Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Kylä Kontu, Kivennapa

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Kivennavan Konnun kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Konnun kylän maat olivat Kivennavan Linnamäen pappilan maita ja alueella asuivat pappilan torpparit, jotka suorittivat päivätöitä pappilaan. Uuden torpparilain voimaan tultua 1923 Konnun kylän torpparit vapautuivat velvollisuuksistaan ja tämän jälkeen kylä vaurastui ja viljelyspinta-ala kasvoi. Kylässä...

  • American Revolutionary War "Battle Of Machias" 06/12/1775

    First Sea Battle of The American Revolutionary War -Battle Of Machias ,Maine. Indian Eastern Department,Machias, April 27, 1780 ] PAY ROLL OF INDIANS IN THE DEFENCE OF MACHIAS. From the Books of Col. John Allan.1777, Dec. 31. Ambroise St. Aubine,* Noel Wallace,† Nicholas Hawawesch, Ieaguerene, Capt. John Preble, Lieut. Delesdernier, Lieut. James Avery, Noel St. Aubine, Loui Roche, Pierre Joseph...

  • Familie/Family Marnewick

    MARNEWICK===This project is designed to collect Research Information, Discussions, Queries etc on the Marnewick/Marneweck/Marnewyk families of South Africa.*The family originated from the town *Grünberg, Hesse, Germany*Grünberg is a town in the district of Gießen, in Hesse, Germany. *Population: 13,944 (Jun 30, 2009)*Area: 89.25 km²*Weather: 20°C, Wind SW at 26 km/h, 57% Humidity Core profiles ...

  • "Princess Louise" (Ship) European Pioneers to South Australia 1849

    The ship Princess Louise / Prinzessin Luise , 356 tons, Captain Bohr, from Hamburg 26th March 1849, via Rio De Janeiro, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 7th August 1849.Sources:* The Ships Passenger List This is a great time to add the profile to an Occupation Project and also to the country they settled FROM, Irish ; German and Prussian ; English ; Cornish ; Scottish

  • Ethiopian Jews / Beta Israel

    R' Shalom Sharon: From Ethiopia to the Sudan to Jerusalem, Youtube>>* Ethiopian Miss Israel Titi Aynaw meets President Obama Youtube>>* From Ethiopian Orphan To Israeli Beauty Queen! Youtube Beta Israel , בֵּיתֶא יִשְׂרָאֵל, ቤተ እስራኤል, also known as "Ethiopian Jews" የኢትዮጵያ አይሁድዊ are Jewish communities who located for centuries in the area of Aksumite and Ethiopian Empires (Habesha or Abyssinia),...

  • Jewish Families from Orasu Nou, Romania

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Orasu Nou, Romania.Oraşu Nou is a commune of 7,100 inhabitants in Satu Mare County, Romania, formerly Szatmar megye (county), Hungary. It comprises five villages: Oraşu Nou (Avasújváros), Oraşu Nou-Vii (Nagyhegy) , Prilog (Rózsapallag), Prilog-Vii (Rózsapallaghegy), and Remetea Oaşului (Kőszegremete).The 1769 Conscriptio Judaeorum ...

  • Vaivara concentration camp

    Vaivara concentration camp was the largest of the 22 concentration and labor camps established in Estonia by the Nazi regime during World War II. It had 20,000 Jewish prisoners pass through its gates, mostly from the Vilna and Kovno Ghettos, but also from Latvia, Poland, Hungary and the Theresienstadt concentration camp. Vaivara concentration camp was one of the last camps to be established. It...

  • Kylä Helylänniemi, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Helylänniemi, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle = Suojärven Helylänniemen kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Helylänniemen kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tiety...

  • State of Colorado

    This subportal is part of the USA Portal . =The state of Colorado was organized as a U.S. territory on February 28, 1861 from parts of Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, and New Mexico territories. It includes land acquired by the U.S. under the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the Annexation of Texas (1845), and Mexican Cession (1848). Colorado was admitted to the Union on August 1, 1876.== Please do not add p...

  • County Cork Burials

    People Buried in County Cork====Republic of Ireland Image Right - Drimoleague New Cemetery a.k.a. All Saints Cemetery If you know where in County Cork a person was buried please link their profile to this project. Noteworthy people can be listed under the cemetery name below. Related Project >* County Cork, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards for information regardin...

  • Western Television Shows

    Televisions shows that depicted the Old West that ran approximately 1940-1975. The studio and network (NBC) were set on ending the Vriginian series, as evidenced by rivals CBS and ABC making demographic moves away from rural oriented shows (see "rural purge" for more information). The final episode aired on March 24, 1971 ending its 9-season run. Bonanza ended its 14 season run on January 16, 1...

