Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Ajchenbrenner_Honig Pro

    Hallo, my name is Yigal Honig and I started this family site project a year ago. In this site you can find family tree with 4 main families : Honig, Ajchenbrenner (Brenner; in USA), Broitman and German. There are 11 generations documented in our family tree. The first event Known so far is the birth of Jehuda father of Maryanka Ajchenbrenner (1735) and the last event is the birth of Noach Jacob...

  • Paikkakuntaprojektiesittelyt

    Paikkakuntaprojektiesittelyt=Kirjoita alla olevaan varausluetteloon paikkakuntaprojektin nimi ja ajankohta, jolloin haluatte esitellä paikkakuntaprojektia Yhteiset sukujuuret -Facebook-ryhmässä ja tämän projektin keskusteluissa. Yksi paikkakunta per päivä, ilta tai viikonloppu. Esittelyn kestona voi olla esim. päivä, ilta tai viikonloppu riippuen esittelyjulkaisujen tiheydestä. Jos esittely sis...

  • Jamaican Ethnic Groups Portal

    This portal is to link all of the different groups and people of mixed heritage (and their corresponding Geni projects) of Jamaica, West Indies.==Various ethnic groups and people of mixed heritages (Creoles)=====Notable and Famous Jamaicans in North America (including the Island)===

  • Pine Grove Cemetery,Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, USA

    Pine Grove Cemetery,Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, USA : cemetery is right next door (so to speak) to Evergreen Cemetery. When this Cemetery was started blacks and whites were still segregated, this cemetery is where the blacks were buried while the whites were buried next door in Eergreen.

  • Governing Ireland

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION=====.=====This is a 'master project' that groups projects relative to the political leadership of Ireland throughout the ages: kings, presidents, prime ministers... The subprojects will offer brief information about how the political structures evolved. But, primarily, these projects offer an inventory of major political leaders - thus facilitating genealogical identification...

  • "Navarino" (Ship) - Colonists to South Australia in 1837

    The ship Navarino from #, arrived Port Adelaide on 6th December 1837. This is part of the Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal Project Ships List This is a great time to add the profile to an Occupation Project and also to the country they settled FROM, Irish ; German and Prussian ; English ; Cornish ; Scottish ; Lancastrian

  • Cotterell Family DNA Project

    Goal of this project is to establish a DNA profile for Cotterell family descendants. Several descendants have discovered they have a significant and rare DNA profile that is found in parts of northern Wales and some of the old Scottish Marcher kingdoms, as well as Catalan lands in France and Andalusia. Contact manager Pamela Johnson for more details. The name is spelled variously as Cottrell, C...

  • R-Z275 (Y-DNA)

    R-Z275 Z275 * Z257 * Z256formed 3900 ybp, TMRCA 3900 ybpR-Z275 is dowstream from U152.R-U152 is defined by the presence of the marker U152, also called S28.[7] Its discovery was announced in 2005 by EthnoAncestry[55] and subsequently identified independently by Sims et al. (2007).[48] Myres et al. report this clade "is most frequent (20–44%) in Switzerland, Italy, France and Western Poland, wit...

  • Graham-s born in South Carolina - Kentucky

    Move up to Graham Name Study, USA Move up to Graham Name Study, South Carolina Graham's born in South Carolina, and moved to Mississippi Graham's born in South Carolina, and moved to Alabama =Graham's born in South Carolina and moved to Kentucky====1850 United States Federal Census===Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M432_205; Page: 63B*Name Age#Hannah Graham...

  • Wiedemanni Keeleauhind (Eesti)

    Ferdinand Johann Wiedemanni keeleauhind on auhind, mis antakse väljapaistvate teenete eest eesti keele uurimisel, korraldamisel, õpetamisel, propageerimisel või kasutamisel. Keeleauhinna andmise algatasid 1988. aastal Väike-Maarja Keskkooli õpetaja Irma Sild ja Energia kolhoosi esimees Jüri Sild. Rudolf Rimmeli vahendusel pälvis algatus nii kirjanike kui ka keeleteadlaste toetuse.[1] Esialgu an...

  • Medieval Women as Knights and Leaders of Warfare

    A collection of Articles and Profiles. Knights in the Middle AgesThere were two ways anyone could be a knight: by holding land under a knight's fee, or by being made a knight or inducted into an order of knighthood. There are examples of both cases for women.==Female Orders of Knighthood===The Order of the HatchetThere is a case of a clearly military order of knighthood for women. It is the ord...

  • Child Emigration from Britain to Canada (Father Nugent)

    This is a sub-project of the Child Emigration - Britain to Canada.This one is children that were brought out by Roman Catholic Father James Nugent of Liverpool .His work led to the organization that is called Nugent Care .The first party of Roman Catholic Children that were brought out by Father Nugent arrived on August 28, 1870 in Quebec City.On the whole the profiles linked to this project do...

