Immediate Family
About Yolande de Dreux
Yolande de Bretagne
- Daughter of Pierre I de Dreux, Duke of Brittany and Alix de Thouars
- Birth: 1218 in Dreux, Eure-et-Loir, Centre, France
- Death: October 10, 1272 (54) in Bouteville, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
- Place of Burial: Abbaye DE Notre-Dame DE Villeneuve-Les-Nantes, France
- YOLANDE de Bretagne (in Brittany end 1218-château de Bouteville 10 Oct 1272, bur Villeneuve-les-Nantes, église abbatiale de Notre Dame). A letter of King Henry III dated 19 Oct 1226 confirms his betrothal to "Jolentam filiam Petri ducis Brittanniæ et comitis Richemundiæ"[361].
- The Chronicon Turonense records the betrothal of "Rex Franciæ Joannem fratrem suum, puerum octennem" and "filiæ Petri Comitis Britanniæ", and the grant of the county of Anjou to him[362]. The marriage contract between “P. dux Britannie, comes Richemondie…Yolendi filie mee” and Ludovicus, rex Francorum... 'Johannem fratrem suum” is dated 27 Mar [1226/27][363]. The Annals of Dunstable record the betrothal of “filiam comitis Britanniæ” and “rex Franciæ…fratri suo minori”, who received the county of Anjou, in 1227[364]. Her betrothal to Thibaut IV Comte de Champagne is confirmed by a letter from King Louis IX to Comte Thibaut, dated 1229, which states that the king had “entendu que vous avez convenancé et promis à prendre à femme la fille du Comte Pierre de Bretaigne” and forbade him from proceeding, adding “la raison pourquoi vous savez bien” (without providing any further explanation)[365]. The 1229 date (cited by Lobineau) is presumably incorrect, assuming that the date of death of Comte Thibaut´s second wife is correctly reported as 11 Jul 1231 as shown above. This suggested redating is confirmed by a letter from Pope Gregory IX to the archbishop of Bourges dated 24 Apr 1232 stating that “Campaniæ et Britanniæ comites” intended to arrange a marriage alliance prohibited by the degrees of consanguinity and forbidding the arrangement[366]. Dame de la Fère-en-Tardenois, de Chailly et de Longjumeau. Ctss de Penthièvre 1236, as her dowry. The Chronicon Britannicum records in 1236 that "Penthevria excepto Jugonio" was granted to “Hugoni filio comitis de Marchia” with “filia Petri comitis totius Britanniæ”[367]. Ctss de Porhoët, by grant of her brother. "Hugo Lebrun, filius comitis Marchie primogenitus, et dominus Lambalie et Hyolandis uxor sua" noted the end of the excommunication of "Guidonem de Argenteio dominum de Plancoit" in a charter dated 1246[368]. "Hugo Brunus comes Engolisme et domina Hiolendis uxor eius heres et domina Penthevrie" confirmed the donation to Lamballe made by “domini P. quondam ducis Britannie genitoris predicte Hiolendis uxoris nostre...domine Ælidis ducisse Britannie et comitisse Richem. genitricis predicte Hiolendis” by charter dated Jul 1247[369]. Regent of La Marche and Angoulême 1250-1256. Betrothed (before 19 Oct 1226) to HENRY III King of England, son of JOHN King of England & his second wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême (Winchester Castle 1 Oct 1207-Palace of Westminster 16 Nov 1272, bur Westminster Abbey). Betrothed (Mar 1227) to JEAN de France Comte d'Anjou et du Maine, son of LOUIS VIII King of France & his wife Infanta doña Blanca de Castilla (Sep 1219-1232, bur Notre-Dame de Poissy). [370]Betrothed ([1231], terminated) to THIBAUT IV Comte de Champagne, son of THIBAUT III Comte de Champagne & his wife Infanta doña Blanca de Navarra (Pamplona 3 May 1201-Pamplona 8 Jul 1253, bur Pamplona). m (Jan 1236) HUGUES [XII] de Lusignan son of HUGUES [XI] de Lusignan Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême & his wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême [1221]-Damietta Apr 1250, bur Abbaye de la Couronne, Charente). He succeeded his father in 1250 as Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême.
