Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Kastner

    sub projects: Kastners in Western Bohemia Kastners in Upper Palatinate

  • Graham Name Study, Bath, Virginia

    Back to Graham Name Study, USA Back to Graham Name Study, Virginia Christopher Graham, of Bullpasture United States Federal Census==*Arthur Grimes Bath , Virginia 0 7, 26 thru 44, Page: 423*Christopher Graham Bath , Virginia 8 13, 45 and over, Page: 434, Ln-19*Thomas Graham Bath , Virginia 0 1, 16 thru 25, Page: 434, Ln-20*John Graham Bath , Virginia 0 1, 16 thru 25, Page: 434, Ln-...

  • the British Academy - since 1899

    the British Academy The British Academy is the UK’s national body for the humanities and social sciences; the study of peoples, cultures and societies, past, present and future. The creation of a British Academy 'for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and Philological Studies' was first proposed in 1899 in order that Britain could be fully represented at meetings of European and America...

  • University College, Cork

    [ ]University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC)[2] (Irish: Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh) is a constituent university of the National University of Ireland. The university is located in Cork.The university was founded in 1845 as one of three Queen’s Colleges located in Belfast, Cork, and Galway.[3] It became University College, Cork, under the Irish Universities Act of...

  • British Army - King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster)

    ===== Above, left Cigarette Card - Courtesy of cigcardpics - flickr - 44841559@N03 (LINKED to full size); Badges above from left 4th Foot - Kings Own Royal Regiment (Glengarry Badge) - Courtesy of British Armed Forces ; King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment WW1 - Courtesy of British Military Badges .

  • Lieutenant Governors of Montana

    Lieutenant Governor of Montana is an official in the state of Montana that ranks just below the Governor of Montana.===List of lieutenant governors of Montana===

  • Pony Express

    A project based around the history and genealogy of the people involved in the Pony Express, a relay mail service of riders on horses, established in 1860 between Missouri and California, through the Rocky Mountains. It became the west's most direct means of east-west communication before the telegraph and was vital for tying California closely with the Union just before the American Civil War....

  • A origem nobre dos Botelho

    Casa do Conde do Rego BotelhoChamava-se António Maria Holtreman do Rego Botelho de Faria (1854-1929) e era nascido no Sobral de Monte Agraço, porém filho do morgado terceirense João Manuel do Rego Botelho de Faria, com vínculos nas ilhas de S. Miguel e Terceira.A origem do sobrenome Holtreman é francês, essa família foi para Portugal.Casou com D. Maria Sieuve de Meneses, filha do 1º conde de Si...

  • St. George's Anglican Church Cemetery Gawler South Australia

    St. George's Anglican Church Cemetery Cheek Ave, Gawler South Australia was designed for the church by the Reverend (later to become Canon) Coombs in 1861 on four acres of land. The land cost £55. Fittingly the centre plot contains his remains. Many of Gawler’s early Anglican settlers are buried in the surrounding plots.The first section of the cemetery was consecrated in April 1864 by Bishop A...

  • Black Families in Hampden County, Massachusetts, 1650-1865

    This project is a sub-project of a FUTURE COLONIAL AMERICA PROJECT! Families in Hampden County, Massachusetts, 1650-1865, Revised EditionAuthor: Joseph Caravalho III Published: September 2011 This extensively researched and expanded volume chronicles the lives of African American individuals and families who lived in the area now known as Hampden County in western Massachusetts between the year...

  • Battle of Dunbar (1650)

    Battle of Dunbar (1650) Image Right - "Cromwell at Dunbar", by Andrew Carrick Gow ===== Image by Andrew Carrick Gow -, Public Domain, Wiki Commons The battlefield of Dunbar has been inventoried and protected by Historic Scotland under the Historic Environment (Amendment) Act 2011.

  • Maori Migration - Takitimu Waka

    The Takitimu waka is known as Te Waka Tapu O Takitimu, the sacred canoe Takitimu. It was captained on its journey from Hawaiki by Tamatea-Ariki-Nui, high chief and priest, and carried a number of tohunga or priests. After its arrival in Aotearoa it made many travels. At about 1350AD it called at Waimarama, a coastal settlement in Hawke's Bay, and it was there that it left two rollers and two an...

  • Tartu II Keskkooli (Miina Härma Gümnaasiumi) vilistlasklass 11B aastast 1980 (Eesti)

    Kõik nimekirjas olevad 40 koolilõpetajat Tartu II Keskkooli 1980 aasta lennu 11B klassijuhataja Juta Volmeri klassist (algkooli klassijuhataja Luule Soots). Lisatud ka inimesed, kes mingil ajal 1969. ja 1980. aasta vahel seal klassis õppisid, aga selles lennus polnud.

