Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Jewish Families Who Died in the Mass Shootings at Kremnička

    The mass killings in Kremnička near Banská Bystrica by the Germans and their Slovakian fascist collaborators, the Hlink guard, took place from 5 November 1944 to 17 March 1945. A total of 747 (mostly Jewish) people were murdered in the forest: 478 men, 211 women and 58 children. The figure was confirmed in post-war exhumations from the massive trenches containing the bodies. Victims were made t...

  • Passagers du Christophe 1535

    Détails particuliers de cette traversée Details of this voyage =Le Christophe départ de La Rochelle aprés le 14 avril 1535 pour aller faire la pêche à Terre-Neuve et y rapporter du bois et autres profits.=Liste des passagers Passenger List =* Yvon AULTREC * Yvon LE FLOCH * Guillaume RIOU * Guillaume PRÉDELET* Yvon HELLIES* Jeahan GUILLOU* Jehan QUERRET * Henry DE PORSAL * OLivier GALL...

  • Pakistani Politicians

    The Politicians of Pakistan These are made so we know more about them, and can learn more about their origins, and who are they connected to, and how we can better empower them with better knowledge from around the world. * Fatima Jinnah* Asif Ali Zardari* Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto* Shahryar Khan* Dr. Farooq Sattar Pirwani* Farooq Leghari* Qazi Hussain Ahmed* Rehman Malki* Imran Niazi* Pervez Musharr...

  • Village Turkkila Locality Lappee and Lappeenranta

    This is a village project of Turkkila in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala

  • Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame

    HOF exists to honor and recognize, and to extol and publicize the achievements of those Rhode Island men and women who have, in the words of the HOF induction citation, "made significant contributions to their community, state, and/or nation." It is also our mission to tell the story of Rhode Island History via interactive technology using the biographies of our inductees, noting their collecti...

  • Blacks in Early Massachusetts Portal

    This Portal project focuses on Blacks in Massachusetts from the earliest period up to the American Revolution. See other Geni projects on specific areas, periods, and events in Colonial Massachusetts.==Summary=="An early muster roll from the Plymouth Colony in New England, founded by the Pilgrims in 1620, shows that at least one African, " blackamoor" (the old English term for a dark-skinned Af...

  • Jewish Families connected to Holoubkov, Rokycany District, Plzen Region

    This project seeks to identify and collect Jewish families connected to the town of Holoubkov, now in the Czech Republic.Holoubkov is a village and municipality (obec) in Rokycany District in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic. The municipality covers an area of 4.21 square kilometres (1.63 sq mi), and has a population of 1,500 (as at 28 August 2006). Holoubkov lies approximately 9 kilometr...

  • Star of Courage (Canada)

    Decorations for Bravery Décorations pour actes de bravoure =Decorations for Bravery recognize people who risked their lives to try to save or protect another. The Decorations were created by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1972. The governor general personally presents the Decorations in ceremonies held at Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, or at La Citadelle, in Québec City. They consist of the Cross o...

  • Symbolen van de overwinning

    Symbolen van de overwinning* medailles* bogen* constructies* pyramides* .... add as much as a human can imagine...?

  • Přemysl

    The Czechs name Přemysl , the Ploughman, (also spelt Premysl or Przemysl in Czech Přemysl Oráč, [pr%CC%9D%C9%9Bm%C9%AAsl oraːtʃ]) as the mythical ancestor of the Přemyslid dynasty, containing the line of princes (dukes) and kings which ruled in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown from 873 or earlier until the murder of Wenceslaus III in 1306.According to a legend, Přemysl was a peasant of the villa...

  • Eye & Vision Diseases & Disorders (Umbrella)

    Please DO NOT add profiles to this project which is an umbrella project for Eye diseases & disorders.=====If a project is needed, please see this discussion: Medical Portal project--Needs, questions, concerns & related issues Discussion === Some eye problems are minor and don't last long. But some can lead to a permanent loss of vision (Blindness). If you suspect you have an eye condition or vi...

  • Suffering : Parkinson's disease - Netherlands

    Suffering : Parkinson's disease - Netherlands =====bronnen - informatie - documentatie* European Parkinson's Disease Association * * ...aanvulling welkom!======chronology - history of diagnosis & treatment in the Netherlands* 1817 : [ James PARKINSON] ‧ 1755-1824 ‧ 1ste beschrijving van de ziekte van Parkinson* : Jean-Martin CHARCOT ‧ 1825-1893 ‧ toont verschil in aandoeningen Parkinson en M...

  • Vice-rois de Nouvelle-France (1534-1763)

    Vice-rois de Nouvelle-France= Viceroys of New France Suite au premier voyage de reconnaissance du continent américain par Giovanni da Verrazzano pour le compte du royaume de France, en 1524, l'exploration par Jacques Cartier en 1534 marquera le début de la présence formelle des Français et la création d'une colonie - la Nouvelle-France. Cette colonie cessera d'exister en 1763 - conséquence du T...

