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- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SICILY.htm#RogerIIdied1154B
13. daughter . The Annals of Romoald refer to the wife of "Henricus naturalis frater regine [Sicili%C3%A6]" as "unam de filiabus regis Rogerii"[547].
m (1167) don RODRIGO Garcés de Navarra, illegitimate son of don GARCÍA VI "el Restaurador" King of Navarre & his mistress --- (-after Jan 1172). He moved to Sicily from Spain after the death of Guillaume II "el Malo" King of Sicily in the hope of profiting from the influence of his half-sister the dowager Queen of Sicily. Hugo Falcandus records that "the brother of the queen was staying at Palermo…he had been called Rodrigo…the queen told him to call himself Henry and she gave him the county of Montescaglioso"[548]. The Chronicle of Romualdo Guarna records that "Henricus naturalis frater reginæ" arrived in Sicily, was granted "comitatum Montis-Caveosi", and married "unam de filiabus regis Rogerii"[549]. He was transferred before Dec 1168 to the county of the Principate. No issue.