William HARRIS (Arthur HARRIS2, William HARRIS1) was born BET 1490 AND 1556 in Prittwell, Essex, Eng-High Sheriff of Essex, and died 15 SEP 1556 in Prittwell, Essex, Eng. He married Joanna COOK in Prittwell, Essex, Eng. She was born 1500 in Bocking, England, and died in England.
He married Joanna SMYTH 1515 in England. She was born in Norton, Essex, England, and died in England. He married Anne or Agnes RUTTER 1536 in England-. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=REG&db=fox2&id=I... Had a descendant at Jamestown, VA http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisessex/WilliamHarrisJ...
Gary Lewis
Creeksea Place, the home of Sir William Harris, is located in the Village of Creeksea. The name of this village and estate as been spelled in various ways through the centuries, including Crixseth, a Saxon expression meaning Creek of the Sea. We call it, simply, Creeksea . This estate, presently consisting of about 250 acres, came into the possession of the Harris family about 1516. A large and spacious brick home was completed on this estate in 1569 . The project was started by William Harris who died in 1556. It was completed by his son Arthur Harris, who died on June 18, 1597.
Part II - Our English Harris Family and other European Ancestors: William lived at Prittlewell, Essex. Later, he lived at southminister, Esses. Some time after the death of Robert Darcye on April 24, 1516,William acquired the estate of Crixseth (Creeksea) which is located on the north side of the Crouch River and about two miles west of the village of Burnham, Esses.
This estate is located in the tidewater area of southeastern England some 40 or 50 miles east -northeast of London.
William, in addition to other estates, held Creeksea "as of the honor of Rayleigh, by service of one knight's fee, and suite at the court of said honor, from month to month".
During his lifetime, William began the construction of a large and elegant brick home at the centerpiece of Creeksea. This construction was completed about the year 1569 by his son , Arthur.
That edifice, in part, was still standing in May of 1993. Robert and Miriam Gillespie Baker (d125/7115/331), of Stanford, Florida, visited and photographed this estate in September of 1989. Luther Pryor Harris of Seminole, Florida, in the company of his son and daughter-in- law, Gene and Betty Harris of Key Largo, Florida also visited this estate and photographed it in May of 1993. The results of those visits are included in this part.
William was the high sheriff of Essex County during the persecutions of Mary's reigh and witnessed the deaths of several heretics (this quotation is from The History of An Essex Village - Chicksea, by Reverend Donald A. Rooke (1910-1974), who grew up at Burnham and served, among others, All Saints Church at Creeksea.
William married first, Joanna Smythe, Daughter of Jony Smythe of Norton.
William married second, Joanna Cooke of Bocking.
William married third, Anne Rutter of London.
BIOGRAPHY: Occupation: Merchant in London, High Sheriff of Essex Event: Aka (Facts Pg) William \Herrys\, of Prittlewell Event: May have been s/o Arthur Harris and Joane Percy by (Visitation of1558)
Sources: Title: Vol 4 WFT 3409 Title: Rena Forinash 26611 Balerna Dr, Saugus, CA 91350-2305 ares (805) 297-3422 Title: Vol 6 WFT 508 Text: born 1505 Title: Vol 11 WFT 1175 Text: indicates died 16 Sep 1556 Title: LDS online Repository: Call Number: Media: Book Page: Submitter: Martha Neal Hodgin Black 3921 Dominion Drive, Dumfries,VA 22026-2434 Text: indicates died: 21 Sep 1556 Title: Noel Robertson
To Noël J. Harris Robertson You definitely have the proof that William Harris of Southminster is the son of John Herrys of Prittlewell & not Arthur Harris who married Joan Percy. "Glenn Gohr"
More About WILLIAM HARRIS, SIR: Aka (Facts Pg): Sir William \Herrys\, of Prittlewell Occupation: Merchant in London
Probablly never knighted. In his will he refers to himself as the Elder of Southminster parish in the County of Essex Squire and Neither does the court indicate him either as Knight or Sir
Please send any corrections or additions to Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <jmljr39@swva.net> This data is updated continuously, so please revisit to make sure you have latest information. This file represents my entire data base, I do not have any other information! Please use the reference number so I can get to the correct person in my data base.
NOTE: Please use this data with the knowledge that you must do your own research to validate data. It contains theories and facts from many sources and is only a starting point for your own research.
William Harris 1505 was high sheriff of Essex.
1490 |
June 12, 1490
Prittlewell, Southminister, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
1512 |
January 2, 1512
Barnstaple, Devon, England, United Kingdom
1518 |
Southminster, Essex, England
1520 |
Burnham, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
1522 |
Essex, England
Essex, England
1523 |
Essex, England, United Kingdom
1524 |
Essex, England (United Kingdom)
1525 |
Malden, Essex, England (United Kingdom)