The Confederate States of America ( CSA or C.S.A. ), commonly referred to as the Confederacy , was an unrecognized secessionist state existing from 1861–65. It was originally formed by seven slave states in the Lower South region of the United States whose regional economy was mostly dependent upon agriculture, particularly cotton, and a plantation system of production which in turn largely rel...
MILLER: one who owned or operated a flour mill "Grist mills constructed in the early 1600's to grind corn and wheat to make flour for the early English settlers of coastal areas. Two words in this sentience reveal was the mill was constructed to do. These words are: corn and flour. To English speaking people of the 1600's and 1700's a corn mill means a mill that grinds corn and makes flour. Cor...
in the American Civil War were the largest ethnic contingent to fight for the Union. More than 200,000 native Germans served in the Union Army, with New York and Ohio each providing ten divisions dominated by German-born men.==German-American army units==Approximately 516,000 (23.4% of all Union soldiers) were German Americans; about 216,000 of these were born in Germany. New York supplied the ...
German Immigrants to Florida.
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Savannah, Georgia. Savannah is the county seat of Chatham County. It was the British Colonial capital of the Province of Georgia and formerly, the first state capital of Georgia. Official Website Savannah (/səˈvænə/ sə-VAN-ə) is the oldest city in the U.S. state of Georgia and is the county seat of Chatham County. Established in 17...
Cynthia descends from the son of George b1670 named Howell who is head of Group F on the FT YDNA Brewer Project with dominant subclade I-Y23708. Gary's Brewer descendant tester, 1st cousin Bill Brewer, has been active with the Brewer research and testing out to the FTBIGY700 placing him in Group E with ancestor Briant Brewer b1799 NC whose father was Thomas Brewer Jr. b1765 who married Lucret...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Beaufort County, North Carolina. Official Website Beaufort County was first called Pamptecough. The name was changed about 1712 to Beaufort, named for Henry Scudamore , 3rd Duke of Beaufort, who became one of Carolina's Lords Proprietor around 1709. Adjacent Counties Pitt County Martin County Washington County Hyde County
To craft a comprehensive genealogical data of the former to present governors of La Union. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Governor of La Union Enrique Zappino 1880 - 1882 Lucino Almeida 1901 Joaquín Ortega 1901-1904 Joaquín Luna 1904-1908 Sixto Zandueta 1908-1909 Francisco Zandueta 1910-1912
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Bauang, La Union, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
USS Ramsden (DE-382) Coxswain, Marvin Lee Ramsden
USS Finch (DE-328): LT(jg). Joseph W. Finch Jr (1920-1942):
USS Martin H. Ray (DE-338) LT. Martin H. Ray Jr. .
Stanford University = Leland Stanford Junior University , or more commonly Stanford University , is a private research university in Stanford, California, and one of the world's most prestigious institutions, with the highest undergraduate selectivity and the top position in numerous surveys and measures in the United States.Stanford was founded in 1885 by Gov. Amasa Leland Stanford , former go...
Berlin is the largest city and capital of Germany. The history of Jews in Berlin can be traced all the way back to the 13th century.Jews first arrived in Berlin at some point in the 13th century. Prior to this period, German Jews had lived primarily in southern Germany, in communities along the Rhine. But in the 13th century, the Jews began to migrate to the cities of the north, to escape the p...
from Wikipedia Mort pour la France ( Died for France ) is a legal expression in France and an honour awarded to people who died during a conflict, usually in service of the country. Definition: The term is defined in L.488 to L.492 (bis) of the Code of Military Disability Pensions and War Victims It applied to members of the French military forces who died in action or from an injury or an ...
The Manila South Cemetery is a cemetery in Metro Manila. It is an exclave of San Andres, Manila surrounded by land under the jurisdiction of the city of Makati. Wikipedia
"I have for several years been looking for the Ancesters of William S. McCathrin, b: 09 Nov 1838 - d: 22 Jun 1910, of Ohio, and would except any help. Thank You! "
"I have for several years been looking the Ancesters of William S. McCathrin, b: 09 Nov 1838 - d: 22 Jun 1910, of Ohio, and would except any help. Thank You! "
Projekti aloitettiin 17.5.2018. Kauniainen on Uudenmaan maakunnassa sijaitseva Suomen kaupunki.*Perustettiin kauppalaksi vuonna 1920 irroittamalla sen alue Espoosta.*Muutettiin kaupungiksi vuonna 1972.*Tietoa kaupungista Kauniainen - Wikipedia - verkkosivu -
Генеалогија или родословље== Генеалогија (српски: родословље ), од грчких речи γενεα (генеа - генерација, потомство) и λογος (логос - реч, говор) је наука o историји породица и утврђивању њиховог порекла. Генеалози користе усмено предање, историјска документа, генетичке анализе и друге методе да дођу до информација о породицама и докажу сродство њихових чланова. Резултати се обично приказују пу...
Valley Forge in Pennsylvania was the site of the military camp of the American Continental Army over the winter of 1777–1778 during the American Revolutionary War. Date: December 19, 1777–June 18, 1778 Location: (current time) Valley Forge National Historical Park Result: American Army survived difficult winter From Wikipedia : With winter almost setting in, and with the prospects f...
Shochet (plural shochets , shochtim or shochetim ). From Hebrew שׁוֹחֵט (shokhét, “slaughterer, ritual slaughterer, butcher”). sometimes mistakenly spelled; shoychet, shoichet. A person certified under Jewish law to slaughter cattle and poultry. Shochtim are essential to every Jewish community, so they earn elevated social status. In medieval ages, the shochtim were treated as second in so...
This project is dedicated to identifying profiles, where facts do not match documents, or documents present confusing information. Please highlight the profiles of those persons, where extraordinary changes appear: new names, new social status, new documents not matching the past, and so on. If in your family tree, you have profiles that are associated with confusing documents, please add them...
Notable Graduates and Key Figures See List on wikipedia Common Source general wikipedia description "St. John's College is a private liberal arts college known for its distinctive curriculum centered on reading and discussing the Great Books of Western Civilization. It has two U.S. campuses: one in Annapolis, Maryland, and one in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The College traces its origins to King...
In 1894, a French newspaper organised a race from Paris to Rouen and back, starting city to city racing. In 1900, the Gordon Bennett Cup was established. Closed circuit racing arose as open road racing, on public roads, was banned. Brooklands was the first dedicated motor racing track in the United Kingdom. Following World War I, European countries organised Grand Prix races over closed course...