Source Projects MedLands Dukes of BRITTANY - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRITTANY.htm#PierreIdied1250MAlixDs...
Comte Hugues [XII] & his wife Yolande de Bretagne had Seven Children
- 1. HUGUES [XIII] de Lusignan (- after 25 Aug 1270). He succeeded his father in 1250 as Seigneur de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême. Seigneur de Fougères, by right of his wife. m (Fougères 29 Jan 1254) JEANNE de Fougères dame de Fougères, daughter and heiress of RAOUL [III] Seigneur de Fougères & his wife Isabelle de Craon (-after 1273, bur Sauvigny). The Chronicon Savigniacense records the marriage "IV Kal Feb" in 1253 of "Hugues Comes Marchiæ" and "Iohannam unicam filiam Radulfi Domini Filgeriarum in dicto castro"[827]. Comte Hugues [XIII] & his wife had six children:
- 2. GUY de Lusignan (-before 4 Jun 1309). The testament of "Guy de Lezignen, sires de Compnac", dated 18 Oct 1281, names "mon sire Hugues lou Brun mon…neveo, comte de la Marche et de Engoleme, seygnor de Faugeres…mon…nevou mon seignior Giu de la Marche, Seygnor de Coyec"[844]. Seigneur de Cognac, d'Archiac et de Couhé. Seigneur de la Fère-en-Tardenois 1280. The testament of "Guido de Leziniaco dominus Compiniaci, Merpisii et Archiaci", dated 18 Aug 1288, chooses burial "in ecclesia Fratrum minorum Compiniaci" or "in abbacia Valencie" and names "nepotem meum dominum Hugonem Bruni comitem Marchie et Engolisme"[845]. The testament of “Yolendis de Marchia domina de Ponte et de Montiniaco”, dated 1 Dec 1289, chose burial “in monasterio de Valencia”, appointed “Reginaldum, Garmasiam et Yolendim liberos meos” as her heirs, and appointed “Guydonem de Marchia dominum de Coyes...avunculum meum...” as one of the executors[846]. Seigneur de Peyrat. A charter dated Apr 1298 records an exchange of property between "Guido de Marchia miles dominus de Cohet, Pictavensis dyocesis" and "Gaucherius dominus Castellionis in comitatu de Campania miles"[847]. Seigneur de Frontenay. The testament of "Guido de Lezigniaco dominus de Cohiec et de Payraco et de Frontanayo, filius quondam domini Hugonis Bruni comitis Marchie et Engolisme defuncti", proved 4 Jun 1309, chooses burial “in ecclesia fratrum Predicatorum de Pictavis...cum simili sepultura et tumba que facta fuit pro fratre meo in abbatia de Valentia”, names "sororem meam dominam Ysabellim de Leziniaco, dominam de Belverio super mare et de Quenonquiers…" as executors[848]. Philippe IV King of France granted "castra…de Choec et de Payrac" to "Johanne de Marchia, sorori germane Guidonis quondam comitis Marchie et Engolisme", by reason of the rights she had “in successione dicti Guidonis necnon Guidonis de Marchia patrui ipsius Johanne”, by charter dated Aug 1310[849].
- 3. GEOFFROY de Lusignan 1264.
