Finnerödja socken i Västergötland ingick i Vadsbo härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Laxå kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Finnerödja distrikt. Socknens areal är 248,92 kvadratkilometer varav 194,53 land. År 2000 fanns här 1 455 invånare. Godset Skagersholm samt tätorten Finnerödja med sockenkyrkan Finnerödja kyrka ligger i socknen.===Administrativ historik===Socknen bildades omkring 1630 genom en utbrytn...
Nora kommun är en kommun i Örebro län i landskapet Västmanland. Centralort är Nora.Kommunen ligger i Bergslagen och samarbetar med intilliggande kommuner i KNÖL-gruppen (Kommuner i Norra Örebro län): Lindesberg, Ljusnarsberg och Hällefors. Därigenom har man etablerat ett tekniskt samarbete om gator, vägar, sophantering och fritidssektorn. Administrativ historik Kommunens område motsvarar sockn...
Hammar socken i Närke, med en mindre del i Östergötland, ingick i Sundbo härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Askersunds kommun i Örebro län och motsvarar från 2016 Hammars distrikt.Socknens areal är 194,33 kvadratkilometer, varav 187,60 land. År 2000 fanns här 3 000 invånare. Orterna Åmmeberg, Zinkgruvan, Sänna, Nydalen och Olshammar, herrgården Aspa samt tätorten och kyrkbyn Hammar med sockenkyrkan Hamm...
Wikipedia The Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery covers 982 acres in Elwood, Illinois . It is located approximately 50 miles southwest of Chicago, Illinois . Find a Grave
Roger Amadowne/Amidon is believed to have been among the first French Huguenots to seek refuge in America. This project aims to clean up his profile as well as those of his descendants born before 1800. The Lore of Roger Amadowne Amadowne is believed to have been a Huguenot who escaped the persecution of his people in France by fleeing to England with his family right before the Siege of La ...
Most of the Huguenot congregations (or individuals) in North America eventually affiliated with other Protestant denominations with more numerous members. The Huguenots adapted quickly and often began to marry outside their immediate French communities fairly rapidly, which led to their assimilation. Their descendants in many families continued to use French first names and surnames for their c...
This project is for Greek Immigrants to the United States of America. Only add 1st generation Greek Americans to this project. Greek Americans, or Ελληνοαμερικανοί, are Americans of full or partial Greek ancestry. The lowest estimate is that 1.2 million Americans are of Greek descent while the highest estimate suggests over 3 million. According to the US census, 264,066 people older than ...
Valloner är en franskspråkig folkgrupp i nuvarsnde södra Belgien som utgjorde en stor del av invandringen till Sverige under stormaktstiden, och etablerade sig i svenskt bergsbruk. Under 1500-talet förbättrades smidesteknikerna ("vallonsmidet") i trakten runt Liège som hade utvecklats till den europeiska järnhanteringens huvudort. Vallonernas rykte i fråga om bergsbruk och järnhantering blev v...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Fayette County, Alabama. Fayette County was established on December 20, 1824, during Marquis de Lafayette's historic tour of the 24 United States. Adjacent Counties Marion County Walker County Tuscaloosa County Pickens County Lamar County Cities, Towns & Communities Belk Berry Bankston Bazemore Bluff Boley...
Pulchri Studio ∙ since 1847 ∙ 's-Gravenhage . . . . . bronnen informatie documentatie illustraties etceteraa... …aanvulling WELKOM! . . . ACTORES Jacob HARTOG-prijs ∙ laureaten 1952-heden 1968 : Reindert Juurt 'Jan' DRAIJER ∙ 1899-1986 ∙ Van OMMEREN de VOOGT-prijs ∙ laureaten 18xx-heden . . Jacob MARIS-prijs ∙ laureaten 19xx-1969 —1947— schilderkun...
Brown University== Wikipedia =Brown University is an American private Ivy League research university located in Providence, Rhode Island, United States. Founded in 1764 prior to American independence from the British Empire as the College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations early in the reign of King George III (1760–1820), Brown is the third oldest institution of h...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in (or were notable for their ties to) Borough Park, Brooklyn. Borough Park (also spelled Boro Park) is a neighborhood in the southwestern part of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City. The neighborhood is bordered by Bensonhurst to the south, Dyker Heights to the southwest, Sunset Park to the west, Kensington and Green-Wood Cemet...
Wikipedia Syracuse University, commonly referred to as Syracuse, 'Cuse, or SU, is a private research university located in Syracuse, New York. The institution's roots can be traced to the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary (later becoming Genesee College), founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church in Lima, New York, in 1831. Following several years of debate over relocating the college to Syracuse, the ...
The Order of the Cross of Vytis (Lithuanian: Vyčio Kryžiaus ordinas) is a Lithuanian presidential award conferred for heroic defense of Lithuania's freedom and independence. November 23 is a holiday in honor of the Order of the Cross of Vytis. This order was founded on July 30, 1919, in Kaunas, Lithuania. If in your family tree, you have a person who received the order of the Cross of Vytis, ...
Notable Lithuanian sportspeople is a project made to honour Lithuanian athletes, sports referees, doctors and coaches who have attained or helped to attain for sportsmen outstanding achievements in sports. Categories: * Top 10 winners of national and internatonal tournaments* National, continental or World record holdersOnly public or MP profiles may be part of the project.Sources: Wikipedia: L...
If in your family tree you have persons who were Lithuanian Army Officers, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description there would be a brief biography. In 1940 Lithuanian armed forces had 17 general officers, 1800 officers , 30 078 non-commissioned officers and soldiers Ranks of officers were Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Captain Lieutenan...
Korttajärven kylä sai nimensä Korttajärvestä, jonka rannalle tulee ensimmäinen uudisasukas Pietari Olavinpoika Puuppoinen vuonna 1572. Hänen mukaansa kylää kutsuttiin pitkää Puuppoilaksi. Nykyisin alue tunnetaan Puuppolana. Jyväskylän maalaiskunta Profiilikuva: Jyväskylän maalaiskunnan vaakuna
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittauslaitoksen paikkatieto Sammin seutu Lahdenpohjan neljännes Kolkko, Sikuri, Sarkkila, Kalli, Kalmaa, Läykkälä, Nummi, Karhoinen, Haapimaa, Kurkela, Vatsiainen, Vatula, Jämijärvi, Viljala, Kilvakkala, Sammi, Ikaalinen Varhaisin asut...
If in your family tree you have an individual that was a Lithuanian known for her/his life achievements, please add her/him to this project. It would be great if within profile description there would be brief biography. Nevertheless, even if individual was born and lived in other country, but was associating herself/himself with Lithuanian culture, Lithuanian roots, the profile should be added...
The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices. Foreign nationals may also be awarded this Order. The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas was instituted in 1928. It features the Columns of Gediminas, one of the national symbols of Li...
Project on Italian Fascismo
If in your family tree you have a persons that ware the Lithuanian deportees by the Soviet system, please add them to this project. Please add within a profile description some biography facts.* Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it on the selection list). You may add any p...