Not a known daughter of Guglielmo d'Altavilla, conte del Principato or mother of Teodora de Chiaromonte, /!\ maltagenealogy
2. SILVESTRE (-after 1166). “Gaufridus de Ragusia filius Rogerii comitis cum uxore sua Rogalia et filiis Bartholomeo, Silvestro et Gothofredo” donated property to Catania by charter dated 16 Dec 1120[37]. He was invested as Conte di Marsico in [1150] by Roger I King of Sicily. Hugo Falcandus names "Count Silvester" describing him as "the most timid of men" and one of the nobles in Sicily whose survival was attributable to their unwillingness to move against chancellor Maio[38]. …
m ---. The name of Silvestre's wife is not known. Silvestre & his wife had five [sic: four] children:
the wife profile N.N. d'Altavilla, /!\ maltagenealogy with ancestry and descent, come from the well-known onlin€ company maltagenealogy /!\
Difficult to cut all its unsourced nodes, especially because their customers who have taken the bait continuously recreate duplications, which then trying to merge create conflicts and weeks of useless work: now we are trying to leave the nodes, but with the due /!\ Text & JPG warning /!\
Try to remove the warnings even though aware, then it is blatant vandalism.