William I, count of Eu

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William of Normandy, Count of Eu and Exmes (975 - 1057)

French: Guillaume de Normandie, comte d'Hiémois et d'Eu
Also Known As: "Ocensem comitatum", "comte d'Hiémois", "Willermus Aucensis comes", "Guillaume d'Eu", "William of Hyesmes"
Birthplace: Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
Death: January 26, 1057 (76-82)
Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
Place of Burial: MEMORIAL ID 39648093, Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy and Unknown mother of Guillaume Richard's Concubine Normandie
Husband of Lesceline de Tourville, Countess of Eu
Father of Robert fitz Guillaume, comte d'Eû; Pons FitzWilliam; William II Busac d'Eu, comte d'Eu, comte de Soissons in jure uxoris; Margaret d'Eu; Beatrice d'Eu and 1 other
Half brother of Papia de Normandie; Geoffrey de Brionne, Count of Eu & Brionne; N.N. de Brionne, Sister of Gilbert, uncertain parentage; Mauger, Count of Corbeil; Richard II "the Good", Duke of Normandy and 7 others

Occupation: comte d'Hiémois, comte d'Eu, First Count of Eu, 1st Count D'Eu, Count of Eu, Comte, d'Hiémois, d'Eu, Greve av Hiémois och Eu, Count of EU, 1st Degree Count of Eu, Comte d'Eu, Comte d’Eu
Managed by: Michael Arne Anderson
Last Updated:

About William I, count of Eu


Guillaume FitzRichard de Normandie, Comte d'Hiémos et Comte d'Eu.

Parents: Richard 'Sans-Peur' I & a mistress

Spouse: Lesceline, daughter of Turchetil de Tourville

1. Robert d'Eu

2. Guillaume 'Busac' d'Eu

3. Hugues d'Eu

4. (daughter), married Guillaume de Alderi







GUILLAUME de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans Peur" Comte de Normandie & his second wife Gunnora --- (978-1057). The sources are contradictory regarding the parentage of Guillaume Comte d'Hiémois. According to Dudo of Saint-Quentin[1362], he was an illegitimate son of Richard I by a mistress other than Gunnora. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Godefroi et Guillaume" as the two sons of Duke Richard by his concubines[1363]. Robert of Torigny names "unus Godefridus alter…Willermus" as sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" by concubines, recording that Guillaume was first "comes…Aucensis" and after the death of his brother became "comes Brionnensis"[1364]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[1365], he was the younger son of Geoffroy de Brionne, Richard I's illegitimate son, although the source on which this is based is not known. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[1366]. Comte d'Hiémois et Comte d'Eu. Guillaume de Jumièges records the rebellion of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" against Duke Richard, after receiving the county of Hiesme, his capture and imprisonment for five years at Rouen, his escape and investment as Comte d'Eu by his brother[1367].

m LECELINE, daughter of TURCHETIL Seigneur de Tourville & his wife --- (-26 Jan [1057/58]). Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" and Lescelina after his escape from imprisonment[1368]. She is named as the wife of Guillaume Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1369]. An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1370]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1371].

Comte Guillaume & his wife had [four] children:

1. ROBERT d'Eu ([1005/10]-8 Sep [1089/93], bur Le Tréport). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1372]. He succeeded his father as Comte d'Eu.

- see below.

2. GUILLAUME "Busac" d'Eu (-[1076]). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1373]. An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1374]. Comte de Soissons, by right of his wife.


3. HUGUES d'Eu (-17 Jul 1077). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1375]. An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1376]. He is named as brother of Robert Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1377]. Bishop of Lisieux. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1378].

4. [daughter . m ---.]

a) GUILLAUME "de Alderi" (-hanged 1096). Florence of Worcester records that "Willelmi de Owe…dapiferum illius Willelmum de Alderi filium amitæ illius" was hanged in [1096] for his part in the conspiracy against William II King of England[1379]. "Willelmum de Alderi" has not yet been identified but, if "amita" is translated in its strict sense of paternal aunt, he was presumably the son of a daughter of Guillaume de Normandie Comte d'Eu.



Guillaume d'Eu (vers 978-vers 1057), fut comte d'Hiémois et comte d'Eu.


Il est le fils du duc Richard Ier de Normandie et d’une frilla[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire].

Il se rebelle contre son demi-frère Richard II de Normandie quand il refuse de lui rendre hommage pour le comté d'Hiémois qu'il avait obtenu de son père[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire]. Il est capturé les armes à la main, est emprisonné à la tour de Rouen, où il reste cinq ans sous la garde de Turquetil d'Harcourt. Il s'évade et après avoir erré quelque temps, il se réconcilie avec son frère. Richard II de Normandie, non seulement lui pardonne, mais, au lieu du comté d'Hiémois, qu'il avait confisqué, il lui donne en 1002 celui d'Eu qu'il avait ôté à son neveu Gilbert de Brionne[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire].

Guillaume ajoute des constructions importantes à la forteresse bâtie par Rollon et fait élever dans l'enceinte du château d'Eu l'église collégiale de Notre-Dame. Il est aussi sire de Montreuil et de Dives.[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire]

Il meurt le 4 janvier; mais on ne marque pas en quelle année. Il est cité dans des chartes de Jumièges et de Bourgueil en mai 1012 et 1035.[r%C3%A9f. nécessaire]

Mariage et descendance

Il épouse Lesceline d’Harcourt († 1058), fille de Turquetil d'Harcourt, qui avait été son geôlier. Lesceline est la fondatrice de l'abbaye de Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives et elle fait don de terres à la Sainte-Trinité de Rouen en 1049. Ils ont pour descendance connue :

   * Robert d’Eu (1022-1089), succède à son père au comté d'Eu ;

* Guillaume Busac (avant 1025-1077), comte d'Hiémois, puis comte de Soissons de jure uxoris;
* Hugues d'Eu, évêque-comte de Lisieux de 1049 à 1077.

