Famille Proche
About Wigerich, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen
-An other source says his father could be Odoacer von Trier: (Farkas)
2. WIGERICH [III] (-[19 Jan 916/919], bur Abbaye de Saint-Glossinde, Metz). "Zuendeboldus…rex" donated property to the church of Trier by charter dated 23 Jan 899 which names "Richquinus et Widiacus…comites nostri"[50]. He was given the right to coin money in part of the archbishopric of Trier in 902[51]. Ludwig "das Kind" King of Germany restored property taken by "Conradus et Gebehartus comites" to the church of Trier with the consent of "Wigerici comitis" by charter dated 19 Sep 902[52]. Graf von Bidgau: the monastery of St Maximin exchanged property "in pago Nedinse in comitatu Liutardi in loco…Burmeringas" for property "in pago Bedinse in comitatu Widrici…villa…Eslingis" with "Roricus" (vassal of Trier) by charter dated 1 Jan 909, subscribed by "Widrici comitis"[53]. Comte d'Ardenne. Charles III “le Simple” King of the West Franks donated the abbeys of Hastières and Saint-Rombaut to Liège Saint-Lambert, granting the enjoyment for life to "comes Windricus...uxoris eius...Cunegundis et unius filiorum ipsorum...nostri nepotis Adelberonis", by charter dated to [915][54]. Comes palatii of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 916. King Charles III restored Kloster Süsteren to the abbey of Prüm by charter dated 19 Jan 916 which names "fidelium nostrorum…Widricus comes palatii, Richuuinus comes, Gislebertus, Matfridus, Beringerius comites, Theodericus comes, Reinherus comes, Erleboldus"[55].
m ( [907/09] ) as her first husband, CUNIGONDE, daughter of --- & his wife Ermentrud --- ([895]-after [930/40]). Her parentage and first marriage are indicated by the charter dated to [915] under which Charles III “le Simple” King of the West Franks donated the abbeys of Hastières and Saint-Rombaut to Liège Saint-Lambert, granting the enjoyment for life to "comes Windricus...uxoris eius...Cunegundis et unius filiorum ipsorum...nostri nepotis Adelberonis"[56]. She married secondly ([916/19]%29 as his second wife, Richwin [Richizo] Comte [de Verdun]. Her first and second marriages are confirmed by the Vita Iohannis Gorziensis which names "episcopo…Adalberone" (her son by her first husband) and "vitrico…eius Richizone" (her second husband)[57]. She probably married thirdly ---. Her parentage is confirmed more specifically because the mother of Siegfried Count of Luxembourg is named "Cynigund", daughter of "Irmindrud" daughter of Louis II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks, in an 11th century genealogy which traces the ancestry of Siegfried's daughter Empress Kunigunde[58]. The family relationship between Count Siegfried and the descendants of Wigerich [III] is confirmed by a reference in one of Gerbert's letters to Siegfried being patruus of the Wigerich's grandson Gozelo[59]. However, Siegfried´s birth is estimated to [930/40] which indicates that he could not have been the son either of Wigerich or Cunigonde's second husband Richwin. The only explanation which is consistent with all the sources is that Cunigonde married for a third time after the death of her second husband and that she was the mother of Siegfried by her third marriage.
Wigerich [III] & his wife had [six] children:
EBROIN, son of BOVO “Sine-barba” & his wife --- (-12 Sep
). The Historia Walciodorensis monasterii records that "prefati Ebroini pater comes Bovo fuit…qui dictus Sine-barba"[261]. The necrology of Gorze records the death "II Id Sep" of "Ebruinus comes"[262].
m BERTA, daughter of WIGERICH [II] & his wife Eva ---. The Historia Walciodorensis monasterii names "Berta filiam Wederici comitis et Eva" as wife of "comes Ebroinus", specifying that her dowry was "Florinas"[263]. Assuming that this ancestry is correct (bearing in mind the dubious nature of this source), it is chronologically more consistent if Berta was the daughter of Wigerich [II] than Wigerich [III]. Dame de Florennes.
Ebroin & his wife had [seven] children:
Wigéric (dans des sources diplomatiques souvent appelé Wideric ou Wéderic) mort avant 921/922, comte de Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) et avec des droits comtaux dans la ville de Trèves. Il était aussi avoué de l'abbaye de Saint-Rumolde à Malines, ainsi que sa propre fondation, le monastère de Hastière. A partir de 915/916 il est comte palatin de Lotharingie (voyez Liste des gouvernants de Lotharingie).
