Matching family tree profiles for Zacharia Jans Visser
Immediate Family
About Zacharia Jans Visser
gesamentlike testament op 24 Junie 1713, en was beskrywe as "Zacharia Jansz Visser Siekelijk te bedde leggende oud ses en veertigh jaaren gebooren aan Cabo de Goede Hoop"
HERMAN BOOYSEN look at her surname 1713 ?
Zacharia Jansz Visser 1
of the farm, de Blomkooltje, Paarl 2
born circa 1667, at the Cape 3
died circa 1721 4
will dated 24 June 1713
and filed 21 November 1721
Baptism record - Transcription
Baptism Original Zaccharias Visscher
Zacharia Jansz Visser
b. before 23 August 1665, d. before 21 November 1721
Her surname was never ever Putter
(Her name is given as Zacharias (Zachararayda) in South African Genealogies.
Refer to the note on Richard Ball's page -
She and her husband are listed in the muster rolls of free people at the Cape from 1686 (I believe there are earlier references) until 1698 but, for some reason I have not yet discovered, she is always listed as Zacharia Wagenaar. In her will of 1713 her name is given as 'Zackaria Jansz Visser' and her eight children by Diderik Putter are listed.
Her children are listed as given in the inventory drawn up after the death of Diederik Putter in May 1699, her own will of 1713 and the inventory drawn up after her own death in April 1722.
'The First Fifty Years Project - http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5302.htm"Baptism - NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: Noch een kind van Joan Coenraadsz Visscher by Grietje Gerrits, genaamt Sacharias, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.).
Mansell G. Upham, "Keeping the gate of Hell . . . "subliminal racism" & early Cape carnal conversations between black men & white women", Capensis 1/2001 [Upham ... Keeping] 1/2001 (April 2001): Page 25
"Zacharia Jans Visser was born at the Cape and baptised on 23 August 1665. Since commander Zacharias Wagenaer had been her godfather, she was commonly referred to as Zacharias Wagenaer. Possibly, this is earliest documented case of a woman at the Cape using a man's name. ".
- Last Name Putter
- Maiden Name Visser
- Gender Female
- Birth Location Netherlands
- Baptism Date 8/23/1665
- Death Location Cape of fmGood Hope, South Africa
Kaapkolonie = Cape Colony = 1806 !!
b2 Zachariaz Jansz VISSER * BORN at the Cape, + 1721, Gedoop te Kaapstad 23 Aug 1665.
Sy was twee keer getroud: X 29 Okt 1679 Stellenbosch Diederick PUTTER (Dietrich POTTER) + 1699 Kaapstad, Stamvader van die Putter Familie in Suid-Afrika, ar. voor 1676 vanaf Zierenberg in Hesse-Kassel, Duitsland. (Hij was een vrije wildjagter voor 1676 aan het Kaap de Goede Hoop) 9 kinders. Zacharias
NOT married !! C1701 Johannes BASSON ~ 14 Jul 1661, (Was nie getroud het buite egtelike kind by Bass gehad volgens joernale "uit pure geneegenheid"
XX 5 Jul 1706 Andries KRUGEL.(SA Argiefstukke Kaap No 7 Resolusies van die Politieke Raad: Bl 169.221: Andries Krugel is in 1675 in Tennenlohe (Duitsland) gebore. Hy het in 1703 as soldaat na die Kaap gekom, en was vanaf 1713 'n vryburger. Op 5 Jul 1706 is hy getroud met Zacharia Jansz VISSER (1665 - 1722), die dogter van Coenraad VISSER en Margaretha GERRITS. na Zachariaz se dood het hy hertrou met Maria Ras, die dogter van Nicolaas Ras en Maria van Staden. Hulle is albei in 1734 oorlede. (sien MOOC 8/4, invewntarissen, 1720-1727, No 37, MOOC 8/5 Inventarissen 1727 - 1737,No 117 en 117.5: MOOC 7/3 Testamenten, 1721 - 1725, No 29: MOOC 10/4, Vendu Rollen, 1731 - 1738, No 124) Zachariaz en Andries Krugel stel hulle gesamentlike testament op 24 Junie 1713, en was beskrywe as "Zacharia Jansz Visser Siekelijk te bedde leggende oud ses en veertigh jaaren gebooren aan Cabo de Goede Hoop"
(Die testament was opgestel gedurende 1713, 48 jaar nadat Zachariaz gedoop is in die Kaap) (SAGG Vol 1)
Haar ouers was die vroegste Blankes aan die Kaap, afkomstig van Ommen end Hardenberg in nederland onderskeidelik. Hulle byname aan die Kaap was "Jan Grof" end "Grietjie Grof". Grietjie is deur 'n slaaf vermoor, waarna Jan getrou het me 'n slavin, Maria, wat uit die dorpie Nagappattinum in die suide van Indie gekom het.
