Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • R-BY115776 (Y-DNA)

    R-BY115776 is a subclade of haplogroup R1b-U106 , downstream of the small branch FGC3861/Z8052 .U106 > Z2265 > BY30097 > FGC3861 > Z8053 > S1855 > FGC17465 > FGC17460 > FGC17464 > BY115776 R1b-U106 on Eupedia site: haplotrees on Yfull and Ytree sites: FTDNA public haplotree:

  • Bretagne (province), France

    Introduction=Ancienne province de France sous l'Ancien Régime. Liste complète des provinces ~ Complete list of provinces Gentillé : Breton, Bretons, Bretonne, Bretonnes Langue(s) régionale(s) : breton , gallo ==Indiquez les lieux dans Geni ~ How to Input Locations in Geni ==* ... 1588 et avant :** Hors domaine de ce projet ~ out of this project's scope * ... entre 1589 et 1789 :** City = (voir ...

  • HRR

    Hämeen ratsurykmentti=Hämeen ratsurykmentti oli alun perin Suomen sisällissodassa Viipurin valtaukseen osallistunut Karjalan ratsujääkärirykmentti, jonka sijoituspaikkoina olivat olleet Kuopio ja Lappeenranta ennen kuin se vakiintui Hämeenlinnaan. Hämeenlinnassa sen komentajana toimi everstiluutnantti Veli Gunnar Bogislaus von Hohenthal, joka oli palvellut Venäjän keisarikunnan armeijassa. Häme...

  • Unconnected Bahamians

    This is a project for gathering Bahamian branches that:> a) still need to be connected to the World Family Tree; or,> b) are connected to the World Family Tree, but not the main Bahamian tree.Please add central focus people within each unconnected tree so that we can keep checking back for new information and paths.To start a new branch , click here: request an edit or merge , click here:

  • 10th Virginia Infantry - Company A (CSA), US Civil War Project

    Company A ( "Strasburg Guards")=Strasburg, Shenandoah CountyThe purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Jewish Families from Koprzywnica Poland

    משפחות יהודיות מ- קופשיווניצה (בפולנית: Koprzywnica; ביידיש: פאקשיווניץ) עיירה במחוז סנדומייז' שבפרובינציית שוויינטוקז'יסקיה בפולין

  • Royal Naval College of Canada

    The Royal Naval College of Canada (RNCC) was established by the Department of the Naval Service after the formation of the Royal Canadian Navy in 1910. The college was placed under the auspices of the Minister of Naval Service (and of Marine and Fisheries) and controlled by the Director of the Naval Service, Rear-Admiral Charles Kingsmill. The initial goal was to train a new generation of Canad...

  • Pikaohje: Salasanan asettaminen

    Suomi ja Karjala - Ohjeet -pääsivulle - klikkaa tästä! Kun olet asettanut salasananan, merkitse se ja Genin käyttäjätunnuksesi itsellesi muistiin. Seuraavaksi Genin kielen vaihtaminen englannista suomeksi

  • Ruda Genealogy Group (RGG)

    RUDA The Ruda Genealogy Group (GGG) is a transcription project threading all recorded birth / marriage / death records from the Ruda Church Books. The offline database currently houses just under 200 entries. As family entries are slowly transcribed in full they will be inputted into the Geni World Family Tree via the Croatia Portal project. Current Family Surnames being transcribed * Bitunjac*...

  • 09. 9. 1. My Belnap / Woodward / Clary Family - Notable People, Etc.

    This project is dedicated to my family, the individuals involved, and all of their ancestors and descendants.Key Profile Base:* Jerome Michael Wilson (Self)* Jerome Clarence Wilson (Father)* Rella Gregory Belnap (Grandmother) Paternal)* (No Name) (Great-Grandfather) (Paternal)* Isabelle Woodward (Great-Grandmother) (Paternal)Project is still ongoing. === 'Names in {italics} link to the Geni pro...

  • Palmer Family Project

    The goal of this project is to clean up the Palmer family tree and the descendants of Walter Palmer.=Sources for Palmer Family=* History of the town of Stonington, county of New London, Connecticut: from its first settlement in 1649 to 1900 (Google eBook), by Richard Anson Wheeler. Press of the Day Publishing company, 1900 pp. 504-526. * Miner Family Descent: Walter Palmer

  • Traité d'Arras (1579)

    Tratado de Arras====Verdrag van Atrecht, Treaty of Arras===...____________________________________________________=====Under Construction=====.===Signataires=======Spain====* Alessandro Farnese , duca di Parma (1545-1592)* Matthieu Moullart, évêque d'Arras* Jean de Noircarmes, baron de Selles* Guillaume le Vasseur, seigneur du Valhuon* Peter Ernst von Mansfeld, Graf von Mansfeld (1517-1604)* Je...

