Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Artiklite andmebaas BIBIS (isikunime või kohanime otsing) (Eesti)

    Eesti ajakirjanduse analüütiline bibliograafia Artiklite andmebaas BIBIS moodustab killukese Eesti ajakirjanduse analüütilisest retrospektiivsest üldisest bibliograafiast, mille ainsaks koostajaks on Arhiivraamatukogu bibliograafiaosakond. Universaalne andmebaas hõlmab 20-ndate ja 30-ndate aastate ajakirjanduse sisu. Esialgu on elektrooniliselt kättesaadavad Postimehe aastakäigud 1926, 1930, 19...

  • Goldstein Family Research

    The objective of this project is to figure out the first generation of The Goldstein family. There's some anonymous site ( ) that gives the following info:Unknown Goldstein had 2 children: +Löser GOLDSTEIN +Loeser Eliezer Samuel GOLDSTEIN The Geni tree reflects this. For the sake of this discussion let's call the first Löser, Löser A, and the second Löser (our g-g-g-grandfather), Löser B.I'm su...

  • Kirkwood Cemetery, Micanopy, Alachua County, Florida, USA

    Kirkwood Cemetery, Micanopy, Alachua County, Florida, USA: Findagrave 1st Surname Index 4/20/2021

  • Ukrainian Family Tree

    Історія України складається з історій мільйонів українців.Додаючи нові профілі та фотографіїми спільними зусиллями складаємо пазли нашої історії."Ukrainian Family Tree" це амбіційний проект.Наші цілі:* Навчати будувати генеалогічне українське древо on-line всіх бажаючих * Ділитися досвідом, питати і відповідати * Поступово вписати в родове древо всіх жителів України

  • Kanapaha Cemetery,Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, USA

    Kanapaha Cemetery, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, USA: Findagrave

  • Vadsø - Norge

    Vadsø sogn var i Vardø prestegjeld fra 1307 til 1694. Vadsøs første kirke ble bygget 1575 på Vadsøya. Vadsø prestegjeld ble opprettet 1694 da det ble forandret fra Vardø prestegjeld og Vardø sogn var i Vadsø prestegjeld fra 1694. Vardø prestegjeld ble opprettet 1771 da det ble fradelt fra Vadsø prestegjeld. Vadsø kommune ble opprettet 1838 etter at Formannskapslovene av 1838 ble vedtatt. Vadsø ...

  • Kylä Viskari, Antrea

    Viskarille ja sieltä pois pääsi keskikylän ohittavaa Ahvolan¬-Kuukaupin maantietä, kirkonkylään matkaa oli kymmenisen, Hannilan asemalle neljästä viiteen ja Viipuriin noin 35 kilometriä. Talon olivat levittäytyneet laajalle alueelle ryhmiksi, joita kutsuttiin omilla nimillään. Kylän keskustasta teitä pitkin pari kilometriä lounaaseen oli Lananmäki, jonka tuntumassa Hannilanjärvestä virtaava Lan...

  • South Africa - Randlords

    Randlords were the entrepreneurs who controlled the diamond and gold mining industries in South Africa in its pioneer phase from the 1870s up to World War I.A small number of European adventurers and financiers, largely of the same generation, gained control of the diamond mining industry at Kimberley, Northern Cape. They set up an infrastructure of financing and industrial consolidation which ...

  • Military - Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungarian and Serbian Banat

    This is a umbrella project for Military projects from Croatia and other places for which are available in a Church Records on FamilySearch.comProject is about Soldiers from this records who were been a members of Austro-Hungarian Military in period during WW1, Austro-Hungarian empire. Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top r...

  • R-L165 (S68) Project FTDNA R1b1a2a1a1b5b

    The SNP defining R-L165/S68 was discovered in 2007 by Jim Wilson of Ethno Ancestry. It was originally thought to be a "Private SNP", but later found in another individual with a different surname and haplotype; Ethno Ancestry designates the SNP as S68. FTDNA found the same SNP independently in 2010 and initially thought it to be "Private" until more unrelated samples showed up. The FTDNA design...