MOOC8/4.37 (See full document attached)
Erfgenamen tot desen boedel gehorende
- Andries Krugel
- Jan Niemand getrout met Margareta Putter mondige kinderen van den overledene
- Elsje Putter weed:e Jan Muller
- Jannetje Putter getrouwt met den absenten Claas Holm
- Zusanna Putter getrouwt met Hans Keun
- Geertruij Putter getrouwt met Gerit van der Linden
- Maria Putter getrouwt met Jochem Koekemoer
- Frans Batenhorst - zoon van Caspar Batenhorst getrouwt geweest met Aletta Putters onmondige erfgename
- Lodewijk Putters
- Arnoldus Basson en
- Hendrik Kruger
- 1 oude jonge gen:t Antonij van Madagascar tot 150
- 1 jonge gen:t Matthijs van Madagascar tot 400
- 1 jonge gen:t Titus van Madagascar tot 360
- 1 jonge gen:t Joost van Mallabaar tot 180
- 1 jonge gen:t Anthonij van Mallabaar tot 348
- 1 jonge gen:t Joseph van Bengalen tot 435
- 1 slavinnetje gen:t Junij van de Caab tot 75
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen als naargelaten en met de dood ontruijmt sijn bij Maria Ras, weed: wijle den landbouwer Andries Kruger ten voordeelen van
haar naargelaten en bij den ander in huwelijk verwekte soon Jan Kruger oud 5 jaren mitsgaders de voorsoon van opgem:e Andries Kruger in eerder huwelijk bij wijle sijn huijsvrouw Sacharia Jansz: Visser geprocreeert, gen:t Hendrik Kruger
In sodaniger voegen als door de ondergetekende gecommitteerde Weesmeesteren sijn opgenomen en bevonden als volgt
- Een plaats ofte hofsteede, gelegen aan Joostenberg onder ’t district van Stellenbosch, genaamt Wel te Vreden
- een opstal gelegen aan de Olifantsrevier gen:t de Pallemiete Fonteijn
- een opstal gelegen aan de Olifantsrevier, gen:t de Lange Valleij
Aldus g’inventariseert op de plaats gen:t Weltevreden den 5:e Maij 1734
Gecommitteerde Weesmeesteren: C:J: de Wet, J:ns Cruijwagen
Mij present: J:b Lever, Secretaris
- Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/5.117 on http://databases.tanap.net/mooc/
Zachariaz Jansz VISSER * C1658, Nederlands, + 1721, arriveer ook saam met haar moeder in 1662 aan die Kaap. Gedoop te Kaapstad 23 Aug 1665. Sy was drie keer getroud: X 29 Okt 1679 Stellenbosch Diederick PUTTER (Dietrich POTTER) + 1699 Kaapstad, Stamvader van die Putter Familie in Suid-Afrika, ar. voor 1676 vanaf Zierenberg in Hesse-Kassel, Duitsland. (Hij was een vrije wildjagter voor 1676 aan het Kaap de Goede Hoop) 9 kinders. Zacharias XX C1701 Johannes BASSON ~ 14 Jul 1661, XXX 5 Jul 1706 Andries KRUGEL.(SA Argiefstukke Kaap No 7 Resolusies van die Politieke Raad: Bl 169.221: Andries Krugel is in 1675 in Tennenlohe (Duitsland) gebore. Hy het in 1703 as soldaat na die Kaap gekom, en was vanaf 1713 'n vryburger. Op 5 Jul 1706 is hy getroud met Zacharia Jansz VISSER (1665 - 1722), die dogter van Coenraad VISSER en Margaretha GERRITS. na Zachariaz se dood het hy hertrou met Maria Ras, die dogter van Nicolaas Ras en Maria van Staden. Hulle is albei in 1734 oorlede. (sien MOOC 8/4, invewntarissen, 1720-1727, No 37, MOOC 8/5 Inventarissen 1727 - 1737,No 117 en 117.5: MOOC 7/3 Testamenten, 1721 - 1725, No 29: MOOC 10/4, Vendu Rollen, 1731 - 1738, No 124) Zachariaz en Andries Krugel stel hulle gesamentlike testament op 24 Junie 1713, en was beskrywe as "Zacharia Jansz Visser Siekelijk te bedde leggende oud ses en veertigh jaaren gebooren aan Cabo de Goede Hoop" (Die testament was opgestel gedurende 1713, 48 jaar nadat Zachariaz gedoop is in die Kaap) (SAGG Vol 1)
