Zenta Emma Mauriņa

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Zenta Emma Mauriņa (1897 - 1978)

Also Known As: "Senta Emma Mauring"
Birthplace: Lejasciema (Aahof)
Death: April 25, 1978 (80)
Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Place of Burial: Bad Krozingen, Germany
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Roberts Mauriņš and Melānija Šarlotte Jūlija Mauriņa
Wife of Konstantīns Raudive
Sister of Irene Charly Lonny Mauring; Helga Magdelēna Magdalēna Rolle; Ieva Marta Ridkvista; Werner Joseph Caesar Mauring; Helene* Melanie Frankwich and 3 others

Occupation: rakstniece
Label: Dzīvesbiedri, nav bijuši precēti
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Zenta Emma Mauriņa's Timeline

December 15, 1897
Lejasciema (Aahof)
April 25, 1978
Age 80
Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Bad Krozingen, Germany