Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Hancock County, Georgia. Official Website The county was created on December 17, 1793 and named for John Hancock, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Adjacent Counties Glascock County Warren County Greene County Putnam County Taliaferro County Baldwin County Washington County
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Official Website Mecklenburg County, located in the Piedmont section of the state, was formed in 1762. It was named in commemoration of the marriage of King George III to Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence was allegedly signed on May 20, 1775; if the ...
Crescent View Cemetery, Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee, USA: Note: African American Cemetry African American Cemetery. The Crescent View Cemetry is located on the old Crescent View Plantation, approximately three miles south of Pulaski, Tennessee. The cemetery is on the hillside just below the Meredith Cemetery. The Crescent View Cemetery dates back to the days when the plantation was l...
Rutledge Community Cemetery, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, 32606 USA: Find a Grave Rutledge Community Cemetery (AKA "Morning Star") is a black cemetery that was founded in 1903. It was originally connected to First Morning Star Baptist Church by the members of the Rutledge community, a post-Civil War group, on land donated to former slaves by the Freedman's Bureau.
David Donley Cemetery, Speedville, Bradford County, Florida, USA : This cemetery served the Speedville community in Bradford County until the mid 1920's. The property is now in private hands and fenced. Speedville was at one time called Brooklyn. The early settlers were former slaves and many of their descendants still live there. Most burials are now in the Speedville Cemetery.
Serenola Community Cemetery, Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida, 32608 USA: Find a Grave Serenola Community Cemetery is located on land donated for the internment of former slaves, and their family, of Serenola plantation in Gainesville, Florida. It's not maintained by the city but rather by a private organization. There are several unmarked graves, but the cemetery is still in use today....
Familias da Provincia de Salcete = Genealogia das famílias da província de Salcete / Genealogy of families of the province of Salcete. =This is a project to compile the genealogical profiles of illustrious/noble ancestral families either related directly or indirectly belonging to the province of Salcete from pre-15th century. All the descendants of these noble and illustrious families of the P...
The Theresa departed London on 18 January 1847 and arrived in Port Adelaide on 3 May 1847 - 104 days 239 immigrants arrived 3 infants died enroute 4 children born enroute PASSENGERS LINKS
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in Lincoln County, Nebraska. It is not to be confused with the state capital, Lincoln in Lancaster County .= Official Website =The county was established in 1866 and named in honor of the recently assassinated president, Abraham Lincoln. Adjacent Counties * Custer County * Logan County * Dawson County * Frontier County * Hayes County
Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, 90601 USA: Find a Grave Rose Hills claims to be "the single largest memorial park in the world," at approximately 1400 acres. To aid your search when you visit, make a note of all the burial information provided in the online database search. Stop in at the Main Information front desk (not the little booth in the driveway)...
1847 PHOEBE from London and Plymouth with Captain Wm. Dale, arrived Port Adelaide on 27-03-1847 with 230 emigrants This is part of the Bound for South Australia - Ships Lists Portal Project Sources:* The Ships Passenger List This is a great time to add the profile to an Occupation Project and also to the country they settled FROM, Irish ; German and Prussian ; English ; Cornish ; Scottish
This project is for anyone born lived died in Baden-Württemberg US or international people welcome. DescriptionBaden-Württemberg is a state in southwest Germany bordering France and Switzerland. The Black Forest, known for its evergreen scenery and traditional villages, lies in the mountainous southwest. Stuttgart, the capital, is home to Wilhelma, a royal estate turned zoo and gardens. Porsche...
Compare find-a-grave details with Geni.com for selected branches or rings of family. This project will need to be broken into segments.Must also decide how much to document with links to find-a-grave or other sites. (Questions might include: are those other sites trustworthy? Will they be around for a long time?)
Šajā projektā tiek pievienoti profili, saistībā ar kuriem nepieciešama palīdzība tālākā pētījumā.
This is a master project, to collect information about the specific mtDNA haplogroup projects on Geni. All modern humans descend in the female line from a particular woman, nicknamed "Mitochondrial Eve," who lived about 150,000 years ago. Each of us has inherited her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), along with the mutations that have accumulated in our individual family lines. Mitochondrial DNA (m...
Bureau of Investigation chiefs and directors (1908–1935) Stanley Finch July 26, 1908 – April 30, 1912 A. Bruce Bielaski April 30, 1912 – February 10, 1919 William E. Allen February 10, 1919 – June 30, 1919 William J. Flynn July 1, 1919 – August 21, 1921 William J. Burns August 22, 1921 – May 10, 1924 J. Edgar Hoover May 10, 1924 – June 30, 1935
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this City of Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this city. Located in the British Colony of Virginia, even after the American Revolution and independence and statehood for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the areas west of the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains were known as the fro...
Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Imigrantes Alemães ao Brasil Este subprojeto visa organizar dados genealógicos dos imigrantes alemão que vieram ao Brasil e foram instalados na Colônia de Santa Cruz do Sul, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os imigrantes já identificados estão na lista de perfis deste subprojeto: Em 1849 foi fundada a colônia de Santa Cruz do Sul no vale do Ri...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Pine County, Minnesota. Official Website The county was formed in 1856 and organized in 1872. It was named for the abundant pine tree growth across the county. A portion of the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation is in the county. Adjacent Counties Carlton County Douglas County, Wisconsin Burnett County, Wisconsin Chisago County...
For people who have tested and are assigned the maternal haplogroup H or who are believed to have had that maternal haplogroup based on descendants tested. Defining Mutations G2706A and T7028C Origin Haplogroup H has an estimated age of about 25,000 to 30,000 years. In his popular book The Seven Daughters of Eve , Bryan Sykes named the originator of this mtDNA haplogroup Helena . It is the...
(a Geni initiated project. There is a Member created Duplicate Project.)For more info on Mitrochondrial DNA visit this project : mtDNA Haplogroups === Site Index ===*1. a Quick tree.*2. Subclades of H.*3. Surnames/Lastnames/Family names Related to Haplogroup H *4. Sources*5.1. L => L3 => N => R => R0 => R0a'b => HV => H=== 2. Subclades of H ===(For more detail on Sub groups, click on the link t...
Tervetuloa Lumijoen hautamuistomerkkien sukututkimusprojektiin! Kaikki kiinnostuneet ja sukua löytäneet voivat liittyä yhteistyökumppaneiksi ja liittää profiileita, valokuvia, dokumentteja ynm. tietoa projektiin alla olevassa Hautamuistomerkki -luettelossa esiintyvistä. Arkisto Lumijoen seurakunnan rippikirjat, tilikirjat ja historiakirjat alkavat kaikki vuodesta 1902. Seurakunnan koko ki...
MOON, MOONE, MOEN and other variations.The surname originates "MOHUNS or MOYUNS" after 1000 years they have become better known as the "MOONS"The name is roughly translatable from olde Norse as "Affable".Borne in the origin of this one man below---------------------------- Guillaume de Mohun, seigneur de Moyon ---------------------------James being the first ancestor in America- James Moon, Sr....
Den äldsta församlingen på Åland med Lumparland som kapell. Ruinerna efter Lemböte kapell härstammar från 1200-talet.Byar: Bengtsböle, Bistorp, Flaka, Granboda, Haddnäs, Hellestorp, Järsö, Knutsboda, Lemböte, Nåtö, Norrby, Rörstorp, Söderby, Stackskär, Västeränga, Vessingsboda* Förteckning över präster - Lemland