Curator Note from June Barnes (7/28/2012): "Zacharia Jans Visser, baptised 23 August 1665 Cape. As Zacharias Wagenaer was her godfather she was commonly referred to as Zacharias Wagenaer. Possibly, this is earliest documented case of a woman at the Cape using a man's name. Mansell Upham"
Category:Cape of Good HopeReady
SAG nr.
:: b6 <ref name=STEFAN/>
Algemeen / General ===:# Peetvader (Godfather) was Kommandeur Wagenaer-1|Zacharias Wagenaer. <ref name=STEFAN>WikiTree profile Visscher-77 created by Steyn-721|Stefan Steyn Jun 11, 2014.</ref>:#Sy is heel moontlik die eerste gedokumenteerde vrou wat 'n mansnaam aan die Kaap gebruik het (translation: Possibly the first documented female in the Cape using what is generally considered to be a man's first name) <ref name=STEFAN/>:#Uit die buite-egtelike verhouding in 1702 met Johannes Basson, is 'nkind, Arnoldus Johannes Basson, gebore. Na sy moeder se dood het haartweede man, Andries Krugel, die bestaan van die kind ontken (translation: A son - Arnoldus Johannes Basson - is born out of the out of wedlock relationship with Johannes Basson. After the death of his mother her second husband Andries Krugel denied all existence of this child). <ref name=STEFAN/>
Birth ===:: Date: Saccharias <ref name="text-48"/> / Zacharia Visser <ref name=ANDREW/><ref>WikiTree profile Visser-56 created through the import of Haye-1_2011-08-17.ged on Aug 17, 2011 by Haye-10 | Jesse Haye.</ref><ref name=HUMP/><ref name=ARRIE/> / Zacharia Jansz Visser <ref name=STEFAN/> / Zacharia Janz <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Zacharya Jansz Zacharya Jansz Visser <ref name=ARRR/> / Zacharias Jans Visser <ref name=LIEB/> was born before <ref name=PIETER/> Aug 1665 <ref name=ARRIE/><ref name="text-48"/> / [on] 23 Aug 1665 <ref name=STEFAN/><ref name=LIEB/> / about 1667 <ref name=PIETER/> / between 1654-1668. <ref name=CHRISTO>Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen.</ref>:: Place: [Cape Town, C.p., South Africa] <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Cape of Good Hope <ref name=LIEB/> / Middelburg, Zeeland, Nederland <ref name=ARRR/>
Parents ===:: She is the daughter of Visser-133|Jan Visser <ref name=STEFAN/><ref name=CHRISTO/> / Jan Coenraad Visser (Visser-225) <ref name=HUMP/> / Jan Visscher (Visscher-32) <ref name=ARRIE/><ref name=ARRR/> and Gerrits-99|Margaretha Gerrits. <ref name=STEFAN/><ref name=CHRISTO/><ref name="text-48">Coetsee-48|Susanna de Bruyn (22/01/2015).</ref> / Margaretha Gerrits (Gerrits-118) <ref name=HUMP/> / Margaretha Gerrits (Gerrits-116) <ref name=ARRIE/><ref name=ARRR/> / [Diederik Putter (Putter-56) <ref name=ANDREW/> & Zacharia Visser (Visser-289) <ref name=ANDREW/>]
:: Name: Saccharias Visscher :: Event: Baptism:: Date: Op Sondag, 23 Augustus 1665 <ref name=STEFAN/><ref name=CHRISTO>WikiTree profile Visser-134 created through the import of JacobusStephanus(Oudtshoorn)GERICKE.ged on Apr 13, 2012 by Cruywagen-8 | Christo Cruywagen. * Source: Title: Other Databases: J.R. Ahlers Abbreviation: Other Databases: J.R. Ahlers Author: Ahlers, J.R. Repository: Name: Johann R. Ahlers Address 1: 270 Thatchers Field City: Lynnwood Postal Code: 0018 Country: South Africa* Source: Title: South Africa's Stamouers Abbreviation: South Africa's Stamouers Author: Various Publication: www.stamouers.com * Source: Title: Ancestral File (R) Abbreviation: Ancestral File (R)Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Publication:Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 Repository:Family History Library Address: Address 1: 35 N West Temple StreetAddress 2: Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA City: Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA</ref><ref name="text-93">Jul 21, 2012 by Humphrey Stead.Source: #S94 Page: Vol III, p. 1062</ref><ref name=eGSSA/> / 28 Aug 1665 <ref name=ARRIE>WikiTree profile Visser-217 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper on Jul 19, 2012.</ref><ref name=ARRR/>:: Place: [Cape Town], Dutch Reformed Church <ref name=eGSSA/> / In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, [Kaapstad] <ref name=ARRIE/><ref name=STEFAN/><ref name=ARRR/> / [Cape Town] <ref name=ARRIE/>, Cape, [South Africa] <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Cape of Good Hope <ref name="text-93"/> :: Mother: Grietje Gerrits, Gerrits-305|Grietje Gerrits:: Father: Joan Coenraadsz Visscher, Visser-908|Jan Coenraadsz Visser:: http://www.eggsa.org: Citation:" Noch een kind van Joan Coenraadsz Visscher by Grietje Gerrits, genaamt Saccharias" Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to1696.<ref name=eGSSA>[http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/church-registers/cape-town... Added by Coetsee-48|Susanna de Bruyn (22/01/2015).</ref>
:: Date: 1662 <ref name=ANDREW/> :: Place: Kaapstad <ref name=ANDREW/>
Marriage ===:: Verhouding (extra-marital affair): Sy het in 1702 'n buite-egtelike verhouding met Johannes Basson gehad. <ref name=STEFAN/>:: Amount of children / aantal kinders: One son / een seun. <ref name=STEFAN/>
:: Eerste Huwelik (first marriage): :: Date: 29 Oktober 1679 met Dietrich Putter. <ref name=STEFAN/>:: Plek / Place: In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kaapstad. <ref name=STEFAN/> :: Tweede Huwelik (second marriage): :: Date: Op Maandag, 5 Julie 1706 met Andries Krugel. <ref name=STEFAN/><ref>caption=Homestead. :: "I was related to your aunt Selena who died," said Tant Sannie. "Mymother's step-brother's child was married to her father's brother's step-nephew's niece." "Yes, aunt," said the young man, "I know we were related ..." - Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) from "Tant Sannie Holds An Upsitting, and Gregory Writes A Letter" ["The Story of an African Farm"]. :: 5 July 1706: Marriage of Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans {Visser}, widow of Pötter-2142|Diederik Pötter {Putter} (from Zierenberg) to 2nd husband Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel (from Tennenlohe). :: Prior to her 2nd marriage she shacks up with the unmarried Cape-born Basson-20|Johannes Basson (legitimate son of Basson-4|ArnoldusWillemsz Basson (from Wesel) aka Jaght by his wife the famous freedslave woman Van_Bengale-1|Maaij Ansela van Bengale whose voorzoonis the slave-born, executed, halfslag free-burgher Van_As-83|Jantjevan As) & mothering an illegitimate, politically troublesome, [grand?]son (Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson). :: Also noteworthy, is the collective role - a veritable family affair- played by her many legitimate (Putter / Krügel) & illegitimate (Basson) offspring & relatives by marriage in supporting Estienne BARBIER- executed rebel or ‘social bandit’. Historians overlook this very important aspect of his rebellion. These related 'rebels' are listedby name: ::: Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel; ::: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter; ::: Kampfer-8|Frans Campher; ::: Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson; ::: Ras-29|Hendrik Ras; ::: Ocker-37|Jan Olivier; ::: Van_Dyk-208|Sybrand van Dyk {?