- 4. ALIX (-May 1290). Matthew Paris records the betrothal of “Ricardus comes Gloverniæ…filium tuum legitimum primogenitum“ and “filiæ Guidonis comitis Engolismi, fratris mei uterini” (referring to King Henry III), with a dowry of 5,000 marks, dated to 1253 from the context[850]. A later passage in the same chronicle records that “comes Gloverniæ Ricardus et Willelmus de Valentia frater regis“ crossed (“transfretaverunt”) for the marriage between “filium eius Gilbertum primogenitum” and “filiam comitis Engolismi fratris Regis prælocutum”[851]. These passages leave doubt about the identity of the bride’s father. The king’s uterine brother Hugues was the comte d’Angoulême, not his brother Guy. The question is therefore whether the error in Matthew Paris relates to the name or the title of the bride’s father. It is suggested that it is more likely that the chronicler’s recording of the title would be correct, as the individual would presumably have been referred to by his contemporaries by his title rather than his name. This suggestion appears to be supported by the reference to “crossing” for the marriage, which presumably indicates crossing the English Channel to France. Yet another passage in Matthew Paris records that "Guido frater domini regis uterinus" arrived back in England from Palestine in 1251[852] (see above). Although this is not conclusive to indicate that Guy was still in England in 1253, it does suggest that England rather than France was his base and that, if his daughter had been the bride, no “crossing” would have been necessary. On the other hand, no record has so far been found to indicate that the base of Hugues Comte d’Angoulême was anywhere other than France. In addition, considering the prominent position of the de Clare family in England at the time, it appears more likely that a marriage would have been arranged between Gilbert de Clare and the daughter of the ruling count rather than the daughter of the count’s more obscure younger brother. The difficulty appears to be clarified by the dispensation for the second marriage of “Gileberto comiti Gloverniæ et Hertfordiæ” and “Johanna nata...Edvardi regis Angliæ”, dated 16 Nov 1289, which records the 2o and 3o affinity between the parties illustrated by the 2o and 3o consanguinity between “Aliciam natam quondam...Hugonis comitis Marchiæ” [the bridegroom’s first wife] and “prædictam Johannam”[853]. It is assumed to be correct that Hugues Comte d’Angoulême, rather than Hugues’s younger brother Guy, was the father of Alix. Her name is confirmed by the Continuator of Florence of Worcester who records the divorce "XV Kal Aug apud Norwyciam" between "G. comitem Gloverniæ" and "Aliciam comitissam"[854]. A different perspective on the parentage of Alix is provided by the Annals of Tewkesbury which record the proposed marriage in 1252 of “comite de Gloucestris…filii sui G.” and “filiæ sororis domini regis”, although a later passage in the same source appears to confirm the above interpretation of Alix’s parentage when it records that “Gilebertus de Clare filius et hæres…Ricardi de Clare comitis Gloucestriæ” was betrothed “in partibus transmarinis” in 1253 to “filiam comitis Marchiæ…sororem…electi Wyntoniæ et neptem domini regis” (although it was Alix’s father who was brother of Athelmar “electi Wyntoniæ”)[855]. A charter dated 1285 records the divorce between “Gilbertum de Clare comitem Gloverniæ et Hertf.” and “dominam Aliciam de Marchia” and the grant of “manerium de Taxstede...” to the latter[856]. Her second marriage is indicated by inquisitions after a writ dated 14 Dec "24 Edw I", following the death of "Gilbert de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hertford", which record that the widow of the deceased had no seisin of “Thackstede...manor” in Essex “because it was held by Gilbert de Lyndeseye and Alice de la Marche his wife for the life of the latter, who was still living when Gilbert the earl gave his other lands to the king”[857]. Alix is alleged to have become hypochondriac[858]. m firstly (contract 2 Feb 1253, Spring 1253, separated Norwich 18 Jul 1271, annulled 16 May 1285) as his first wife, GILBERT de Clare, son of RICHARD de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hertford & his second wife Maud de Lacy (Christchurch, Hampshire 2 Sep 1243-Monmouth Castle 7 Dec 1295, bur 22 Dec 1295 Tewkesbury). He succeeded his father in 1262 as Earl of Gloucester and Earl of Hertford, "the Red Earl". m secondly GILBERT de Lindsay, son of ---.