  • Ward Clerk - LDS

    Ward Clerk: Definition and Meaning ===A ward clerk is called to lighten the administrative burden of the bishop in order to free him up to perform tasks only he can perform. The Church produced training session The Role of the Ward Clerk provides an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the ward clerk. The ward clerk has three general responsibilities: record keeper, administrator, and...

  • 1820 Settlers - Crause's Party

    Crause's Party ==1820 Settlers===All Party members have been linked to Geni Profiles! Congratulations! Main Reference - The Settler Handbook by MD Nash See also eGGSA - The 1820 Settler Correspondence and Return of Settlers Further information from 1820 The aim of this project is to link profiles on Geni to the names in the list, and to expand notes about individuals - mostly on...

  • MN070, Store Groennegade, Nibe Koebstad

    Formål: =Dette projekt har til formål at kortlægge stedets, ejernes og dets beboeres historie så præcist som mulighed. Alle interesserede kan som udgangspunkt deltage i projektet. Det er en forudsætning for deltagelse, at man ønsker at bidrage aktivt med materiale i form af informationer om stedet og dets beboere, billeder, tekster herunder evt. kildelæsning fx gennem familiemæssige relationer ...

  • Tartu Ülikooli matemaatikateaduskonna eestikeelse rakendusmatemaatika osakonna 1985a. lend

    Tartu (Riikliku) Ülikooli matemaatikateaduskonna eestikeelse rakendusmatemaatika osakonna 1985a. lend - nimekiri lehelt

  • Kylä Utula, Valkjärvi

    Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Utulan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 8.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes

  • Inkoon maatilat - Ingås hemman.

    Projektin tarkoituksena on keräta Inkoon maatilat ja niitten omistajat samaan paikkaan. Pääpaino on 1930- luvun tilanteessa. Sisältää myös Inkooseen liitetyn entisen Degerbyn kunnan tilat.INKOO RAKENNETUN KULTTUURIYMPÄRISTÖN SELVITYS - å - - webissä >*Kylä Bjurs - Tilan nimi Bjurskylä ja kulttuurimaisemaBillskogin kylän rakennukset sijoittuvat nauhamaisesti Enbackabergetin reunaan. Niiden etelä...

  • Prominent Men of Canada: a collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life and in the commerce and industry of Canada

    Prominent Men of Canada : a collection of persons distinguished in professional and political life, and in the commerce and industry of Canada Edited by: Graeme Mercer AdamToronto, Ontario: Canadian Biographical Pub. Co., 1892 Our Roots

  • Jewish Families of Mazagan (El Jadida), Morocco

    Les juifs, de Mazagan- El Jadida à Mazagão du Brésil, une histoire pas toujours dévoilée== '= Mazagan, est le nom ancien de l’actuelle ville d’el Jadida, cité fortifiée édifiée par les Portugais au début du XVIe siècle sur les côtes du Maroc, qui ne fut reprise par les Marocains qu’en 1769. ==Les communautés musulmane et juive d’El Jadida, comme dans d’autres villes du Maroc ont cohabité, des s...

  • Cleveland Broncos (1902) (AL)

    This franchise currently exists as the Cleveland Indians .* Cleveland Indians (1915–present) * Cleveland Naps (1903–1914) * Cleveland Broncos (1902) * Cleveland Bluebirds (1901) * Cleveland Lake Shores (1900) * Grand Rapids Rustlers (1894–1899)

  • Biggin Abbey, Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire

    Biggin Abbey was never an abbey, though it is popularly called that. It was properly a manor house, being the summer home of the Bishops of Ely. Originally built in the mid 13th Century, by Hugh de Northwold, Bishop of Ely, it was almost entirely rebuilt in the 14th Century, after it had fallen into disrepair. It was rebuilt again in the 17th Century.In its early days as a bishop's manor, it wa...

  • Test

    [ W.J.J Kok 86 06/04/1997 Vanderbijlpark, GP media article] *[ Andries .M Vermaas “Dries” 49 06/04/1997 Greylingstad, MPL media article] shot*[ John Henry Denner 71 06/04/1997 Lizumpi, Klerksdorp, NW media article] shot*[ C.J.P van der Walt 48 08/04/1997 Helpmekaar, KZN media article] *[ Simon Karel Begeman 64 14/04/1997 Swartspruit, GP (Treurgrond no. 682) media article] ...

47801-47825 of 72346 projects