} & ::: Ras-24|Johannes Ras. :: Significantly, some again undertake (1738) an illegal expedition (punitive raid?) to the !Ariep [Gariep or Orange River] – with Van_Wijk-412|Willem van Wyk [%E2%80%98Willem Namaqua’] - notorious cultural brokerwho ‘goes native’ undertaking the Nama ‘t Kammi (urination or ‘golden shower’ initiation ceremony aka "pisplechtigheid"): ::: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter, ::: Ras-29|Hendrik Ras, ::: Willemsz-23|Matthys Willemsz {?}, ::: Swart-402|Jacob Swart {?}, ::: Kampfer-8|Frans Campher, ::: Andriesz-6|Andries van der Walt, ::: Van_Dyk-208|Sybrand van Dyk {?}, ::: Augustus LOURENS & ::: Jan GOUS - Servants of Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel. :: Historians, sensing that the people supporting Barbier are a “closely related group”, however, eschew exploring more fully the actualfamily ties: :: Putter-6|Lodewyk Putter, Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson & Krugel-25|Hendrik Krügel are all half-brothers - being sons of Visser-133|Johannes Coenraedsz Visser (from Ommen) aka Grof’s legitimate daughter Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans Visser. Their mother, 1st marries hunter Pötter-2142|Diederik Putter, but subsequently when widowed, has an illegitimate son by mesties burgher Basson-20|Johannes Basson & then marries colonist Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel. Ras-29|Hendrik Ras & Ras-24|Johannes Ras, in turn, are step-uncles to the 3 afore-mentioned half-brothers, being brothers to their stepmother Ras-124|Maria Ras, 2nd wife to Krugel-23|Andreas Krügel after the death of his 1st wife Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans Putter, née Visser. Ocker-37|Jan Olivier is brother-in-law to Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson whose Ockers-11|wife is his sister. Sybrand van DYK is 1st cousin to Ocker-37|Jan Olivier &to Basson-56|Arnoldus Johannes Basson's wife Ockers-11|Catharina Olivier. [Mansell Upham]. Source: First Fifty Years - Project collating Cape of Good Hope records Facebook Community Page: Jul 5, 2016 at 9:37 am Seen and added by Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt Aug 20, 2016.</ref><ref>Event: 4 October 1732: Hendrik van Nias executed for raping Kien-10|Susanna Kuun. Hendrik van Nias, then 30-years old, had been sent (1732) by his patronesse to the wheat fields to chase away the horses. There he found Kien-10|Susanna Kuun, the 17-year-old daughter of his deceased master & attempted to rape her. He was caught & sentenced to be bound to a cross & to be broken thereon. If he had not expired by evening, he was to be strangled to death. Kien-10|Susanna Kuun (baptised 27 January 1715) was one of the minor daughters of Kuhn-434|Hans Kuun (from Magdeburg) & Cape-born Putter-48|Susanna Putter. Her maternal grandmother was the Cape-born widow of the hunter Pötter-2142|Diederik Putter, Visscher-77|Zacharia Jans Visser,who had had the free-born mesties Basson-20|Jan Basson (son of Van_Bengale-1|Maaij Ansela van Bengale) as a concubine & an illegitimate child by him after the death of her 1st husband. Susanna married (11 October 1747) Trägårdh-2|Carl Gustav Trägårdh [Triegaardt](from Uddevalla [V%C3%A4stra Götaland County, Sweden]) who died (19 September 1767) ... [Mansell Upham]] Also see: http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ui73.htm Source: First Fifty Years - Project collating Cape of Good Hope records Facebook Community Page: 4 Oct at 5:18 am Seen and added by Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt Oct 4, 2015.