- 5. ISABELLE de Lusignan (- after 1314). This Isabelle could not have been the same person as Isabelle, daughter of Hugues [XI] Comte de la Marche who married Maurice [IV] Seigneur de Craon and whose death is recorded 14 Jan 1300 (see above), as she is named as alive in the document dated 4 Jun 1309 quoted below. Dame de Marcillac, inherited from her second husband for her lifetime. “Mauricius de Bellavilla sominus Ganaspiæ et Montisacuti” gave homage as “dominus de Marciliaco” to the bishop of Angoulême in the name of “Hisabellis de Marchia uxoris nostræ” by charter dated 11 Jun 1267[859]. Her first and second marriages are indicated by the charter dated 1269 under which "Hugo...Parteniaci miles" and "Guillielmus dominus de Sancta Maura miles...et nomine liberorum dicti Guillelmi" [heirs of her second husband] divided the succession of “defuncti Gaufridi de Ranconio senioris...ad ipsos liberos...[et] defuncti Gaufridi iunioris”, making specific provision for the lifetime of “Isabelis uxor...Mauricii de Bellauilla militis” after whose death “Martiliacum vero Aigre et Thuchanais” would revert to the Sainte Maure family[860]. “Adam dominus de Bellomonte miles senescallus de Marciliaco” gave homage for certain property to the bishop of Angoulême in the name of “Mauricio de Bellavilla et domina Hysabelli uxore sua” by charter dated 10 May 1274[861]. After her second husband died, her possession of Marcillac was challenged by Guillaume [IV] Seigneur de Sainte-Maure as shown by the charter dated 3 Nov 1274 which notified that “nobilis vir Guillelmus de Sancta Mora dominus de Marciliaco” gave homage for the castle of Marcillac and other properties to the bishop of Angoulême[862]. The dispute must have been settled iin Isabelle’s favour, as shown by the charter dated 24 Dec 1277 under which “Hugo de Aquacava clericus, senescallus de Marcilhaco” gave homage for Marcillac to the bishop of Angoulême in the name of “nobilis dominæ Hysabellis de Marchia dominæ de Marcilhaco”, stating that this was delayed because of “multiplicitatem negotiorum suorum” which followed the death of “domino Mauricio de Bellavilla marito dictæ dominæ”[863]. Dame de Commequiers. The dispute concerning Marcillac is explained further by the following document: “Hysabellis de Lesigniaco domina Quimiumquerii et de Marciliaco” gave homage to the bishop of Angoulême for the usufruct of all properties for which “Guillelmus de Sancta Mora, proprietarius feudi moventis a dicto domino episcopoin castro et castellania de Marciliaco”, which usufruct had been established “propter nuptias a...domino Gaufrido de Rancunio, ultimo defuncto, quondam marito nostro”, by charter dated 14 Jan 1278[864]. “Ysabellis de Lezigniaco domina de Bellovidere supra mare, Pictaviensis dyœcesis” declared to “nepoti suo Almaurrico de Creone” that she had often heard from “dominum Gauffridum de Ranconio quondam maritum meum”, from whose successors he had inherited “in castro et castellania de Marcilhiaco”, that these properties were fiefs of the bishop of Angoulême, by charter dated 16 Aug 1304[865]. The testament of "Guido de Lezigniaco dominus de Cohiec et de Payraco et de Frontanayo, filius quondam domini Hugonis Bruni comitis Marchie et Engolisme defuncti", proved 4 Jun 1309, names "sororem meam dominam Ysabellim de Leziniaco, dominam de Belverio super mare et de Quenonquiers…" as executors[866]. Sénemaud notes that Isabelle was named in the testament of her niece Yolande de la Marche dated 1314[867]. m firstly (after 1256) GEOFFROY [VI] de Rancon Seigneur de Taillebourg Seneschal of Poitou, son of GEOFFROY [V] de Rancon Seigneur de Taillebourg & his [second] wife Jeanne d’Aulnay (-Sep 1263). m secondly (after Sep 1263) as his second wife, MAURICE [III] de Montaigu Seigneur de Belleville, son of BRIENT [II] Seigneur de Montaigu & his first wife --- (-[10 May/3 Nov] 1274).
