William Cleaves, of Beverly

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William Cleaves

Also Known As: "William Clements"
Birthplace: York County, Maine, Colonial America
Death: January 27, 1715 (60-69)
Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
Immediate Family:

Son of Robert Cleaves and Robert Cleeve's wife
Husband of Martha Cleaves and Margaret Cleaves
Father of John Cleaves; Elinor Balch; Martha Conant; William Cleaves; Hannah Cleaves and 3 others
Brother of Robert Cleaves

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About William Cleaves, of Beverly

He was not the son of Sarah Allen & William Cleaves, of Roxbury; their son William was born abt 1668.

Ref from NEHGR Vol. 155, p. 226, Donald S. Kenney shows that William Cleaves married Margaret Correy, daughter of convicted "witch" Giles Corey, in Marblehead, MA on 18 May 1683. His name was recorded as William "Clements" in both the Beverly, MA and Marblehead, MA vital records.

quoted in http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&d...

Ref from "Progeny of William Cleaves of Beverly, Mass, Genealogy," p. 96, by Eleanor V. Spiller and Emery N. Cleaves, Warren, New Hampshire. 1987.

Quoted in http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=simplicit...

William Cleaves was born about 1650. He owned land in Lyman, York County Maine, and may well have been a kinsman of the well known George Cleaves. William Cleaves lived and died in Beverly Massachusetts. He married first Martha daughter of Giles Corey (SIC: disproved) and second her sister Margaret. Margaret survivied her husband and married second husband, May 3, 1716 Jonathan Byles. William Cleaves died Jan 27, 1714-15

National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol. 11, p. 2

Note that Donald S. Kenney in NEHGR Vol. 155, p. 226 has shown that William Cleaves's first wife was actually Martha Edwards.


2. Margaret; married William Cleaves (Spelled Clements in the Vital Statics of both Marblehead and Beverly) of Beverly;

Giles Corey knew he faced conviction and execution, so he chose to refuse to stand for trial. By avoiding conviction, it became more likely that his farm, which Corey recently deeded to his two sons-in-law, would not become property of the state upon his death. 

His will is presented in several works:

Written on the twenty forth day of April anno dom one thousand six hundred ninety two, by Gyles Coree (his mark and seale". Personally appeared and did acknowledge this instrument to bee his act and voluntary deed. Signed sealed and delivered Ipswch July Ye 25th 1692.

The will so states:

In consideration of which and for ye fatherly Love and Affection wch I have & doe beare unto my beloved soñe in Law William Cleeves of Ye town of Beaverly. in ye aboves county and to my soñe in Law John Moulton of ye town of Salem in sd county both yeomen.

The will goes on to state that Giles gives to these sons in Laws all his property, real and personal including stock, lands and meadow, house, bedding, money, and all movable estate.

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William Cleaves, of Beverly's Timeline

York County, Maine, Colonial America
October 11, 1676
Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts
Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States
Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
October 13, 1691
Beverly, Essex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, British Colonies in America