  • Fenian raids

    Between 1866 and 1871, the Fenian raids of the Fenian Brotherhood, an Irish Republican organization who were based in the United States, on British army forts, customs posts and other targets in Canada, were fought to bring pressure on Britain to withdraw from Ireland. They divided Catholic Irish-Canadians, many of whom were torn between loyalty to their new home and sympathy for the aims of th...

  • Canadian settlement in South Australia

    Canadian - arrivals in South Australia - Index Many families and some single persons arrived in South Australia, a free settlers State in the 1850's to 1880's.In working with these records it has been noticed that many did not stay in South Australia.They may have gone directly to the Goldfields, many appear in Victoria Australia and Queensland. This project will list these persons and profiles...

  • Jewish Families from Levice, Slovakia

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Levice, Slovakia.Levice, (Hungarian: Léva, German: Lewenz), district town in the Tekov county, Southern Slovakia. Levice's synagogue is a Roman-Classistic building built in 1857. It is a hall-type Jewish house of worship with a gallery for women. There is a richly decorated triangular font on the entrance with plastic orn...

  • Alpha Omega Epsilon

    Alpha Omega Epsilon (ΑΩΕ) is a social and professional sorority for women in engineering and technical sciences. The sorority was founded by twenty-seven female engineering students at Marquette University on November 13, 1983, and four months later on March 22, 1984, it became a recognized organization on the Marquette University campus. The idea of uniting female engineers and technical scien...

  • R-BY39168 (Y-DNA)

    R-BY39168 is a subclade of the haplogroup FGC17603 which is linked to the clan MacRae of Dalriada Scottish ancestry. It is carried by direct male descendants of Alexander Stuart born 1684 in Scotland and died in 1714, Chester County, Pennsylvania. These Stewart males' Y-DNA signature matches those of Y-DNA tested Clan MacRae descendants whose antecedents settled in Kintail, Ross-shire Scotland ...

  • Hertfordshire - Famous People

    Famous People Connected to Hertfordshire Image right - Cecil John Rhodes Those people of note with connections to the county are listed below. Some of these connections are a little tenuous - counties like to lay claim to people of renown! Please add information about people of renown connected to Hertfordshire, England. If the person has a profile on Geni please add their profile to the projec...

  • III/KTR 16

    III Patteristo (III/KTR 16) muodostettiin Haukiputaan reserviläisistä. Patteriston perustamispaikkana toimi Haukiputaan suojeluskunnantalo 15. - 17. kesäkuuta 1941.Kenttätykistörykmentti 16:n eli KTR 16:n oli jatkosodan tykistöyksikkö, jonka perustivat välirauhan 11. prikaatin patteristo sekä Pohjois-Pohjanmaan sotilaslääni kesäkuussa 1941. Rykmentti liitettiin osaksi 3. divisioonaa.* Esikunta ...

  • Семья Тонкоглас (Tonkoglas Family)

    Цели проекта (Project's goals): Наполнение и доработка информации о семье Тонкоглас и связанных семьях родом из Украины, России и других стран.Советы:#Сделайте как можно большее количество профилей в Вашем дереве принадлежащих к семье Чернявских "общедоступными". (Это позволит всем Чернявским искать родственников в вашем дереве).

  • Healthcare Education Portal for Medical & Technical Schools

    Please add projects & index “Schools” that DO NOT have college or university in their name.== This is for PROJECTS that cover ALL types of educational sources for medical/healthcare professions & occupations that DO NOT have college or university in their name. * This can include, but is not limited to: Schools for physicians, chiropractors, veterinarians, dentists, pharmacists, all nursing occ...

  • Early and Notable Families of Charlestown, Massachusetts 1629-1818

    Early History of Charlestown== Thomas Walford and his wife Jane Walford (Guy) were the original English settlers of Mishawaum (later Charlestown); they settled there in 1624. They were given a grant by Sir Robert Gorges, with whom they had settled at Wessagusset (Weymouth) in September 1623. John Endicott, first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, had sent William, Richard and Ralph Sprague t...

  • World War II: Sinking of the SS Slamat (27 April 1941)

    SS Slamat (or "DSS Slamat", with DSS standing for dubbelschroefstoomschip, "twin-screw steamship") was a Dutch ocean liner of the Rotterdam-based Koninklijke Rotterdamsche Lloyd line. Although she was a turbine steamship, she tended not to be referred to as "TSS". She was built in Vlissingen in the Netherlands in 1924 for liner service between Rotterdam and the Dutch East Indies. In 1940 she wa...

  • Fix Leibish-Teomim-Frankel

    This is a temporary project to repair damage cause by merging two profile at [Leibish Teomim-Frankel R' Liebus Frankel-Teomim, A.B.D. Czortkow ].It seems (though I am not 100% sure) that a person and his grandfather (with the same name) were merged by accident.Anyone with any input, please help out. Thanks.>Following 'The Unbroken Chain' it would seem that the problem may be that there arae two...

47201-47225 of 72351 projects