- 6. MARIE de Lusignan ([1242]-after 11 Jul 1266). The Annals of Burton record the marriage “apud Westmonasterium” in 1249 of “Robertus de Ferrariis puer ix annorum, filius Willelmi de Ferrariis comitis Derbeiæ” and “Mariam vii annorum puellulam, neptem Regis Henrici, filiam fratris sui comitis Engolismi et Marchiæ”[868]. m (contract 26 Jul 1249, Westminster 1249) as his first wife, ROBERT Ferrers Earl of Derby, son of WILLIAM de Ferrers Earl of Derby & his second wife Margaret de Quincy ([1239]-1279 before 29 Apr, bur [Stafford, Priory of St Thomas]).
- 7. YOLANDE de Lusignan [1237/50]-10 Nov 1305, bur Prieuré de Beaulieu). Père Anselme records her parentage, her first marriage to “N. comte de Glocestre” (which confuses Yolande with her sister Alix named above), her [second] marriage to “Pierre I...seigneur de Préaux en Normandie”, her death 2 Nov 1306, and her burial “au prieuré de Beaulieu, près Rouen” (without citing any sources on which the information is based)[869]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified, but they are indicated by the following document: “Comes Marchie, dominus Guido de Marchia miles et Petrus de Pratellis armiger pro se et uxore sua” sued “magister Guillelmus de Perona canonicus Remensis” related property donated to Reims, dated 1274[870]. La Roque records the epitaph at Sainte-Marie de Beaulieu of “Yolande de la Marche...fille du comte de la Marche frere du roy d’Angleterre et sa mere fille du duc de Bretagne”, wife of Pierre de Préaux, who died 10 Nov 1305[871]. m (before 1274) PIERRE de Préaux, son of --- (-29 Sep 1311, bur Sainte-Marie de Beaulieu).
Source - Projects MedLands ANGOULEME - http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ANGOULEME.htm#HuguesXILusignandied1...
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre
Yolande de Bretagne, née en 1218, morte en 1272, comtesse de Penthièvre, fille de Pierre Mauclerc de Dreux, baillistre de Bretagne et d'Alix de Bretagne.
Elle épouse en 1235 Hugues XI (1221 † 1260), seigneur de Lusignan, comte de la Marche et d'Angouleme, et eut :
- Hugues XII, seigneur de Lusignan, comte de La Marche et d'Angoulême
- Alix de Lusignan
Yolande de Dreux was born on 1218 in Dreux, Eure-et-Loire, Centre, France to Pierre de Dreux, Count of Brittany and Alix de Thouars de Dreux. Yolande married Hugh XI de Lusignan, Count de la Marche on 1234 in France and had 7 children: Hugh XII de Lusignan, Count de la Marche; Alice de Lusignan of Angouleme; Guy de Lusignan, Seigneur de Cognac; Marie de Lusignan; Geoffrey de Lusignan; Isabelle de Lusignan, Dame de Belleville; and Yolande de Lusignan. She passed away on October 10, 1272 in France and is buried in Villeneuve-lez-Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France.
Yolande de Dreux de Lusignan is my 27th great aunt.
