Williberga, Countess of Montbéliard

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Williberga (of Sundgau) von Embrach (von Wülflingen) (965 - d.)

Birthplace: Wülflingen, Germany
Death: Mompelgard, Germany
Immediate Family:

Wife of Liutold, Comte de Montbéliard
Mother of Adelheid von Achalm; Otto von Mömpelgard, graf; Hunfried, Archbishop of Ravenna and Berenger von Mömpelgard, graf

Managed by: Douglas John Nimmo
Last Updated:

About Williberga, Countess of Montbéliard

Not the same as Williburga II, de Semta et Ebersberg, comitissa who married Weriand. Seen as daughter of Adalbert II, king of Italy and Gerberga, Countess of Macon with limited support. Advise if stronger evidence and she can be reconnected.


1. ADALBERTO d’Ivrea [Adalbert II, king of Italy] ([932/936]-Autun [30 Apr 971[546] or [972/75]]). Liudprand names "Adalbertus" as son of "Berengarius"[547]. His father installed him in 951 as ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy. m (before [960/62]%29 as her first husband, GERBERGE, daughter of [LAMBERT Comte de Chalon]

Adalbert and Gerberga had one and perhaps two children:

  • Guglielmo d’Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026), alias Othon-Guillaume, Comte de Macon jure uxoris
  • possibly, a daughter Williberga, who m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia

b) [WILLIBIRG. Jackman suggests[555] that the mother of Hunfried canon at Strasbourg was the daughter of Adalberto associate King of Italy. He bases this on onomastic reasons, in particular the importation of the Ivrean name Berengar into the family of Liutold and the use of "Willa" among the ancestors of Adalbert King of Italy. However, another origin is suggested by the necrology of Zwiefalten which records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[556]. If this great grandfather were the father of Willibirg, it may also explain how the name Berenger entered the family, assuming Unruoch was related to the Unruochingi Counts of Friulia.

m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia [Konradiner] & his wife Richlint of Germany.]

Liutold & his wife Williberga had seven [NO - four] children /!\:

  • d) OTTO (-[1025/44]). "Hunfredus…non infirmus ortus natalibus…Argentinensis ecclesia canonia" appointed the church of Strasbourg as his heir, excluding "patris mei Lutoldo meeque matris Willebirge fratris quoque mei chare memorie Wottonis" who had attempted to disinherit him, by charter dated 1044[219].
  • e) HUNFRIED (-22 Aug 1051). Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten names "Hunfridi Ravennantiam archiepiscopi" as brother of "Adelheidem, filiam comitis Liuthoni ac Willibirgæ…"[227]. Canon at Strasbourg 1044.
  • f) BERENGAR (-killed Rome 1027, bur Rome, St Peter's). Wipo names "iuvenis…Berengarius filius Liutoldi comitis de Alamannia" when recording that he was killed in the riots which followed the coronation of Emperor Konrad II in 1027 in Rome and was buried in the tomb of Emperor Otto II[231].
  • g) ADELHEID (-29 Aug [1065], bur Strasbourg Cathedral[232]). Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten records that Rudolf married "filiam comitis Liuthoni ac Willibirgæ de Mumpilgart seu de Wulvelingin Adelheidam...sororem Hunfridi Ravennantiam archiepiscopi", adding that the couple had seven sons and three daughters[233]. A charter dated to [1053] records that "sue sororis Adelheide, eiusque filiorum" confirmed the donations to Strasbourg by "Hunfrit Argentinensis ecclesie…canonicus, postea…Ravennas archiepiscopi" after first challenging them[234]. m RUDOLF Graf von Achalm, son of - (-24 Sep -, bur Dettingen, transferred to Zwiefalten).


Updated April 2022

Do not confuse Liutold & Willibirg with Weriand & Willibirg:


1. WERIAND [Wecellin?], son of --- (-1051). Conte in Istria and Friulia. A charter dated 3 Nov 1001 records a judgment relating to a grant by Emperor Otto III to "Uverihen comes" in a session at which "Fulco comes, Egelre comes, Lanfrancus comes, comites Vicentino atque Patavino Uualferam et Ceisulf comitibus…" were present[249].

m WILLIBIRG von Ebersberg, daughter of UDALRICH Graf von Ebersberg [Sieghardinger] & his wife Richardis von Viehbach [Eppensteiner] (-25 Nov after 1056).

Medlands quotes “Europäische Stammtafeln” and places Hadamot, Gerberga and Luitgard as daughters of Liutold, Comte de Montbéliard and his wife Williberga, Countess of Montbéliard in error. Primary sources about the Geisenfeld monastery show they are, in fact, children of Count Werigand of Istria-Friuli and his wife Williburga II, de Semta et Ebersberg, comitissa.


Liutold & his wife Williberga had seven children: [not these three] /!\ -

a) HADAMOT . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[216] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. /!\ Go to Hademoud II, de Semta et Ebersberg, comitissa

b) GERBERGA (-1061). She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[217] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. Abbess of Geisenfeld. /!\ Go to Gerberga, abbess of Geisenfeld abbey

c) LIUTGARD . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg, with her husband, in Europäische Stammtafeln[218] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. m WERINGAND, son of --- (-1037/[1052]). /!\ Go to Luitgard, Gräfin im Inngau


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