Immediate Family
About wife of Gille Crist
Disconnected as daughter of Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon & Ada or Ida de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon
See profiles wife of Gille Crist & Marjorie
CURATOR'S NOTE (update 12-30-15 by Pam Wilson)
Many doubts exist as to the identity of this woman or women, wives of William de Lindsay and Gille Crist Earl of Angus. Her name is identical to a daughter of Henry and Ada's, but that daughter is well-documented in her marriages and could not be this person. Much research is needed to determine who this woman is.
Wife of William de Lindsay In the Medieval Lands database, Charles Cawley acknowledges that William had a first wife but doesn't name her; she was the mother of Walter de Lindsay (d. 1221). [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY%20UNTITLED.htm#...]
WILLIAM de Lindsay, son of WALTER de Lindsay & his wife --- (-after [1200]). His parentage is confirmed by the undated charter under which his father Walter de Lindsay donated the church of Earlston to Kelso abbey, for the soul of his uncle Walter, and "concedente Willelmo filio meo"[878]. ...
m firstly ---. The name of William’s first wife is not known.
m secondly ELEANOR de Limesey, daughter of GERARD de Limesey & his wife Amice de Bidun (-before 1223). Her parentage and marriage are indicated by a document dated [29 Oct] 1223 which records a claim against "Hugh de Hoddingesele and Basilia his wife...along with David de Lindesi” relating to charters of “Alan de Lymesia and Gerard his son father of said Basilia and grandfather of said David”[891].
William & his first wife had one child:
1. WALTER de Lindsay (-[1221]). "Willelmus de Lyndesay" donated land "in Ercildon" to Dryburgh monastery, with the consent of "Waltero filio meo", by undated charter[892]. Balfour Paul states that Walter de Lindsay was Lord of Lamberton before [1200] when he had a licence from the prior of Coldingham to have a private chapel in his castle there[893]. "…Com. Patricio, Will Cumin, Waltero de Lindes, Rog fil Henr……" witnessed the undated charter under which "David marescall dñi regis Scott" donated "piscarias meas de Thveda" to Melrose abbey[894]. The names of the witnesses suggest that the document should be dated to the late 12th century. "…Waltero de Lindesay…" subscribed the charter dated 7 Dec 1221 under which Alexander II King of Scotland donated "terram de Burgyn" to Kinloss[895]. m ---. The name of Walter’s wife is not known. She married secondly (1222, Papal dispensation) P--- de Valognes, son of ---. The Chronicle of Melrose records that in 1222 "P. de Valoniis, with the consent of…the king" married "the widow of Walter de Lindsay, but against her own will, because they were connected in the third or fourth degree of relationship or affinity" after which "P" obtained a dispensation from the Pope in Rome[896].
Wife of Gille Crist Similarly, Cawley does not name a Marjorie or Margaret as the wife of Gille Crist (Gilchrist). Here is what he has to say about this wife: [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#GilchristAn...]
GILCHRIST, son of GILLBRIDE Earl of Angus & his first wife [--- de Dunbar] (-[1207/11]). He succeeded his brother as Earl of Angus. "…Com Gillcrist de Anego et Dunec fil eius…" witnessed a charter dated to 1198 under which Roger Bishop of St Andrew’s confirmed agreement with Aberbrothoc over various churches[37]. "Gillecrist comes de Anego" donated "ecclesiam de Monifod" to Aberbrothoc by undated charter witnessed by "Gilb fratre meo, Dun fil meo…"[38]. He witnessed a charter of Arbroath Abbey in 1198[39]. "Davidem Ruffum de Forfar" donated "tota terra mea de Kinefe que fuit Ede" to Cupar abbey, for the souls of "Domini mei Willielmi et filii eius Alexandri", by undated charter witnessed by "Comite Duncano, Comite Gartneto, Comite Gilchristo de Anegus, Philippo Camerario, Villielmo Cumyn, David de Haya"[40]. m ---. [41]. "Gillecrist comes de Anego" donated "ecclesiam de Monifod" to Aberbrothoc by undated charter witnessed by "Gilb fratre meo, Dun fil meo…"[42]. He succeeded his father as Earl of Angus[43]. "Dunecano comes de Anego" confirmed its churches to Aberbrothoc, as donated by "Gillecrist comes de Anego patris The name of Gilchrist’s wife is not known. If Magnus Earl of (part) Caithness was the son of Earl Gilchrist as speculated below, his Norwegian name may have come from his mother. As noted above, there has been some speculation about the parentage of Magnus’s mother, assuming that she was the second wife of Earl Gillbride. However, the junior line of the earls of Orkney and Caithness ceased to hold the earldom in 1198, many years before the alleged grant of Caithness to Magnus. A more sensible suggestion is that, assuming Magnus’s right to Caithness was inherited from his mother, she was related to the last Earl John, who died in 1232, and whose rights would have been divided between his two heiresses. Gilchrist & his wife had one child: 1. DUNCAN (-[1207/14]). "…Com Gillcrist de Anego et Dunec fil eius…" witnessed a charter dated to 1198 under which Roger Bishop of St Andrew’s confirmed agreement with Aberbrothoc over various churchesmeis", by undated charter[44]. m ---. The name of Duncan’s wife is not known.
So, it's not clear where the legend of Marjorie, daughter of Henry and Ada, may have started, nor if in fact the wives of Lindsay and Cille Crist were the same person..
However, it's very widely "out there," given the fact that 190 people had it in their trees when we merged all the duplicates together. So I think some serious research is needed to see if there is any good information at all out there about who these wives and mothers might have been (plural and singular). I've always thought it suspicious that this person would have been a sister to another woman named Margaret/Marjory of Huntingdon or Princess of Scotland Margaret of Huntingdon, Duchess of Brittany
If anyone has research to help us determine and document the identity of this person, please contact me. Thank you! PW
* Father: Henry Earl of HUNTINGDON
* Mother: Adalaide DE WARENNE
* Birth: 1150, Huntingdon, England
* Death: 1213
* Partnership with: Gilchrist Earl of ANGUS
o Child: Beatrix DE ANGUS Birth: 1180, Angus, Forfarshire, Scotland
Ancestors of Marjory SCOTLAND
/-Malcolm III King of SCOTLAND
/-David King of SCOTLAND
| \-Margaret Atheling Princess of ENGLAND
/-Henry Earl of HUNTINGDON
| | /-Walheof Earl of HUNTINGDON
| \-Matilda of HUNTINGDON
| \-Judith DE LENS Marjory SCOTLAND
| /-William DE WARENNE
| /-William II DE WARENNE
| | \-Gundrada of NORMANDY
\-Adalaide DE WARENNE
| /-Hugh 'Magnus' Duke of FRANCE
\-Adelaide Countess of VALOIS
Descendants of Marjory SCOTLAND
1 Marjory SCOTLAND
=Gilchrist Earl of ANGUS
2 Beatrix DE ANGUS
3 Euphemia STEWART
3 Alexander STEWART
=Jean of BUTE
3 Walter 'Ballioch' STEWART
3 Elizabeth STEWART
3 Robert STEWART
3 Margaret STEWART
3 William STEWART
3 Beatrix STEWART
3 Christian STEWART
- Competitors for the Crown of Scotland at English Monarchs, accessed May 9, 2015
- Wikipedia: Competitors for the Crown of Scotland
wife of Gille Crist's Timeline
1152 |
1213 |
Age 61
Forfar, Angusshire, Scotland
???? | |||
???? |
father, Earl of, Huntington, England
???? | |||
???? |
father, Earl of, Huntington, England
???? |
father, Earl of, Huntington, England
???? |