Après la mort du roi de Germanie Louis IV l'Enfant, les nobles de Lotharingie, rejettent la suzeraineté de son successeur Conrad Ier pour se rallier à Charles III le simple, roi de la France occidentale. Le pouvoir militaire semble être en mains de Régnier Ier de Hainaut († 915). Après la mort de Régnier, Wigéric, alors nommé comte palatin, assume l'autorité en Lotharingie.
Il épouse Cunégonde (v.893 † ap.923), la fille d'Ermentrude, et petite-fille de Louis II le Bègue, roi de France.
Wigeric or Wideric (French: Wigéric or Wéderic) (died before 923) was the count of the Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) and held the rights of a count within the city of Trier. He received also the advocacy of the abbey of Saint Rumbold's at Mechelen from Charles III of France. From 915 or 916 he was the count palatine of Lotharingia. He was the founder of the House of Ardennes.
At the death of Louis the Child, the Lotharingians rejected the suzerainty of Conrad I and elected Charles of France as their king. At the time, the military authority in Lotharingia was assigned to Count Reginar I of Hainaut (d. 915), but at his death it fell to Wigeric, who became count palatine, exercising as such the military authority in Lotharingia.
Wigeric founded the monastery of Hastière, of which he also assumed the advocacy. He married Cunigunda, daughter of Ermentrude and granddaughter of Louis II of France. Their children were:
Frederick (d.978), count of Bar, the duke of Upper Lorraine from 959 Adalberon (d.962), bishop of Metz Gilbert (d.964), count in the Ardennes Sigebert (fl.c.942) Gozlin (d.942), count of Bidgau, married Uda of Metz, father of: Godfrey the Prisoner Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims Siegfried, count of Luxembourg
Some genealogies record two other children, Henry and Liutgard, who were in fact son and daughter of another Wigeric, son of Roric, a contemporary living in the shire of Bidgau-Trier.
FMG on Wigerich III He is first attested in 899 as count Widiacus in a charter of King Zwentibold in Trier [1]. A Wigericus, with comital rights in Trier, appears in a diploma of Louis IV dated 19 September 902: MGH Diplomata. He is usually identified with Widricus, count of the Bidgau, of a charter of Saint-Maximin dated 1 January 909 [2]. He appears in a diploma of Charles III (between 911-915) as Windricus and his son Adalberon and he received the fiefs and the advocacy of the abbeys of Saint Rumbolds at Mechelen and Hastière. The margrave of Neustria, Robert, and Reginar, margrave in Lotharingia, gave their consent. He appears for the first time with the title count palatine in a diploma of Charles as well, this time as Widricus, dated 19 January 916 at Herstal [3]. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigeric_of_Lotharingia"
Wigerik (vermeld vanaf 899, † voor 922/923), (Duits: Wigerich) was graaf in de Bitgouw en in de Ardennengouw en vanaf omstreeks 915 paltsgraaf van Lotharingen.
Hij is de stamvader van de Huis Ardennen of de Wigerik dynastie en van verscheidene hertogen van Neder- en Opper-Lotharingen uit de 10e en 11e eeuw. Over de precieze spelling van zijn voornaam bestaat geen eenduidigheid in het bronnenmateriaal. Zowel Wigericus, Widericus, Windericus en Widiacus komen voor. In 899 wordt hij reeds als één van de belangrijkste graven in Lotharingen (comes venerandus) in een koningsbrief vermeld. Hij bezat grafelijke bevoegdheid in de stad Trier en werd in 902 en 909 als gouwgraaf in de Bidgouw vermeld. Vanaf 915/916, meer bepaald na de dood van Reinier I van Henegouwen, neemt hij als paltsgraaf onder Karel de Eenvoudige de militaire macht waar in Lotharingen. Hij was ook voogd over de Sint-Rumoldusabdij van Mechelen en het klooster van Hastière. Wigerik was een broer van Frederik, abt van de rijksabdijen van Gorze und Saint-Vanne. Mogelijk is hij de zoon van graaf Odacar (circa 890), die in de Ardennen-, Bid- en Bliesgouw opereerde. Hij stichtte de Sint-Hadelinusabdij van Hastière, waar hij waarschijnlijk ook begraven werd.
Wigeric or Wideric (French: Wigéric or Wéderic) (died before 923) was the count of the Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) and held the rights of a count within the city of Trier. He received also the advocacy of the abbey of Saint Rumbold's at Mechelen from Charles III of France. From 915 or 916 he was the count palatine of Lotharingia. He was the founder of the House of Ardennes.
