammeljärven, Airikkalan ja Myttyniemen kylissä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjä...
The Tank Destruction Badge (German: Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen durch Einzelkämpfer) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to individuals of the Wehrmacht who had single-handedly destroyed an enemy tank or an armored combat vehicle using a hand-held weapon.[1] Anti-tank units were ineligible for this award. It was established on 9 March 1942, but c...
Wikipedia Yeshiva University is a private university in New York City, with four campuses in New York City. Founded in 1886, it is a research university. The university's undergraduate schools—Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, and Syms School of Business—offer a dual curriculum inspired by Modern-Centrist-Orthodox Judaism's hashkafa (philosophy) of Torah Umadda ("Torah and secular kn...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Mäkienmäen, Peräholman ja Lehmusmäen kylissä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Peippolan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola | Keppola | Kir...
Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi Projektissa on luettelo Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella v. 1939 saakka olevien talonhaltijoiden nimet ja talot no 30:een asti. Tarkoituksena on tehdä tarkentavia alaprojekteja alueen taloille ja asukkaille joihin lisäksi voitaisiin liittää henkilöprofiilit, alueen k...
Wikipedia The University of the Pacific (also referred to as Pacific or UOP) is a private university in Stockton, California. It is the oldest chartered university in California, the first independent co-educational campus in California, and both the first conservatory of music and first medical school on the West Coast. It was first chartered on July 10, 1851, in Santa Clara, California, un...
Siia projekti soovime koguda kõik Eestis tegutsenud kaupmehed ja poeomanikud läbi kõikide ajajärkude.
Seni Genis eraldi puudunud kalmistu, mis on vaid Tallinna Siselinna kalmistu projektis mainitud.* esimene lõik Vana-Kaarli kalmistu Kaht kalmistut lahutab kõrge paekivimüür, mille põhjapoolses osas on lahtine ava, kustkaudu kulgeb avar tee ühelt kalmistult teisele. Siit algab nn Vana-Kaarli kalmistu, mis on eespool kirjeldatud kalmistust, nn vene kalmistust üheksa aastakümmet noorem, rajatud a...
If in your family tree you have persons who were Lithuanian Army Officers, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography. In 1940 Lithuanian armed forces had 17 general officers, 1800 officers , 30 078 non-commissioned officers and soldiers Ranks of officers were Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Lieutenan...
Projekti aloitettu 20.7.2023. Sivusto on rakenteilla. Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin
The prime minister of the Republic of Korea is the deputy head of government and the second highest political office of South Korea who is appointed by the President of the Republic of Korea, with the National Assembly's approval. Wikipedia Prime Ministers of South Korea Lee Beom-Seok (31 July 1948 - 20 April 1950) Shin Song-mo (21 April 1950 - 22 November 1950) Chang Myon (23 Novemb...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Järva-Jaani kirikuaed" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Järva-Jaani kirikuaed • Mälestised - Kultuurimälestiste register Projektiga liituda on võimalik nupu "Tegevused" alt valides "Liitu projektiga" Selle peale saadetakse projekti koostööpartne...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Eesti koondise esimene mäng 17.10.1920 Soomega 0:6 Rudolf Voldemar Paal Gustav Sepp Otto Silber Arnold Pihlak Arnold Emil Kuulmann Elmar Klaos Heinrich Paal Karl Ree Alfred Prunn-Tammiko
This project aims to identify founders, notable teachers, and students of Vilnius University from 1579 to the present day. If in your family tree you have an individual who was a notable professor, administrator, or student of high professional achievement (later in life), whose education was associated with Vilnius University, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the ...
Tämä projekti on Taipalsaaren kyläprojekti, perustettu 11.8.2022. Perustajana Päivi Tupakka. Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen projektialueella syntyneiden, kuolleiden tai asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiileja ja rakentaa yhteistä sukupuuta. Kyläniemi on saari tai 1700-luvun lopulla rakennetun kanavan mantereesta erottama niemi keskellä varsinaisen Saimaan Suur-Saimaata Taipalsaarella...
Kestenga (White Sea Karelia, Russia) locality project =Genealogy project for Kestenga and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "A...
Welcome to the Victorian Portal on Geni=This is a sub-project of the Australian Portal This Victorian Portal has been created to: * Link together existing Victorian projects * Encourage new Victorian projects to be created * Encourage collaboration between Victorian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have Victorian interests and connections * Promote and facilitate Victorian genealo...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Oroquieta, Misamis Occidental, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia