Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Jewish Families from Kapuvár, Hungary

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Kapuvár, Hungary, also known as Kobrunn [Ger], Kapavar [Yid], Capuvar. JewishGen Kapuvár

  • Milton Cemetery, Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA

    Milton Cemetery, Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA : Find a Grave

  • Graham Name Study, Lancaster, South Carolina

    Move up to Graham Name Study, USA Move up to Graham Name Study, South Carolina Name Studies for Surrounding Counties: * York * Chester * Chesterfield * Fairfield * Kershaw =Cemeteries===Cemeteries with pre-1850 Grahams buried in them.==* Olde Presbyterian Church Cemetery , Lancaster, Lancaster County

  • Sinai Akiba Academy 5th Grade (2015-16)

    This project includes all the family trees of the 5th graders at Sinai Akiba Academy for the academic year 2015-16 (Class of '19). The goal is to get every single child in the class connected to Geni's World Family Tree . Last year, for the Class of '18 , in just four months we had all 53 kids connected to each other in the World Family Tree. See the article in the Jewish Journal . To find your...

  • Jewish Families from Csorna, Hungary

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families form Csorna, Hungary. JewishGen Csorna

  • Died at sea - South Australia

    Many did not make it to the new land, they were probably buried at sea and may have no monument to their passing.Please add profiles to this project for persons who died at sea on their way to South Australia.==Shipwreck* SS Admella 1859 ==Resources* Family History SA * The Ships List * SA State Library Shipwrecks and Sea Rescue * ABC Shipswrecks SA This project is included in The History Link ...

  • Jewish Families from Dolni Bolikov (Wölking), Moravia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to list representatives of all of the Jewish families from the Moravian town of Dolni Bolikov (Wölking) in the Czech Republic. This town is now in Southern Bohemia.Earliest known Jewish community was 1678. 1930 Jewish population was 3. Jewish community was cancelled 1891. Heinrich Mayer, 1835-1905, publicist lived and is buried here. The Jewish cemetery originated in beginnin...

  • Jewish Families from Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families fro Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, also known as Moson [Hun, before 1939], Magyaróvár [Hun, before 1939], Altenburg [Ger], Wieselburg [Ger], Ungarisch-Altenburg. JewishGen Mosonmagyaróvár

  • Obituary - New South Wales

    Obituary - New South Wales Portal - A sub project of Obituary Portal Obituaries are an excellent way to find information, or confirm facts about a persons life, relationships, occupation and ethnic background. Eventually this will become a portal for minor projects that will be sorted by year of death.If you find a person on the tree, or add someone that has his/her obituary here, please copy i...

  • Verzetsgroep De Geuzen - WWII

    Met dank aan de website Geschiedenis van Vlaardingen. Op 14 mei 1940 werd in Vlaardingen door Arij Kop de 1e verzetsgroep van Nederland opgericht. De naam was ontleend aan de Geuzen uit de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. De initiatiefnemer van het eerste verzet was de Schiedammer Bernard IJzerdraat. In de weken en maanden daarna sloten steeds meer Vlaardingers, Schiedammers, Maassluizenaren en anderen zi...

  • Obesity

    Please add to this project those who died with Obesity as the primary or contributing factor to the Cause of Death. If it was a contributing factor, be sure to add the person to the primary cause of death also.== Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive a...

  • hrafnsmerki - the Raven Banner

    The raven banner (Old Norse: hrafnsmerki ; Middle English: hravenlandeye ) was a flag, possibly totemic in nature, flown by various Viking chieftains and other Scandinavian rulers during the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries. The flag, as depicted in Norse artwork, was roughly triangular, with a rounded outside edge on which there hung a series of tabs or tassels. It bore a resemblance to ornately c...

  • Migrations

    Emigration * Immigration .Migrations characterize the animal species since the dawn of time. People have migrated for political and religious reasons, but primarily in the search for good fortune and a better life. Very often, these reasons combine. Some migrations were natural and conflict-less, others were done by design and through struggle. The latter is usually called ' colonization '.This...

  • Marton in the Heart of the Rangitikei

    Andrew Green was a whaler in early New Zealand who married Ann Signal in 1842. He bought 525 acres of land at Tutaenui and in turn sold some to his brother in law Robert Signal in 1858. This land became the foundations of Marton. Robert married Elizabeth Brunger in 1851 and they had 10 children. Robert and Ann sailed to NZ on SS London in 1840 with their parents William and Deborah Signal and 3...

  • Książeta i królowie pruscy

    Książęta pruscy * Hohenzollernowie * Burchard I, count of Zollern * Friedrich I, count of Zollern * Friedrich I/III, Burggraf von Zollern-Nürnberg * Conrad III/I, Burggraf von Zollern-Nürnberg * Friedrich IV. Graf von Zollern

  • Migrations: Emigration

    WORK IN PROGRESS==========< BACK =====* Emigration from Africa * Emigration from Asia * Emigration from Europe .The motives for emigration - the act of leaving a home country for good - can be multiple:* Economic: people seek good fortune or a better quality of life elsewhere.* Social: people flee political or religious repression and persecution.* Forced: communities are displaced or people ar...

  • Migrations: Immigration

    WORK IN PROGRESS==========< BACK =====* Immigration into Africa * Immigration into Asia * Immigration into Australasia * Immigration into the Americas .In the period 1600-1800, immigratory flows followed a logical sequence of events:* Discovery* Exploration* Settlement* Colonization This process was usually characterized with the subduement of native peoples.Many factors have influenced the cho...

  • Jõuga koolmeistrid

    Iisaku kihelkonna Jõuga koolmeistrid Ilmar Lilleorg andmetel kogumikust Iisaku lood: (mälestused). III osa . * 1840 - 1843* 1843 - 1848 Tomas Eiman* 1848 - 1851* 1851 - 1873 Taniel Kikajoon * 1873 - 1875 Jakob Kikajoon * 1875 - 1900 Josep Puusep * 1900 - 1902 Hugo Puusep * 1902 - 1903 Eberhard Blum * 1903 - 1951 Aleksander Roostalu ← Roostar

  • Village Kemppila Locality Lappee and Lappeenranta

    This is a village project of Kemppila in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala

  • House of Hippel

    A project for the noble German family von Hippel . The project currently includes all deceased people on Geni who were born with the surname von Hippel or who married into the family. It does not include living family members or von Hippel descendants who were born with a surname other than von Hippel.Notable people with this surname on Geni include:* Dr Arthur Friedrich Wilhelm von Hippel * Dr...

  • Vroedschap van Amsterdam (1578-1795)

    The "Vroedschap" of Amsterdam=.De 460 leden van het stadsbestuur van Amsterdam sinds de Alteratie (1578) tot het einde van de Republiek (1795)=====The 460 members of the city council of Amsterdam since the Alteration (1578) until the end of the Dutch Republic (1795)=====_________________________________________________.=====In volgorde van coöptatie, zoals gegeven in De Vroedschap van Amsterdam...

  • Historic Buildings of County Louth

    Historic Buildings of County Louth ==Republic of Ireland ====See Historic Buildings Ireland - Main Page =====Image right - Barmeath Castle © Copyright Kieran Campbell and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence . Geograph

  • De Lage Landen, kruispunt van godsdiensten (1521-1789)

    Low Countries, Crossroads of Religions (1521-1789)====Inleiding===Dit project beoogt een index van religieuze en filosophische stromingen die via de Lage Landen betekenis hebben gehad voor de wereld van vandaag. Het uitgangspunt hierbij is de rol van de Republiek als aziel voor vluchtelingen, én als vertrekpunt voor migraties naar nieuwe werelden. Terwijl alternatieve meningen elders doorgaans ...

  • Veermannen in de familie

    Veermannen in de familie ======documentatie - informatie - bronnen* Vrienden van de voetveren* ===Groningen Friesland Drenthe Overijssel===Gelderland====▶︎WAMEL* Bastiaan van BERGHEM ‧ ‧ & van Ballegoijen* Sander Dirk Arien van DODEWAARD ‧ ‧ &1871 Nuijs* Jacobus de JONG ‧ ‧ & de Koning* Johannes Marinus Vincentius van LENT ‧ c.1855-x ‧ & Emmerloot* Jan VERSTEEG ‧ ‧ & Middelhoek* Cornelis v...

  • Slovensko rodoslovje / Slovenian Genealogy

    Projekt bo skušal predstaviti pregled različnih družin na območju današnje SLOVENIJE MedLand Slovenci so potomci starih Karantancev, del Slovanov, ki se pod pritiskom Avarov naseljujejo do konca 6. stoletja iz pradomovine izza Karpatov, na področje zgornjega Podravja in Posavja, Posočja ter v Spodnjo Panonijo do Balatona. Oblikovali so kneževino Karantanijo. V 8. stoletju so se borili proti Ava...

46076-46100 of 72360 projects