At the death of Louis the Child, the Lotharingians rejected the suzerainty of Conrad I and elected Charles of France as their king. At the time, the military authority in Lotharingia was assigned to Count Reginar I of Hainaut (d. 915), but at his death it fell to Wigeric, who became count palatine, exercising as such the military authority in Lotharingia.
Wigeric founded the monastery of Hastière, of which he also assumed the advocacy. He married Cunigunda, daughter of Ermentrude and granddaughter of Louis II of France. Their children were:
* Frederick (d.978), count of Bar, the duke of Upper Lorraine from 959
* Adalberon (d.962), bishop of Metz
* Gilbert (d.964), count in the Ardennes
* Sigebert (fl.c.942)
* Gozlin (d.942), count of Bidgau, married Uda of Metz, father of:
o Godfrey the Prisoner
o Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims
* Siegfried, count of Luxembourg
Some genealogies record two other children, Henry and Liutgard, who were in fact son and daughter of another Wigeric, son of Roric, a contemporary living in the shire of Bidgau-Trier.
[edit] Primary sources
* FMG on Wigerich III
* He is first attested in 899 as count Widiacus in a charter of King Zwentibold in Trier [1].
* A Wigericus, with comital rights in Trier, appears in a diploma of Louis IV dated 19 September 902: MGH Diplomata.
* He is usually identified with Widricus, count of the Bidgau, of a charter of Saint-Maximin dated 1 January 909 [2].
* He appears in a diploma of Charles III (between 911-915) as Windricus and his son Adalberon and he received the fiefs and the advocacy of the abbeys of Saint Rumbolds at Mechelen and Hastière. The margrave of Neustria, Robert, and Reginar, margrave in Lotharingia, gave their consent.
* He appears for the first time with the title count palatine in a diploma of Charles as well, this time as Widricus, dated 19 January 916 at Herstal
Siegfried or Sigefroy (c.922–28 Oct 998) is considered the first count of Luxembourg. He was actually count in the Moselgau and the Ardennes. He was also the advocate of the abbeys of Saint-Maximin de Trêves and Saint-Willibrod d'Echternach. He was a son of the Count Palatine Wigeric of Lotharingia and Cunigunda. He is the founder of the House of Luxembourg, a cadet branch of the House of Ardennes.
He had possessions from his father in Upper Lorraine. At the centre of his dominions he constructed the fortress of Luxembourg in 963. A town soon grew up around the castle. Though he used the title of count, the title "count of Luxembourg" was only applied to William some 150 years later.
Around 950, he married Hedwig of Nordgau (937–992), daughter of Eberhard IV of Nordgau. They had the following issue:
* Henry I of Luxembourg
* Siegfried, cited in 985
* Frederick I, Count of Salm and Luxembourg, married Ermentrude of Gleiberg, daughter of Heribert I, Count of Gleiberg and Ermentrud (Imizi).
* Thierry II, Bishop of Metz
* Adalberon, canon of Trier
* Poloaner, count in the Moselgau, married Lolital
* Gislebert (d.1004), count in the Moselgau
* Cunigunda, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
* Eve, married Gerard, Count of Metz
* Ermentrude, abbess
* Luitgarde, married Arnulf, Count of Holland
* a daughter, married Thietmar
* a son, married Mietzer Source
* Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Lines: 100A-20, 100B-21, 143-19, 143-20
- ID: I28975
- Name: Wigerich Palatine of Luxembourg
- Surname: Palatine
- Given Name: Wigerich
- Suffix: of Luxembourg
- Prefix: Count
- Sex: M
- Birth: ABT 0886 in of Luxembourg
- Ancestral File #: HRK5-H4
- _UID: 06CB7592EDBDD611BF69444553540000C155 1
- Change Date: 1 Sep 2002 at 01:00:00
Marriage 1 Kunigunde b: ABT 0886 in of Luxembourg
1. Has Children Luitgard of Luxembourg b: ABT 0910 in of Luxembourg
1. Title: #719
