Immediate Family
About William Weir of Stanebyres
Fake Genealogy
According to the 1846 edition of Burke's Landed Gentry, William Weir of Stanebyres, here treated, was the son of James Weir of Blackwood. Landed Gentry: 1475 This is wrong. He is in fact the son of William Weir of Stanebyres
The Question of Identity
William Weir of Stanebyers, here treated, is the son and heir apparent of William Weir of Stanebyres. On 11 January 1524-25 he was accused of associating with Thomas Hamilton and William Weir, who had been declared rebels for the murder of Mr. James Haliburton. His father became surety for his good behaviour on this date. Criminal Trials, p. 126* He succeeded to the Stanebyres estate before 6 August 1526, following the murder of his father in the Canongate of Edinburgh. Ibidem: *238
William Weir of Stanebyres was alive on 1 February 1573, the date upon which he subscribed to a bond of friendship between the Johnstones and the Weirs. Johnstone Manuscripts: 23-4 but he died before 31 October 1577, the date upon which his son and heir was infeft in the lands of Stonebyres and others in the barony of Lesmahagow. NRS., GD1/497/2
William Weir of Stanebyres, here treated, married ? Hamilton. On 20 February 1538 her husband reserved his own liferent and that of his wife in the lands of Hesilsyd in the lordship of Douglas. Thomas Johnsoun: protocol number 156
Evidence from the Register of Kelso Abbey
7 October 1528: Charter of Ralph Ker of the lands of Blakhill and Hoilhous, located within the barony of Lesmahagow and sheriffdom of Lanark, which charter mentions land which had belonged in heritage to William Weir of Stanebyres. Kelso Registrum: charter number 536
Note: According to the first volume of Origines Parochiales Scotiae: " In 1497, the lands of Rogerhill and Brownhill, in the lordship of Blakwodd, but held in capite of the abbey by John Mungumry, were confirmed to Robert Wer; and the whole land of Blackhill, with a merk land of Hoilhouse, which had belonged in heritage to William Wer of Stanebyres, was given, on his resignation, to Ralph Ker, brother german to Thomas abbot of Kelso, in 1528." Origines Parochiales Scotiae. Volume First: 114
1556: Chalmerlane Compt of the Cell of Lesmahago, A.D. 1556. . . . . . Farrina . . . . . De qua reflat . dependunt in the laird of Stanebyris hand i ch . vj bollis farrine . . . . . Kelso Registrum: page 481
Evidence from the Protocol Book of Thomas Johnsoun
20 February 1537-38: Assignation in favour of Sir James Hammyltoun of Fynnart by William Weir of Stanebyris, of the ward, non-entry and relief of the twenty merk land of old extent of Hesilsyd, lying in the lordship of Douglas and sheriffdom of Lanark, which the said William Weir held by gift of the King under the privy seal, dated at Edinburgh the 12 of November 1537. The ward of these lands had come into the King's hands through the death of William Symontoun. The granter reserved to himself and . . . . . Hammyltoun, his wife, for four years after the death of the said William "quha deit at the fest of Martynmes last bipassit," a part of the said lands, commonly called Powmukkis, extending to 40s. lands, which the late Quentin Weir and Elizabeth Hamilton held of the late William Symontoun. Done at Linlithqw, in the lodging of the assignee, the 20 of February 1537/8. Witnesses, William Snype, Robert Hammyltoun, called Red Robert, and James Nasmyth. Thomas Johnsoun: protocol number 156
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
7 January 1524-25 (die Sabbati): Thomas Hammyltoun called unfanyt, William Were, William Were his brother's son, and Gawin Hammyltoune, were denounced Rebels, etc., for the Murder of Mr. James Haliburtone, burgess and Treasurer of Edinburgh (May 11, 1525) Weir of Stanebyris became surety for William, his son and heir-apparent, and ..... Weir, also his son, that they should underly the law, on xv days' warning, for Intercommuning with Thomas Hammyltoun and William Weir, Rebels. Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland etc., Volume First - Part First. (William Tait, Edinburgh, M.DCCC.XXXIII.), p. 126*
6 August 1526: Respit to Johne Lindesay of Colbyntoune, Rolland L. his broder, and four others, for thair tresonable resset and Intercommonyng with Robert Forestar and utheris, Rebellis and Tratouris, dwelland upon Leven, in thair tresonabill dedis: And for the creuell Slauchter of Williame Weir of Stanebyres, committit be way of Murthir, under sylence of nycht in the Channone-gate of Edr: ..... Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland etc., Volume First - Part First. (William Tait, Edinburgh, M.DCCC.XXXIII.) , p. *238
15 May 1562: William Weir of Stanebyris, senior, served as a member of an Assize. Register of the Great Seal, charter number 1419, note 1 on p. 322
1 February 1572-73: Notorial Instrument recording an interview between Robert Johnstone, and James Weir of Blackwood, elder, James Weir, younger, John Bannatyne of Corehouse, William Weir of Stanebyres, and others of their kinsmen and friends being also present. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Fifteenth Report, Appendix, Part IX. The Manuscripts of J. J. Hope Johnstone, Esq., of Annandale (HMSO., London, 1897), pp. 23-4
31 October 1577: Instrument of sasine in favour of William Weir of Stainbyris, as heir to the deceased William Weir of Stainbyris, his father, of the lands of Stainbyris, Auchinleck, Greinrig, Teathis and Gilbank with patronage of the chapel of the Virgin Mary of Greinrig, in the barony of Lesmahago and sheriffdom of Lanark, following on a precept by Francis, Commendator of the monastery of Kelso, with consent of Alexander Hay, clerk of the Privy Council and administrator of the monastery National Records of Scotland, Miscellaneous Title Deeds for Properties in Fife, East Lothian and Midlothian, reference GD1/497/2
Printed Evidence
- Criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. M.CCCC.LXXXVIII to A.D. M.DC.XXIV : embracing the entire reigns of James IV and V, Mary Queen of Scots and James VI etc. By Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Writer to His Majesty’s Signet, FSA. Scot. and Hon. FSA., etc. Volume First – Part First. (William Tait, Edinburgh, M.DCCCXXXIII.), 400 pp.
- Historical Manuscripts Commission. Fifteenth Report, Appendix, Part IX. The Manuscripts of J. J. Hope Johnstone, Esq., of Annandale (HMSO., London, 1897), 227 pp. including index
William Weir of Stanebyres's Timeline
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October 31, 1577
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