  • 1981 Springbok Tour

    The 1981 South African rugby tour (known in New Zealand as the Springbok Tour, and in South Africa as the Rebel Tour) polarised opinions and inspired widespread protests across New Zealand.In the 1960s and 70s, many New Zealanders had come to believe that playing sport with South Africa condoned its racist apartheid system. Apartheid excluded non-white players, and therefore Maori, from touring...

  • Village Ruohiala Locality Lappee and Lappeenranta

    This is a village project of Ruohiala in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala

  • Village Yllikkala Locality Lappee and Lappeenranta

    This is a village project of Yllikkälä in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala

  • Jewish families from Nabeul Tunisia

    For Hebrew and French please scroll downThe Genealogy of the Jewish Community of NabeulBy Dr. Victor Hayoun(Email: | Phone: +972-50-575-2711)This is the genealogy of the Jewish community of Nabeul, Tunisia.I hope you will find your family members, your friends and ancestors in it … whatever you find is the “passage between family genealogy and community genealogy” or “the g...

  • Norrby socken, Västmanland

    Norrby socken i Uppland ingick i Simtuna härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Sala kommun i Västmanlands län och motsvarar från 2016 Norrby distrikt.Socknens areal är 98,70 kvadratkilometer, varav 98,33 land. År 2000 fanns här 825 invånare. Sockenkyrkan Norrby kyrka ligger i socknen. Administrativ historik Norrby socken omtalas i skriftliga handlingar första gången 1314 ('De Norby'). Vid kommunreformen 1...

  • Jewish Families from Klabava, Rokycany, Bohemia

    This project seeks to identify and collect Jewish families connected to the small town of Klabava, near Rokycany and Osek in Bohemia. Klabava is a village and municipality (obec) in Rokycany District in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic. The municipality covers an area of 1.54 square kilometres (0.59 sq mi), and has a population of 419 (as at 28 August 2006). Klabava lies approximately 4 k...

  • House Keeper - Great House

    House Keeper - Great House=In the great houses of yesteryear the housekeeper could be a woman of considerable power in the domestic arena. The housekeeper of times past had her room (or rooms) cleaned by junior staff, her meals prepared and laundry taken care of, and with the butler presided over dinner in the Servants' Hall. Unlike other servants, she was addressed as Mrs regardless of her mar...

  • Tjurkö socken, Blekinge

    Tjurkö socken i Blekinge ingick i Östra härad, uppgick 1952 i Karlskrona stad och området är sedan 1971 en del av Karlskrona kommun i Blekinge län, från 2016 inom Sturkö distrikt.Socknens areal är 6,2 kvadratkilometer bestående av ön Tjurkö med omkringliggande holmar med 303 invånare 1953. Sockenkyrkan Tjurkö kyrka ligger i denna socken. Administrativ historik 1 maj 1888 bildades socken genom ...

  • Anglo Boer War 1899-1902 -Battle Of Silkaatsnek Anglo

    Military History Journal Vol 9 No 3 - June 1993 (incorporating Museum Review) THE BATTLE OF SILKAATSNEK - 11 JULY 1900 by I.B. Copley, Dept. Neurosurgery, Medunsa Introduction After the fall of Pretoria on 5 June 1900, the British forces found themselves in command of most strategic points, but with enormously extended lines of communication. In the Western Transvaal, communications were mainta...

  • Obitelj Šperac od roda Pletikosić

    RODOSLOVLJE OBITELJI Šperac od vranjičkog roda PletikosićOvo je projekt o povijesti, podrjetlu i rodoslovlju obitelji prezimena Šperac, ranije prezime od roda Pletikosić,njenim precima, potomcima i srodnicima.Proučen je vranjički rod Pletikosić. Prvi je put spomenut godine 1655. Od godine 1738. ima nadimak Pare, koji je poslije prihvaćen kao prezime. Od godine 1819. ima nadimak Šperac, koji je ...

  • Landnámabók 55. kafli - Hunda-Steinar / Auðun skökull

    A resource to catalogue and organise profiles for the family of Hunda-Steinar as mentioned in kafli 55 of Landnámabók.=Source texts:==Landnámabókkafli Hunda-Steinar hét jarl á Englandi; hann átti Álöfu, dóttur Ragnars loðbrókar. Þeirra börn voru þau Björn, faðir Auðunar skökuls, og Eiríkur, faðir Sigurðar bjóðaskalla, og Ísgerður, er átti Þórir jarl á Vermalandi.Auðun skökull fór til Íslands og...

  • Klompenmakers in DREUMEL ‧ Gelderland

    Klompenmakers in DREUMEL ‧ Gelderland * Peter van BEUNINGEN ‧ c.1843-x ‧ & Faassen & van Toor* Gradus den BIEMAN ‧ 1834-1890 ‧ & Luijpen* Lambertus Wilhelmus den BIEMAN ‧ 1880-x ‧ & van Koolwijk* Derk Cornelis den BIEMAN ‧ ‧ & de Kroon* Johannes den BIEMAN ‧ ‧ & * Jan Willem den BIESEN ‧ c.1855-x ‧ &1886 Hol* Antoon CHRISTIAANS(e) ‧ c.1790-1838 ‧ &1836 van Sonsbeek* Francis van ECK ‧ c.186...

45426-45450 of 72371 projects