Ricuin appears on 14 August 895 in a charter of king Zwentibold Lorraine in favor of the nuns of Saint-Mihiel ["in pago Virdunensi in comitatu Ricuvini" Vanderkindere (1902), 2: 367, n. 3; "... in pago Uirdunensi in comitatu Rihuuini, ..." MGH DD Zw 21 (#3)]. On 23 January 899, he was mentioned along with Wigeric (Widiacus) as a count of king Zwentibold [Wampach #134 (p. 147); "..., quia Richquinus et Widiacus venerandi comites nostri ..." MGH DZw 66 (#27)]. On 12 February 912, Riquinis comes appeared with archbishop Dreux of Toul and his archdeacon Ingelram in an act of king Charles the Simple [Depoin (1908-10), 15: 176, n. 414; RHF 9: 516; see the Commentary section below for Depoin's conjecture that Ingelram was a son of Ricuin]. He was with Charles at the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Metz on 11 June 913, where he obtained confirmation of an act of 16 November 904 [Depoin (1908-10), 15: 176; RHF 9: 525]. In 914, Ricuin appears again as count in Verdun ["Actum in Virduno, in mallo publico, coram Ricoino comite, anno ab Incarnatione DCCCCXIIII ... anno III regnante domno Karolo rege in regno Lotarii quondam regis feliciter." Depoin (1908-10), 15: 177, n. 417; similarly with variations (e.g., "anno V regnante") in Evrard (1981), 175 and Wichmann (1891), 108-9, who quote from the Bénédictine Histoire de Metz, iii, pr., 55]. On 9 January 916, he appears in a list of the king's nobles at at Heristal, as does his son Otto and Widricus comes palatii [Parisot (1898), 616; Barth (1990), 185-7; Wampach 160-1 (#146)]. This is Wigeric's last known appearance in the records, and it was probably not long after this that Wigeric died and Ricuin married Wigeric's widow Cunégonde as his second wife (see below). On 1 February 917 or 918, Ricuin consented to a charter of the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Metz, where he appeared as lay-abbot ["In nomine Donii Riquinus misericordia Dei comes et abba monasterii Sancti Petri ... sub die Kalendarum Februarii, anno VI regnante domno Carolo rege glorioso ... Signum Riquini comitis qui hanc precarium firmavit ... Ego Adalgaudus cancellarius atque notarius, jubente seniore nostro Riquino, scripsi." Depoin (1908-10), 15: 177-8, n. 419 (giving date 917); Evrard (1981), 154 (giving date 918)]. Chatelain argues against the lay abbacy of Saint-Pierre de Metz being interpreted as "count of Metz" [Chatelain (1898-1901), 10: 101, n. 4 (both cite Histoire de Metz, iii, 56)]. In 921, he is mentioned as a rebel against king Charles the Simple ["Karolus rex in regnum Lotharii abiit, receptisque per vim quibusdam Ricuini infidelis sui praesidiis, et facta pactione usque ad missam sancti Martini cum Heinrico principe Transrhenenesi, reversus est in montem Lauduni." Flodoard, Annales, s.a. 921, 5-6]. He was killed in his bed in 923 by Boso, son of Richard of Burgundy ["Boso filius Richardi Ricuinum in lecto languentem occidit." Flodoard, Annales, 12-3], evidently at the instigation of his stepson Adalbero, later bishop of Metz ["" Vita Ioh. Gorz., c. 105, 134 (see below under Ricuin's second marriage)]. He was also lay abbot of Moyenmoutier, successor of a certain count Hillinus and being succeeded in that office by his son Otto ["Huic successit Riqwinus secundus, tercius Otto, ...", Chronicon Mediani Monasterii, MGH SS 4: 89 (describing the succession after Hillin); the chronology is uncertain]. It is also probable that Otto succeeded Ricuin as count of Verdun (see below under Otto). Although he is evidently not documented elsewhere with the title of duke, he is probably the Riquinus dux whose obituary appears in the Liber Memorialis of Remiremont (see below). http://sbaldw.home.mindspring.com/hproject/prov/richw000.htm
Wigeric or Wideric (French: Wigéric or Wéderic) (died before 923) was the count of the Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) and held the rights of a count within the city of Trier. He received also the advocacy of the abbey of Saint Rumbold's at Mechelen from Charles III of France. From 915 or 916 he was the count palatine of Lotharingia. He was the founder of the House of Ardennes.
At the death of Louis the Child, the Lotharingians rejected the suzerainty of Conrad I and elected Charles of France as their king. At the time, the military authority in Lotharingia was assigned to Count Reginar I of Hainaut (d. 915), but at his death it fell to Wigeric, who became count palatine, exercising as such the military authority in Lotharingia.