Yolande de Dreux, Countess of Penthièvre and of Porhoet (late 1218 – 10 October 1272) was a French noblewoman and a suo jure countess. By her marriage to Hugh XI of Lusignan, the eldest uterine half-brother of King Henry III of England, she became Countess of La Marche and of Angoulême. She was the mother of seven children. From 1250 to 1256, she acted as Regent of La Marche and Angoulême for her son, Hugh XII of Lusignan.[1]
Yolande was betrothed to King Henry III of England in 1226 at the age of seven years Yolande was born in Dreux, France at the end of 1218,[3] the only daughter of Peter I, Duke of Brittany and Alix of Thouars, Duchess of Brittany. She had two brothers, John I, Duke of Brittany and Arthur of Brittany (1220–1224). By her father's second marriage to Nicole, she had a half-brother, Olivier de Braine (1231–1279). Her mother had died on 21 October 1221, when Yolande was not quite three years old. Yolande's paternal grandparents were Robert II, Count of Dreux and Yolande de Coucy, and her maternal grandparents were Guy de Thouars and Constance, Duchess of Brittany.
In 1236, Yolande received as her dowry, the titles of Countess of Penthièvre, Dame de la Fère-en-Tardenois, de Chailly, and de Longjumeau which she held suo jure. Her brother John I, Duke of Brittany granted her the title of suo jure Countess of Porhoet Sometime before 19 October 1226, when she was seven years old, Yolande was betrothed to King Henry III of England. A letter of the King dated 19 October 1226 confirms his betrothal to Jolentam filiam Petri ducis Brittanniae et comitis Richemundiae[3] The marriage never took place, and King Henry eventually married Eleanor of Provence. Yolande's second betrothal occurred in March 1227 to John of France, Count of Anjou, the son of King Louis VIII of France. The engagement was broken off when John died aged thirteen and she was affianced thirdly in 1231 to Theobald IV, Count of Champagne. As in the case with King Henry and John of France, this betrothal to Theobald did not result in marriage. His daughter Blanche however married her brother John in 1236. Yolande was more fortunate in her fourth betrothal, and in January 1236 she married Hugh XI of Lusignan who would succeed his father in 1249 as Count of La Marche and Count of Angoulême. His uterine half-brother was King Henry III of England to whom Yolande had been betrothed in 1226.
Together Hugh and Yolande had seven children:
Hugh XII of Lusignan, Count of La Marche and Count of Angoulême (died after 25 August 1270), married 29 January 1254 Jeanne de Fougères, Dame de Fougères by whom he had six children. He died while on crusade. Guy of Lusignan, (died 1288/89), Seigneur de Cognac, d'Archiac, and de Couhé; Seigneur de la Fère-en-Tardenois. Geoffroy of Lusignan (died 1264) Alice of Lusignan (died May 1290), married in 1253 as his first wife, Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Gloucester, by whom she had two daughters. Marie of Lusignan (1242- after 11 July 1266), married Robert de Ferrers, 6th Earl of Derby. She died childless. Isabelle of Lusignan, Dame de Belleville (1248–1304), married Maurice de Belleville Yolande of Lusignan (died 10 November 1305), married Pierre I, Sire de Preaux Her husband Hugh was killed at the Battle of Faruskur in Egypt on 6 April 1250. Yolande acted as Regent of La Marche and Angoulême for her eldest son Hugh from 1250 to 1256.
Yolande died at the Chateau de Bouteville, Charente on 10 October 1272. She was buried at the Notre Dame Abbey in Villeneuve-lez-Nanteswww.findagrave.com
Yolande de Bretagne
BIRTH 1218
DEATH 10 Oct 1272 (aged 53–54)
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Villeneuve
Les Sorinieres, Departement de la Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, France
MEMORIAL ID 85871839
Family Members
Pierre de Dreux
Alix de Thouars
Hugh de Lusignan
Jean de Bretagne
Half Siblings
Olivier de Machecoul
Hugues XII de Lusignan
Alice "of Angoulême" de Lusignan
Yolande de Lusignan
Yolande de Dreux's Timeline
1218 |
Dreux, Eure-et-Loir, Centre, France
1236 |
October 10, 1236
Angoulême, Département Charente, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France
1240 |
Angoulême, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
1242 |
1248 |
1255 |
Age 37
Age 37
Age 37
Age 37