</ref> :: Plek Place: In die Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kaapstad. <ref name=STEFAN/>::Amount of children / aantal kinders: One son / een seun. <ref name=STEFAN/>
:: Date: Abt 1653 <ref name=CHRISTO/> ::: Husband: Visser-133|Jan Coenraad Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> ::: Wife: Gerrits-99|Margaretha Gerrits <ref name=CHRISTO/> :::: Child: Visser-134|Zacharia Janz Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> :::: Child: Visser-135|Coenraad Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> :::: Child: Visser-132|Johannes Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> :::: Child: Visser-136|Maria Jansz Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> :: Date: 29 Oct 1679 <ref name=CHRISTO/><ref name=HUMP>WikiTree profile Visser-224 created through the import of Redelinghuys.ged on Jul 21, 2012 by Humphrey Stead (Stead-93).
- Source: Title: Parish Register* Source: Title: Genealogies of Old South African Families Author: De Villiers, C.C. and Pama, G. Publication: A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, South Africa,1966 Page: Vol II, p. 743</ref>:: Place: Stellenbosch, Cape [South Africa] <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Cape of Good Hope <ref name=HUMP/> ::: Husband: Putter-39|Diederik Putter <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Putter-52|Dietrich Putter <ref name=HUMP/> ::: Wife: Visser-134|Zacharia Janz Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Visser-224|Zacharia Visser <ref name=HUMP/> :::: Child: Putter-51|Margaretha Putter <ref name=HUMP/>
:: Date: WFT Est 1675-1725. <ref name=CHRISTO/> ::: Husband: Basson-80|Johannes Basson <ref name=CHRISTO/> ::: Wife: Visser-134|Zacharia Janz Visser <ref name=CHRISTO/>
Death ===:: Date: Zacharia Jansz Visser passed away about 1721 <ref name=PIETER>WikITree profile Visser-382 created by Meyer-2493 | PieterMeyer, Mar 19, 2013.</ref><ref name=STEFAN/> / in 1622 (must be a typo ~~) <ref name=PIETER/> / [on] 21 Nov 1721 <ref name=LIEB/> / 1722 <ref name=ANDREW>WikiTree profile Visser-289 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | Andrew Dippenaar.</ref><ref name=ARRIE/> / before 13 April 1722. <ref name=ARRR>WikITree profile Visser-207 createdWikiTree profile Visser-207 created through the import of wikitree upload.ged by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper on Jul 19, 2012. Objects not included in GEDCOM: File: D:\Stambome\Sterftekennis\Visser ZachariaJansz MOOC8-4-37.pdf ; File: D:\Stambome\Sterftekennis\Visser Zacharya Jansz MOOC10-1-34.pdf</ref>:: Place: Cape, [South Africa] <ref name=CHRISTO/> / Stellenbosch <ref name=LIEB>WikiTree profile created by Van_Jaarsveld-448|Lieb van Jaarsveld on 29 October 2017. Source: Geni {included the following narrative: This is the Master Profile for Zacharia (Sacharias) Visser, b5 SM. Curator Note from June Barnes (7/28/2012): "Zacharia Jans Visser, baptised 23 August 1665 Cape. As Zacharias Wagenaer washer godfather she was commonly referred to as Zacharias Wagenaer. Possibly, this is earliest documented case of a woman at the Cape using aman's name. Mansell Upham"