  • Jewish Families from Kuty, Ukraine

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Kuty, Ukraine also known as Kitev, Kutten, Cuturi, Kitov, Kutev, Kutow, Kutty. Gesher Galicia-Kuty An historical outline of the Jewish community of Kuty JewishGen -- Kuty

  • Archaeologists - India

    DIGITAL SOUTH EAST ASIA LIBRARY, LONDON Cousens, Henry (b. 13 Sep 1854; d. Tunbridge Wells, 1933). Areas: India Notes:* Listed as having joined Archaeological Survey Department, 16 Nov 1881; in fact a letter written by James Burgess in 1883 indicates that he had worked for the survey since 1874; * After 1886 he supervised and trained Indian draughtsmen; * 'Toured Northern Gujarat in 1886-7 and ...

  • Battle of Stamford Bridge

    The Battle of Stamford Bridge took place at the village of Stamford Bridge, East Riding of Yorkshire in England on 25 September 1066, between an English army under King Harold Godwinson and an invading Norwegian force led by King Harald Hardrada of Norway (Old Norse: Haraldr harðráði) and the English king's brother Tostig Godwinson. After a bloody and horrific battle, both Hardrada and Tostig a...

  • Campofelice Di Roccella, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

    Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Di Vita* Di Vita, Francesco - descendant Anna Morici had children in Campofelice Di RoccellaImburgia* Imburgia, Antonino * Imburgia, Calcedonico? * Imburgia, Giuseppe Morici* Morici, Girolamo - son Pietro Morici lived in CampofeliceScanio* Scanio, Salvatore

  • U.S.A. Indigenous peoples-Lower Plains

    North American Tribes===Lower Plains==Includes the Following States Arkansas | Louisiana | Oklahoma | Texas Includes the Following Native American Tribes=A=Acolapissa Adai Alabama Anadarko Apache Apalachee Aranama Arapaho Avoyel =B=Bayogoula Bidai Biloxi =C=Caddo Cahinnio Chatot Cherokee Cheyenne Chickasaw Choctaw Coahuiltecan Tribes Comanche Coaque Creeks =D=Deadose Delaware Dotame Doustion...

  • Kylä Salonkylä, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Suvut

    Kylä Salonkylä, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle Kirjoittakaa sukunne esittely tänne!= Salonkyläläisiä sukuja =

  • Kylä Salonkylä, Suojärvi - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Salonkylä, Suojärvi -projektin pääsivulle = Suojärven Salonkylän kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Salonkylän kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tietyn lähdedo...

  • South African World War II PORTAL

    PORTAL (master project) for South African involvement during World War II.==== This is the start of a project to pull together and list all Projects ( not profiles ) related to South Africans during World War II. ===At the moment there aren't many projects for South African involvement during WWII. Here is the start of getting some sub-projects going where we can add profiles of SA soldiers who...

  • Jewish Families of Fars and the Persian Gulf

    Jahrom ==* Cohen & Grumi Cohen Families == Kazerun ==== Lar ==== Fasa ==== Nowbandegan ==* Dagan Family == Bushehr ==* Busheri Family * Cohen Family * Cohen Family * Sar-Shalom Family == Borazjan

  • Funya clan (文室氏)

    The Funya Clan was established in 752 AD when Empress Kōken gave the surname "Funya" to the two sons of Prince Naga, whom were Chinu-O and Ochi-O. The two brothers would be demoted from nobility to subject once they were granted the Funya Clan. Others a few decades later would also be granted the surname "Funya", whose lines would not descend from Prince Naga. They were among the handful of the...

  • Jewish Families of Kopychyntsi (Ukraine)

    The purpose of this project is to identify and catalogue the families of the Jewish community of Kopychynsti, a small town in what is now Ukraine. Kopychynsti flourished as a Jewish community from the mid 19th Century until its almost complete destuction by the Germans and local Ukrainians in 1943. The following is exceprted from a variety of sources, but primarily the Pinkas Hakehillot Polin- ...

  • Louisiana Center for Women in Government and Business Hall of Fame

    Louisiana Center for Women in Government and Business Hall of Fame recognizes women natives or residents of the U.S. state of Louisiana for their significant achievements or statewide contributions. Among the inductees are men whose contributions to supporting strong women were deemed significant. The Center is headquartered at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux and was established in 1991 ...

45551-45575 of 72371 projects