Wigeric founded the monastery of Hastière, of which he also assumed the advocacy. He married Cunigunda, daughter of Ermentrude and granddaughter of Louis II of France. Their children were:
Frederick (d.978), count of Bar, the duke of Upper Lorraine from 959 Adalberon (d.962), bishop of Metz Gilbert (d.964), count in the Ardennes Sigebert (fl.c.942) Gozlin (d.942), count of Bidgau, married Uda of Metz, father of: Godfrey the Prisoner Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims Siegfried, count of Luxembourg Some genealogies record two other children, Henry and Liutgard, who were in fact son and daughter of another Wigeric, son of Roric, a contemporary living in the shire of Bidgau-Trier.
[edit] Primary sources FMG on Wigerich III He is first attested in 899 as count Widiacus in a charter of King Zwentibold in Trier [1]. A Wigericus, with comital rights in Trier, appears in a diploma of Louis IV dated 19 September 902: MGH Diplomata. He is usually identified with Widricus, count of the Bidgau, of a charter of Saint-Maximin dated 1 January 909 [2]. He appears in a diploma of Charles III (between 911-915) as Windricus and his son Adalberon and he received the fiefs and the advocacy of the abbeys of Saint Rumbolds at Mechelen and Hastière. The margrave of Neustria, Robert, and Reginar, margrave in Lotharingia, gave their consent. He appears for the first time with the title count palatine in a diploma of Charles as well, this time as Widricus, dated 19 January 916 at Herstal [3]. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigeric_of_Lotharingia" Categories: German nobility | House of Ardennes | Palatinate of Lotharingia | Counts of Bidgau | Franks | Frankish people
Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau Male, ( - before 919)
Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau was living between 899 and 916.1 After 910 Wigeric married Kunigunde, daughter of Ermentrude Princess of West Franks.1 Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau died before 919.1 Charts Ancestry of Edward III Children of Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau and Kunigunde Luitgarde of Trier+ 1 Gozelin Count in the Bidgau+ (a 911 - 18 Oct 943)1 Gozelin Count in the Bidgau+ (a 911 - 18 Oct 943)1 Frederick I Count of Bar and Duke of Upper Lorraine+ (a 912 - 18 May 978 or 17 Jun 984)1 Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau+ (a 922 - 998)1 Citations Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Wigeric or Wideric (French: Wigéric or Wéderic) (died before 923) was the count of the Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) and held the rights of a count within the city of Trier. He received also the advocacy of the abbey of Saint Rumbold's at Mechelen from Charles III of France. From 915 or 916 he was the count palatine of Lotharingia. He was the founder of the House of Ardennes.
At the death of Louis the Child, the Lotharingians rejected the suzerainty of Conrad I and elected Charles of France as their king. At the time, the military authority in Lotharingia was assigned to Count Reginar I of Hainaut (d. 915), but at his death it fell to Wigeric, who became count palatine, exercising as such the military authority in Lotharingia.
Wigeric founded the monastery of Hastière, of which he also assumed the advocacy. He married Cunigunda, daughter of Ermentrude and granddaughter of Louis II of France. Their children were:
Frederick (d.978), count of Bar, the duke of Upper Lorraine from 959 Adalberon (d.962), bishop of Metz Gilbert (d.964), count in the Ardennes Sigebert (fl.c.942) Gozlin (d.942), count of Bidgau, married Uda of Metz, father of: Godfrey the Prisoner Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims Siegfried, count of Luxembourg
Wigeric or Wideric (French: Wigéric or Wéderic) (died before 923) was the count of the Bidgau (pagus Bedensis) and held the rights of a count within the city of Trier. He received also the advocacy of the abbey of Saint Rumbold's at Mechelen from Charles III of France. From 915 or 916 he was the count palatine of Lotharingia. He was the founder of the House of Ardennes.
At the death of Louis the Child, the Lotharingians rejected the suzerainty of Conrad I and elected Charles of France as their king. At the time, the military authority in Lotharingia was assigned to Count Reginar I of Hainaut (d. 915), but at his death it fell to Wigeric, who became count palatine, exercising as such the military authority in Lotharingia.