:: Zacharia (Sacharias) Visser, b5 SM MP :: Gender: Female :: Birth: before circa August 23, 1665 :: Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa :: Death: circa November 21, 1721 :: Stellenbosch, Cape Winelands, Western Cape, South Africa :: Place of Burial: Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika :: Immediate Family::: Daughter of Jan Coenraad Visscher, SV/PROG 4 and Margareta (Geertjen) Visser, SM/PROG :: Wife of Dietrich Putter, SV/PROG and Andreas Krugel, SV/PROG 1 :: Partner of Johannes Basson, b3:: Mother of Anna Margaretha Putter, b1 SM; Anna Catharina Putter, b2 SM; Jannetje Putter, b3; Elsje Putter, b4 SM; Susanna Putter, b5 SM; Geertruy Putter, b6 SM; Aeltjie Putter, b7 SM; Johannes Lodewyk Putter,b9; Maria Putter, b8 SM; <private> Putter; <private> Putter; ArnoldusJohannes Basson, b3c1 and Hendrik Krugel, b1 :: Sister of Johannes Janz Visser, b6:: Half sister of Maria Visser, b8; Maria Visser, a4b1 SM; Gerrit Jansz Visser, a4b2; Geesje Visser, b2 SM; Coenraad Jansz Visser, a4b4; Margaritha Jans van de Caep, b7 SM; Anthonie Visser, b8; Jacobus (Jacob) Visser, b10; Susanna Rubeek, b7 SM; Pieter Visser, b9 and Maria van Dyk, b10</ref>
::Extract from estate file, MOOC8/4.37: ::Testator(s): ::Zacharia Jansz: Visser
::13 April 1722
::H:k Swellengrebel ::Staat ende inventaris mitsgaders taxatie den goederen naergelaten en met 'er dood ontruijmt bij wijlen Zacharia Jansz: Visser ten voordeeke van haar man Andries Krugel ten eener ende hare kinderen ter andere zijde, zo als hij Krugel deselve onder presentatie van eede aan d' ondergetekende gecommitteerde Weesm:ren in presentie van de ondergetekende bloedverwanten hebben op gegeven, namentlijk
::Erfgenamen tot desen boedel gehorende ::Andries Krugel :::mondige kinderen van den overledene ::Jan Niemand getrout met Margareta Putter ::Elsje Putter weed:e Jan Muller ::Jannetje Putter getrouwt met den absenten Claas Holm ::Zusanna Putter getrouwt met Hans Keun ::Geertruij Putter getrouwt met Gerit van der Linden ::Maria Putter getrouwt met Jochem Koekemoer :::onmondige erfgename::Frans Batenhorst - zoon van Caspar Batenhorst getrouwt geweest metAletta Putters ::Lodewijk Putters ::Arnoldus Basson en ::Hendrik Kruger... ::..Aldus geinventariseert en getaxeert, so op de plaatsen genaamt 't Blomkooltje, de Cartouw en Brandenburg den 13, 17 en 20:e Arpil 1722<ref name=Dirk1>Source: Inventories of the Orphan Chamber, Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa, Ref no: MOOC8/4.37. Zacharia Jansz:Visser. Seen and entered by Le_Roux-742|Dirk le Roux on Jun 08, 2016.</ref>
<references />
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Apr 20 2021, 0:16:58 UTC
- Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy: Mar 1 2021, 21:20:13 UTC
Zacharia Jans Visser's Timeline
1665 |
August 23, 1665
Kaapstad, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
August 23, 1665
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
August 23, 1665
Cape Town
August 23, 1665
August 28, 1665
August 28, 1665
1680 |
December 1, 1680
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1683 |
July 11, 1683
de Caep de Goede Hoop, Dutch Cape Colony
1685 |
November 18, 1685
de Caep de Goede Hoop [South Africa]