After Godfrey's Count of Eu rebelled c996, William was given the title of Comte d'Eu. He had already been Count of Heimois (or Exmes as it is now known).


ID: I03516 William Hieme Count d' Eu

I have seen it written ‘Heimes’ or ‘the Heimois’.

Also from below it appears that EU was originally called ‘Exmes’ and/or ’the Exmesin of Heimois’.

died: (take your choice):

2.I kurz vor (shortly bef) 1040 [Ref: ES III:693]

about 1054 [Ref: David C. Douglas “William the Conqueror”]

Jan 2 year unknown but before wife (d. Jan 26 1057/8) [Ref: CP V:151]

an 2-26 1057/8 [Ref: Moriarty p267]

founded Collegiate Church of Eu [Ref: CP V:151]

received from father the comte of the Exmesin of Hiemois. [Ref: CP V:151]

Comte d'Hiemois, Comte d'Eu [Ref: Leo van de Pas http://worldroots.com/brigitte/royal/bio/roberteubio.html]

Count of Exmes (later Eu) [Ref: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/james/f030.htm#I1402X2]

   Count d'Exmes (Eu), Earl of Arques and Toulouse [Ref: Malinda Thiesse 20 Jul 2002] Note: Earl is an English _only_ title & I am skeptical of his connection to Toulouse in far se France whereas his father was duc d'Normandie in far nw France...

Lord of Montruel [Ref: Turton] Note: Montreuil?

   rebelled against half-brother, Richard II, and was imprisoned at Rouen. After escaping, he submitted to the Duke, was pardoned, and was given the comte of Eu, of which his nephew, Gilbert (ancestor of the family of Clare) had been recently deprived. [Ref: CP V:151] Note: CP has (I believe) confused the chronology. It was William’s brother Godfrey/Godfroi who rebelled & was deprived of Eu. Godfrey’s son (William's nephew) Gilbert/Giselbert ‘Crispin’ did assume the land and title when William died, but he was assassinated in 1040. Note: Gilbert’s date of death from Altschul, ES III:156, Wagner, Watney & Wurts who all say either 1040 or thereabouts seems to confirm the date of death of William per ES III:693 as shortly bef. 1040… Curt

When Godfrey was deprived, Eu was awarded to his brother William, who had been Count of Heimois. [Ref: TAF 28 Mar 2001]

Note: In terms of the death date, I will keep the one I have because Gilbert (who I have as his son-in-law) became Count of Eu and d. 1040; so William had to have died at least a year or two before 1040.

Greve av Exmes. Han var en illegitim son.

Illegitimate son of Richard I. Gunnora of Denmark was not his mother. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_I_of_Normandy David Douglas, 'The Earliest Norman Counts', The English Historical Review, Vol.61, No. 240 (May 1946), p. 140


ID: I13796 Name: Robert Count d' Eu 1 Sex: M Birth: 1019 in Seine Inferieure, Normandy 1 Burial: Le Treport Abbey 2 Death: AFT 1052 in Shanton, Leicestershire, England 3 Note: Robert, Comte dEu (Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7, Page 65, Line 87-31). AKA: Robert de Mortain. Born: before 1028 in France, son of Guillaume, Count dExmes and Lezceline dHarcourt. Robert is presumed to have been at least 18 years of age by the time his son, Armand, was born. Married before 1045 in France: Beatrice. Married between 1070 and 1079: Matilda de Sicile, Matildas first husband and she was his second wife. Repudiated: Matilda de Sicile before 1080 in France. Died: between 1089 and 1093. FALAISE ROLL of Companions of William the Conqueror. ROBERT COMTE dEU. Wace (I. I3828) records ‘‘Eli Quens dOu, which was Robert, comte dEu, the eldest son of William, comte dExmes and dEu, a natural son of Richard I, duke of Normandy. His younger brothers were William de Busac, count of Hiemois, afterwards of Soissons, and Hugh, bishop of Lisieux. William de Busac rebelled against duke William at the time he held the castle of Eu. When and how he obtained it is unknown, but Robert had it in his possession in 1054. The latter furnished sixty ships to duke Williams fleet and received large estates in Sussex and other counties in England, with the custody of the castle of Hastings. He was one of the four commanders at the battle of Mortemer in 1054, and in 1059 founded the abbey of Treport. He was present at the battle of Hastings and was largly responsible for the slaughter of the Danes in Lindsey in 1069. He died between 1090 and 1095 and was succeeded by his son William, who joining the rebellion against William Rufus in 1096, was captured, deprived of his sight and terribly mutilated. He also had a younger son named Robert. It was at the castle of dEu that duke William married Matilda, daughter of Baldwin, count of Flanders.




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William I, count of Eu's Timeline

January 2, 975
Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
Eu, Seine Infereiure, Normandy, France
Normandy or perhaps St.Pons, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charente, France
Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
Eu, Normandy, France
January 26, 1057
Age 82
Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France

William Hyesmes

in the Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015
Name: William Hyesmes
Gender: m (Male)
Birth Date: Abt 985
Death Date: 26 jan 1057
Death Age: 72
Father: Richard I Normandy
Mother: Nn Nn
Spouse: Leseline Turqueville
Children: William Eu
Lithuise Blois
URL: https://www.genealogieonline.n ...

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Source Information
Ancestry.com. Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

Original data: GenealogieOnline. Coret Genealogie. http://www.genealogieonline.nl/en/ : accessed 31 August 2015.

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January 26, 1057
Age 82
Collégiale Notre-Dame et Saint-Laurent, MEMORIAL ID 39648093, Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France