  • "President Smidt" (Ship) - European Pioneers to South Australia - 1848

    The ship President Smidt, 450 tons, Captain H. Hitcken, from Bremen [?] 1848, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 8th April 1848 — Emil Reuner, Surgeon-superintendent The South Australian Register Wednesday April 12 1848 'Monday April 8, the Ship President Smidt, 450 tons, H. Hitcken, Master, from Bremen. Passengers.— Mr. F.W. Jansen (Supercargo) and lady, Mrs. E. Jansen and Dr. Emil Reun...

  • Buttevant, County Cork (Historic Buildings)

    ==See Historic Buildings of County Cork for other buildings of County CorkThe object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in Buttevant, County Cork , with links to GENi profiles of people associated especially with those establishments, but also those people with links to Buttevant.

  • Poole Mennonite Cemetery - Mornington Township, Perth County, Ontario, Canada

    Poole Mennonite Cemetery == Cemetery Address: Poole, Perth East Concession 3, Lot 16, Mornington Township Denomination: Mennonite Maintained by: Poole Mennonite Church==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • Saint Peter's Lutheran Cemetery - Hay Township, Huron, County, Ontario, Canada

    Saint Peter's Lutheran Cemetery == Cemetery Address: 72471 Goshen Line, Zurich, Bluewater Concession 11, Lot 17, Hay Township GPS: 43.406774,-81.622185 Denomination: Evangelical LutheranRegistered to: St. Peter's Lutheran Church ==Links== Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • First Baptist Cemetery- Blandford Township, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada

    First Baptist Cemetery ==Also known as: Woodstock Baptist Cemetery 'Cemetery Location: 396 Vansittart Avenue, Woodstock Blandford Township GPS: 43.141646,-80.765579 Denomination: Baptist Maintained by: First Baptist Church Board of Directors.===Links=== Canada GenWeb's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • H45b (Mitochondrial DNA)

    H45b is considered a minor sub clade of the large haplogroup H.H is the most common haplogroup of people of European descent through their matrilineal line ( ie mother, her mother, her mother etc) with around 40% of these being H. It is also common in North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. It was believed to have formed about 25 to 30 thousand years ago in the Middle East and entered E...

  • Jewish Families of Mashhad, Iran

    Aghlar Family * # Aghajan Aghlar Aghlar & Aghalarian Families* # David Aghlar Aghlar, Karimzadeh, Agler, & Akler Families* Alishahian Family * Aminia/Basal Families * Amrami Family * Aziz Family * Bassalian Family

  • Universal Life Church (ULC) - Ministers of the Universal Life Church

    Universal Life Church (ULC) is a non-denominational religious organization founded on a simple doctrine, "Do that which is right," and states that every person has the natural right (and the responsibility) to peacefully determine what is right. Universal Life Church is an advocate of religious freedom and offers legal ordination to become a minister free of charge. The ordination process state...

  • San Cipirello, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

    Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list

  • Labin, Općina Prgomet

    Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija - Labin / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of LabinOvaj projekt tj. potprojekt se odnosi na / This subproject is a related to Prgomet Ovaj projekt uključuje mjesto/ naselje:* Labin .* Lokacija / Location Labin, općina Prgomet== Labin, Prgomet ==Labin je naselje u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Upravno pripada općini Prgomet.==Povijest...

  • Holy Angels Cemetery - Saint Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada

    Holy Angels Cemetery == Cemetery Location: 188 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas Concession 7, NE Part Lot 2, Yarmouth Township GPS: 43.715155,-79.382519 Denomination: Roman Catholic Maintained by: R.C.E.C. of Diocese of London.===Links=== Canada GenWeb's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • Harris Street Cemetery - Ingersoll, Oxford County, Ontario, Canada

    Harris Street Cemetery == Cemetery Location: Plank Line, Ingersoll Concession 3, Lot 10, West Oxford Township GPS: 43.02058,-80.846565 Maintained by: Township of South-West Oxford.===Links=== Canada GenWeb's Cemetery Project Find A Grave

  • Nettelbeck Pomeria/Prussia

    This project is to map potential relatives in the area from Berlin and going East.KOLBERG 1) Joachim Christian Nettelbeck (* 20. September 1738 in Kolberg; † 29. Januar 1824 ebenda) war ein durch seine Rolle bei der Verteidigung Kolbergs im Jahre 1807 und seine Autobiographie bekannter deutscher Volksheld. [ ] 2%29 Parents marriage: 1740;9; Joachim Krystian;Nettelbeck;Urszula;Groot;Kołobrzeg WN...

  • Admiralty House, London, Middlesex, England

    Admiralty House, London, Middlesex, England= Admiralty House is a four-storey building of yellow brick. The rear facade is of five bays and faces Horse Guards Parade, with a basement-level exit under the corner of the Old Admiralty Building. The front of the house faces Whitehall; its main entrance is in the corner of the Ripley Courtyard, cutting through the corner of the older Ripley Building...

48501-48525 of 72336 projects