Wigeric founded the monastery of Hastière, of which he also assumed the advocacy. He married Cunigunda, daughter of Ermentrude and granddaughter of Louis II of France. Their children were:
Frederick (d.978), count of Bar, the duke of Upper Lorraine from 959 Adalberon (d.962), bishop of Metz Gilbert (d.964), count in the Ardennes Sigebert (fl.c.942) Gozlin (d.942), count of Bidgau, married Uda of Metz, father of: Godfrey the Prisoner Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims Siegfried, count of Luxembourg
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Wigerich, auch Widericus, Windericus, Widiacus (* um 870; † vor 922) wird schon 899 als wichtiger Graf (comes venerabilis) genannt. Er hatte gräfliche Befugnis über die Stadt Trier, war 902 und 909 Graf im Bidgau und ab 915/916 Pfalzgraf von Lothringen. Er war auch Vogt der Sankt-Rumoldusabtei in Mechelen (als Lehen der Bischof von Lüttich) und des Klosters von Hastière.
Er war der Bruder des Abtes Friedrich von Gorze und Verdun (Saint Vanne). Vielleicht war Wigerich ein Sohn des Grafen Odacar (Ardennergau, Bidgau und Bliesgau). Er gilt jedenfalls als Stammvater der Ardennergrafen (Wigeriche).
Wigerich war mit Kunigunde (* 890/895) verheiratet, einer Enkelin Ludwigs des Stammlers und vielleicht einer Tochter von Reginar I. von Hennegau (Reginare).
Er gründete die Abtei von Hastière, wo er wahrscheinlich auch beerdigt wurde.
Kinder von Wigerich und Kunigunde sind:
* Gozelo (* um 914, † 19. April 942); ∞ 930 Uda (* 905, † 10. April 963) Tochter des Grafen Gerhard (Matfriede)
* Adalbero I. (* 910, † 26. April 962), Bischof von Metz 929-962
* Siegfried I. (* 915/917, † 26. Oktober 997), Graf im Moselgau
* Friedrich I. (* 912, 17. Juni 978), Graf von Bar und 959 Herzog von Oberlothringen
* Giselbert, Graf im Ardennergau
Bemerkungen: Werden oft auch als Kinder von Wigerich angesehen: Liutgard (* 915, bezeugt am 8. April 960); ∞ I Adalbert († 944) Graf von Metz (Matfriede); ∞ II Eberhard von Egisheim († 972/973) und ihr Bruder Heinrich (erwähnt 970). Es sind anscheinend Kinder eines Wigerich, Sohn von Roric, bezeugt im Gebiet von Graf Wigerich (diese zwei "Wigeriche" werden 909 als Zeitgenossen zitiert im Bidgau).
Urkundliche Bezeugungen [Bearbeiten]
* Als Graf Widiacus in einem Königsbrief Zwentibolds: (Trier, 899)
* Als Graf Wigericus mit gräflicher Befugnis über die Stadt Trier in einer Urkunde Ludwigs des Kindes (19. September 902). In: Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Theodor Schieffer (Hrsg.): Diplomata 11: Die Urkunden Zwentibolds und Ludwigs des Kindes (Zwentiboldi et Ludowici Infantis Diplomata). Berlin 1960, S. 120–121 (Digitalisat)
* Als Widricus, Graf im Bidgau (Trier, Reichsabtei St. Maximin, 1. Januar 909)
* Urkunde von Karl dem Einfältigen (zwischen 911-915): Graf Windricus und sein Sohn Adalberon empfangen die Lehen und die Vogtei der Sankt-Rumoldusabtei von Mecheln und des Klosters von Hastière. Wampach, C., Urkunden- und Quellenbuch zur Geschichte der altluxemburgischen Territorien bis zur burgundischen Zeit (Luxemburg 1935) I, S.164-166.
* Als Pfalzgraf (von Lothringen): Widricus in einer Urkunde von Karl dem Einfältigen in der Pfalz zu Herstal (19. Januar 916)
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Leopold von Eltester: Wigerich. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 42. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1897, S. 461.
Siehe auch [Bearbeiten]
* Wigeriche
* Stammliste der Wigeriche
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Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 6. Mai 2010 um 09:59 Uhr geändert.
899 Gf. im Bid- und Ardennengau, 916 lothringischer Pfgf. von Aachen
Chronologie de Wigerich, Pfalzgraf von Lothringen
870 |
Trier, Germany, Holy Roman Emprire
910 |
Metz, Germany
911 |
Aachen, Köln, NRW, Germany (Allemagne)
913 |
Mai 913
Aachen, Germany, Holy Roman Emprire
923 |
Âge 53
Verdun, Meuse, Lothringen, France, Holy Roman Empire
939 |
Âge 53
Duke of, Moselle, , France
Âge 53
Duke of, Moselle, , France
???? |