  • Folketelling 1801: Busvigen (Bustvika)

    << Til hovedprosjektet Folketelling 1801: Frøya kommune En samling av profiler som er med i folketellingen 1801 for Busvigen (Bustvika), Frøya Husstand nr 1* 001 Rasmus Jensen, 60 år, Mand, Begge i 1ste ægteskab, Strandsidder * 002 Elen Jensdatter, 50 år, Hans kone, Begge i 1ste ægteskab, - * 003 Olava Rasmusdatter, 25 år, Deres børn, Ugift, - * 004 Luiena Rasmusdatter, 16 år, Deres børn, -, -

  • Members of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut

    This project has been created to house all current and former members of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut.=Sources=* Official site * Assemblée législative du Nunavut, Wikipédia

  • Hopi Code Talkers

    Hopi Code Talkers, Heros of WWII and The Hopi Nation=For years, the contributions of the ten Hopi Code Talkers were secretHopi Code Talkers who served in the United States Army include:# Franklin Shupla # Warren Koiyaquaptewa # Frank Chapella # Travis Yaiva # Charles Lomakema # Percival Navenma # Perry Honani, Sr. # Floyd Dann, Sr.

  • Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta

    This project has been created to house all current and former members of Alberta's Legislative Assembly.=Sources=* Official site * Assemblée législative de l'Alberta, Wikipédia

  • 53rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry, (CSA)

    Brief History:This regiment completed its organization during the spring of 1862. Its companies were form Fayette, Baker, Mitchell, Quitman, and Jasper counties. National Park Service.Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of OriginMen often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. After many battles, companies might be combined because so many m...

  • HV (Mitochondrial DNA)

    Parent Tree: L => L3 => N => R => R0 => R0a'b =>HVDescendant branch(s): * H * HV0 * HV1 * HV10 * HV11 * HV12 * HV13 * HV14 * HV15 * HV16 * HV17 * HV18 * HV19 * HV2 * HV20 * HV21 * HV22 * HV23 * HV24 * HV4 * HV5 * HV6 * HV7 * HV8 * HV9

  • de Staatscourant van NEDERLAND

    de Staatscourant van NEDERLAND o.a. nuttig voor benoeming van bijvoorbeeld Burgemeesters, Rechters, Commissarissen van de Koningin, Ministers, Leden van de Staten Generaal, etc.==Officiele PERS-berichten Nederlandse RIJKS-OVERHEIDZie : zie MINISTERIE van:* AZ = Algemene Zaken : * BIZA = Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties* BUZA = Buitenlandse Zaken* DEFENSIE* EZ = Economische Zaken* FINAN...

  • Leiden 15e - 18 eeuw (passage voor geloofs- en economische vluchtelingen)

    De komst van tienduizenden vluchtelingen deed Leiden groeien en opnieuw bloeien. Als gevolg van de voortdurende oorlog in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden ontvluchtten grote groepen calvinistische textielwerkers de textielcentra in Vlaanderen, Artois en de omgeving van Luik.In 1577 werden de eerste vluchtelingen naar Leiden gehaald, 'Zuidelijke Nederlanders ' die vanwege hun 'calvinistische geloof ' n...

  • Gorham Rangers- Wampanoag /Nawset Elite Warrior Company

    1747-1750 Special Unit- Consisting of 100 Elite Warriors.Born at Barnstable, Mass., on December 12, 1709, John Gorham began working on ships operating out of the port before he had turned twenty, trading at various ports in Canada, and he was occasionally involved in land speculation in Nova Scotia and Maine. Following the family pattern, however, he entered into military service before 1741. A...

  • Katz Family from Smorgon and Greater Vilnius Area

    Nachum "Nolan" Katz and his wife, Leah "Laura" Golemba, and younger brother, Joseph Katz, came to the US in 1882 along with a group of Jewish immigrants to establish a farming cooperative in Bismarck, North Dakota, under the sponsorship of the Baron de Hirsch and the leadership of Rabbi Judah Weschler. Nolan and Laura's descendants included Mel Blanc, "The Man of 1000 Voices"; Joseph Bernard "B...

  • Drukkers in de familie

    Geschiedenis:* Met de uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst kreeg het gewone volk de beschikking over boeken* Rond 1455 is de boekdrukkunst uitgevonden door Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz* Het eerste boek in de Nederlands taal verscheen op 19 januari 1477* De eerste drukkers in de Nederlanden zaten vooral in Hollandse steden als Delft en Gouda* Al gauw nam de rol van Holland af en groeide Antwerpen uit ...

  • Seven Lineages of Brussels

    Zeven Geslachten van Brussel==Sept Lignages de Bruxelles=. Work in progress. More info on Wikipedia in... English - Dutch - French - German ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Sleeus* Roodenbeke* t'Serroelofs* Coudenbergh* Steenweghe* t'Serhuyghs* Sweerts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

46476-46500 of 72357 projects